The Declaration of Independence, even given the 3D limitations of the men who wrote and signed it, was a great document. I use phrases from it in my book, "FULL PERMISSION LIVING: The Journey from 3rd to 5th Dimensional Consciousness," and in my blog's tag line, albeit with my own added twist: "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness... through Self-Actualization!" embellished further with a 5th Dimensional twist: "We hold these truths to be self-evident... that we create our own reality, we are all one and love is the essence of All That Is!"

Below is a repost of an FPL 4th of July "classic" - 


How about celebrating independence on Independence Day, and, you know, "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?" We aren't a colony of Great Britain's anymore, or of any other country for that matter, so what do we actually need to become independent of in present time?

How about illusion? Yes, illusion. And while we're at it, how about declaring our freedom from beliefs? From dogma? And from the repetitive, rote behaviors our illusions lead to? How about setting off the real fireworks of Reality?

Everything we suffer from is the result of an illusion. Money problems, relationship issues, a less than vibrant sex-life, the stifled expression of creativity... all are a function of holding onto to that which isn't rooted in reality. Quite frankly, it's crazy!

The laws of reality are so simple, so straightforward, so all-encompassing, you'd think everyone would be living accordingly. Soon, we will be. But it hasn't always been so. You see, on the old 3D version of planet earth, we were experimenting with letting our egos rule our experience of reality. Yes, our egos, that little part of our mind was only supposed to be a temporary stand-in for a brief time in early childhood, when fantasy was a way of adapting to untenable situations, until our Higher Self mind could be integrated and grounded into our personalities and lead the way out of the wilderness of childhood. But then, out of fear, confusion, laziness, we allowed our egos to stay in charge and become the ongoing dictators of our paths. Well, then, the lives that so many were leading were perfect examples of what the ego at its best could create - limitation, drama and fear.

On the other hand, on 5D Earth, as we align with our Higher Selves, and the simple laws of the Universe - we create our reality; we are all one; love is the essence of All That Is; and everything is in a continuous state of change - life is becoming much more like surfing. (Yes, I'm going to the beach shortly after writing this!) Instead of trying to constantly control and predict events, we are simply learning to stay balanced while the wave of our Higher Selves carried us to our first, best destiny.

On this Independence Day, then, why not celebrate your independence from illusion and wake up to the freedom of living in reality. It's not just about flags or fireworks or hot dogs (although Wes' "adult hot dogs" at the Seaview Market are something to celebrate!). It's about freedom.

Read the Declaration of Independence today. It's a remarkable document. It's about "Self-Evident Truths."

Self-Evident Truths.


This post from a while ago is about reincarnating in the same lifetime, that is "dying" and being "reborn" in a single lifetime without having to go through physical death or physical birth. It's one of my favorite subjects and very relevant to our times, because many are choosing to have this experience.

Of course, if we're talking about reincarnating in the same lifetime, we're already taking it for granted that reincarnation in the "usual" way, by dying and coming back into physical form through birth again, is a given. For clarity's sake, let's also accept that the purpose of reincarnation is to sort of reset the soul's journey through the venue of physical existence in a time continuum in order to accomplish a particular task by living a life, then dying, then being born again.

Make no mistake, the process of "regular" reincarnation is no day at the beach. Dying, but even moreso being born can be a real drag! Why? Because no matter what level of development you were at when you died, you still have to be reborn in physical existence as a helpless baby, in a state of complete ignorance, with amnesia about all that came before. And if it's not bad enough that you can't remember all the work you did in other lifetimes, even worse is the reality that you have to have parents again! Noooo!!!

On the other hand, reincarnating in the same lifetime is also quite a challenge. To accomplish it, you must do whatever it takes in terms of self-work to fulfill what you came here to do. That means no true inner desire in you is ignored and no blocks are left undealt with. Every inner belief is confronted, all supressed feelings are released, and the ego and childish self-will are surrendered to the adult and higher self. Believe me, I have literally known more than a few people who have said, when faced with that level of work, that they would rather die. And they have.

However, for those of you who relate to this, who feel that you are at a turning point in your life where you can hunker down and spiral down and out through your final years of life, or you can choose to turn everything upside down and start over again in a whole new way, this lecture is for you.

Okay, here's a marvelous section of a Pathwork Guide lecture on this subject, spelled out much more eloquently by Eva Brich and the "Guide:"

"A person who is truly on a path of accelerated development can, and frequently does, literally reincarnate in the same lifetime. As I have explained, you plan a life task for yourself before incarnation. With the aid of spiritual advisers, you plan a certain environment and certain conditions, and set certain goals of fulfillment as a task for yourself. Many, many human beings barely fulfill this task; many leave physical existence with the task unfulfilled and must return in a new embodiment to try again, perhaps under different conditions. This you know. This I have discussed. But another, quite different phenomenon is possible. And that is when a human being fulfills the task and is ready to take on a further task that would ordinarily await a new embodiment, after the person has spent some so-called time not in the body. On an accelerated path, a new incarnation can be undertaken without leaving the old body behind and creating a new incarnation.

"Thus, a laborious change and break in consciousness (normal death) can be bypassed if the personality is truly devoted to give all of itself to its own expansion and to fulfilling a seedplan that ordinarily would be activated only in a new incarnation. It can be done within the same life span. The life that would have been terminated earlier can be extended, and the new seedplan can be 'taken out' and become the task within this life span. Or, a life that might have continued in certain circumstances -- according to the old seedplan -- completely changes in feelings, expressions, experiences, environment, and task.New talents may manifest, and old ones maybe expressed differently."

Whew! What does this look like? It looks like a lot of endings first. Relationships, careers, habits - suddenly none of the old things you've held onto so dearly work for you anymore. You have to let go of almost everything that constituted your life as you've know it. This is hard and scary, and a lot of stalling and hesitation occurs when a person reaches this point. But I have to say, I've had the pleasure of witnessing a handful of people arrive to that border and perservere in crossing it.

Here's the Guide again:

"A path such as this one you have chosen is indeed a very rare and intense one. Some of you may already connect intuitively with a complete change in your life experience, so that other potentialities that would have remained dormant in the incarnation you were born into can now come to the fore. With less development, these potentialities would remain to be expressed only in a future lifetime.

"This change is a wonderful occurrence. It is an acceleration of the organic movement. And in this extended period of energetic influx of the Christ consciousness, there are more individuals opening themselves to this change. When you do not shrink from it, when you trust it and go with it, you can indeed bring forth a second incarnation within one embodiment.

"I suggest that you practice active meditation and visualization in which you trust change as the most desirable, positive, brilliant, and joyful phenomenon, which you want to go with and not stem against. A further suggestion has to do with the familiar. You feel safe in a familiar territory, even though this territory may actually be less safe than the unfamiliar one. So you frequently remain in a constricted and confined circumference to avoid the imagined danger of the unfamiliar."

Yes, this is the librarian in "The "Shawshank Redemption." Remember him? He was in prison for so long that in spite of the confinement, when his time was up, he became deathly afraid of freedom. The prison walls became embued with feelings of familiarity and safety for him, while the open expanse of a free life was the threatening unknown. Tim Robbins character, on the other hand, in a metaphor for the whatever-it-takes energy, chipped through the stone wall for years, broke through that, then had to wade through "five hundred yards of shit" to finally get to freedom. Morgan Freeman's character is us at the turning point. He's done his hard time, and now has to choose: go back to the known element of prison again or follow Tim Robbins to freedom and the great unknown.

Here's the Guide:

"Living a full life always means stepping beyond the old fences and making new territory your own familiar ground, in which you soon feel as comfortable as in the old. Realizing yourself means feeling comfortable in a new self-expression. That is the task. And only the first few whiffs of the new experience are unfamiliar. Soon the new becomes the familiar, and you expand your circumference; you expand the territory for your psychic 'at homeness' until finally all the universe and all states of consciousness are truly your own, intensely familiar. Then you are one with the universe."


By the way, how many near death experiences have you had? Stop and think before you answer. Car accidents? Falls? Allergic reactions? Wiping out while surfing or skiing? These may have been moments when you were giving yourself the option to check out of physical reality, but decided instead to stay. Like railroad track switches, those moments may have defined and informed the next phase of your journey in this lifetime.

Interesting, huh?


This is from Chapter 16 of Full Permission Living - 

 The Book On Revelations

Before turning in the next section of this book to specifically what constitutes a top down approach to clearing our physical, emotional and mental bodies by raising our vibration and accelerating our ascension (the “run-up”) to 5D consciousness, let’s take an overview look at where we are now, where we’re going, and what some of the guidelines and understandings are that can help facilitate this journey from 4D to 5D. 


            This moment in what in we think of as time, is considered by many who understand the trajectory of consciousness through said time as a threshold moment. On 12/21/12, the Mayan calendar ended its predictive recordings after 5,126 years. Some saw this as a portent of the biblical prophecies in the Book of Revelations part of the New Testament, most of which have been (mis)interpreted as catastrophic. Others saw this moment as the beginning of a golden age and a mass raising of consciousness, the beginning of the “Age of Aquarius.” 


            In fact, both perspectives were valid in that, in that we are setting the stage for the end of the world as we know it, in preparation for a time of momentous positive transformation and elevation of consciousness. I feel fine. (Thank you R.E.M.)


            Revelations is where most apocalyptic adherents see the backup for their dire predictions. The book foretells of humanity going through a triadic process during cataclysmic End Times, broken down into the “Rapture,” the “Tribulation,” and the thousand-year “Golden Age.” These predictions about our era, in and of themselves, are remarkably prescient, though, again, mistakenly characterized and distorted through a childish, fearful and fantastical lens. 

Read more here:


You see, the difference between really working on, challenging and releasing your inner beliefs and suppressed feelings, and just trying to superimpose new beliefs over other ones is that... you burn your feet!

Check out this news item:

SAN FRANCISCO -- Fire officials said 21 people at an event hosted by motivational speaker Tony Robbins suffered burns while walking across hot coals and three of the injured were treated at hospitals. The injuries took place during the first day Thursday of a four-day event at the San Jose Convention Center hosted by Robbins called "Unleash the Power Within." Most of those hurt had second and third degree burns, said San Jose Fire Department Capt. Reggie Williams. Walking across hot coals on lanes measuring 10 feet long and heated to between 1,200 to 2,000 degrees provides attendees an opportunity to "understand that there is absolutely nothing you can't overcome," according to the motivational speaker's website.

Yeah, thanks for the demonstration, Tony!

Listen folks, it is certainly possible to uproot and overcome any belief system, including major collective beliefs like gravity, the need to breathe air and the destructive power of fire on human flesh. What is not possible is to do the above by simply wishing you can or believing in a huckster's rantings when you haven't done the self-work necessary to be that transcendent.



This is a subject that is somewhat difficult to grapple with. When I propose to people I see for therapy that their anxiety is something they're attached to - out of familiarity, for the adrenaline rush, as a distraction from other feelings - the usual responses go something like: "But I hate feeling like this!" It's not pleasurable at all!"

Nonetheless, an addiction to anxiety is very real, and a very real dilemma for a lot of people, just like an addiction to intensity is. (See this very good Pathwork Guide Lecture on that subject)

Here's a link to an article on this very subject by Casey Schwartz, a graduate of Brown University with a Masters Degree in psychodynamic neuroscience from University College London.

And here's some excerpts:

"Considering that anxiety makes your palms sweat, your heart race, your stomach turn somersaults, and your brain seize up like a car with a busted transmission, it's no wonder people reach for the Xanax to vanquish it. But in a surprise, researchers who study emotion regulation—how we cope, or fail to cope, with the daily swirl of feelings—are discovering that many anxious people are bound and determined (though not always consciously) to cultivate anxiety. The reason, studies suggest, is that for some people anxiety boosts cognitive performance, while for others it actually feels comforting."

“Some people get addicted to feeling anxious because that’s the state that they’ve always known. If they feel a sense of calm, they get bored.”

"Wanting to feel an emotion is not the same thing as enjoying that emotion, points out neuroscientist Kent Berridge of the University of Michigan, who discovered that wanting and liking are mediated by two distinct sets of neurotransmitters."

Hey, folks, try to relax!


This passage is from Chapter 19, "It’s Getting Better All The Time," of my book, FULL PERMISSION LIVING: The Journey from 3rd to 5th Dimensional Consciousness - 
“You sit on the cusp of major shift; don’t watch your news because it will tell you differently. The news is still stuck in the rut of doom. Just like the films you see. Be prepared for some new script writers, some new films that talk about the magnificence of the society called humanity, writing stories about the shift in ways you’ve never seen. You see, it’s coming. Get ready.” 
THIS is from the NY Times 5 years ago:

"Why 2018 Was the Best Year in Human History!"

THIS is from today's NY Times:


This is from The Book of Truth," channeled by Paul Selig:

"The presupposition that any attunement we give you can be deciphered by you and then explained will leave you witless, because the level of operation that we align you at actually has no language, and our efforts to imprint you with language are succeeding because of the intonation that we incorporate in your field. If you can imagine that the claims you make with us are chords that play, and the intention is set in language so you have a comprehension of what is becoming as you, you will understand this a little better. The amplitude of the frequency that we are working with here is vast and can hold a million and more just in the idea of its potential. In its realization as and through each of you, it holds untold millions."

Whoa! In other words, language is not our first language. Rather, it is a vehicle for transmitting and exchanging energy, vibrations, intentions.

This is a repost (below) that I initially wrote for the holidays, but it expresses a message for any time of year.



Okay, then, the two most guilt-trip-ridden, obligation-driven holidays are over, Christmas, of course, far surpassing Thanksgiving, and any other holiday, not only in guilt, but also in sudden deaths from heart attacks.(For one explanation of why we do this to ourselves, see the FPL piece: "DON'T LET YOUR HEART BREAK ON CHRISTMAS!")

Another reason we end up undermined (and overfed ) during the holidays, and in general throughout our lives, is that we don't listen to what our relatives and others are saying to us... energetically.

Mom might say things like: "You never know how long I'm going to be around, so you better come home for the holidays or..."

Dad might say: "Remember, your family members are the only ones you can ever truly count on being there for you, so..."

You might say to yourself: "I don't think we got enough presents for the kids. They're going to feel deprived."

Ready to click on the guilt machine, yet? Well, wait before you do and ask yourself this: How do you feel when someone lays a guilt trip on you? Do you feel an increase in your desire to engage with them, an excitement about visiting them more often, joyful in your gift giving? Of course not, unless you're stuck within the confines of your masochistic character structure, and love feeling guilty and anxious.

No. In truth, when someone guilt-trips you, you feel repelled by their attempts to manipulate you, don't you? And the idea of seeing them becomes less joyful and more burdensome. Yet, over the river and through the woods to Grandmother's house you go, and on into debt from breaking the bank on Amazon Prime (Don't you love that same day delivery?!).

Well, guess what? Your feelings of repulsion are not a measure of your "selfishness," but rather an accurate energetic/emotional response to the true message that the guilt-tripper is sending to you energetically, a message that you're ignoring because you're paying more attention to the words than the energy. That's right, when Mom threatens you with her pending death, or Dad threatens you with your pending abandonment, they are actually saying "Don't come home for the holidays. Stay away. Go. Do your own thing. Live your life. We spent two decades taking care of you. Now, we don't want to cook or put up a tree. We want to go on a cruise for the holidays. Alone. Leave the nest already!"

And when you're dumping tons of toys on your kids and you notice that they get increasingly agitated as the present opening goes on and on, it's because energetically, without words, you are saying to them: "Aren't I a good dad? Don't you love Mommy? Won't you always appreciate me? A lot?!" In other words, you're telling your kids: "Giving you all these gifts is a real hassle and expense, and I wish I didn't have to do it to earn your love!"

So, here's the news - You don't!

First of all, "All Love Is Unconditional," so you can't earn more. (See FPL"S Truth About Everything: Part TWO)  And like all animals and all other living beings, a human being's first language is energy. Not English, Spanish, Arabic, etc. Our first language, and the way we truly communicate to each other, first and foremost, is with vibrations of energy. "Vibes." But unlike animals, human beings have egos and intellects that can override our nature and inherent energy sensors when engaging with others. As a result, through spoken language, we communicate superficially from beliefs and social conditioning that are very often at odds with how we really feel, and therefore, against our well-being and the greater good of others.

So, folks, don't go home for the holidays or spend your hard-earned money on light sabers or selfie sticks. Have some Johnny Walker Gold Reserve by the fire with your lover, let your kids actually have the time and space to play with one or two thoughtful presents, and leave your parents alone!


Have you noticed that some people can seem very sure of themselves even though they are predominantly living in a state of unreality in many areas, while some people seem to judge themselves for feeling confused about things, when in fact they are much closer to the truth than the falsely confident are. One cannot skip steps to arrive at genuine clarity, and one cannot get there simply by acting sure of oneself.

One way that I’ve conceptualized the process of personal evolution has been as a kind of three-part journey from false clarity to genuine confusion to genuine clarity.

Initially, when someone first arrives to a place where they're ready to take the step of engaging in a full-spectrum self-work process, they are in a state that I’ve found myself thinking of as "false clarity." This is a frame of mind in which one’s personal belief systems are so firmly in place and embedded so far down in the subconscious mind that the person feels certain of their validity, rarely questioning them. From this place, people will frequently start sentences out with "I believe…"

"I believe that I can't only get what I want through the manipulation of myself and others."
"I believe that if I am honest and assert myself directly, no one will like me."
"I believe that if I acted strictly according to my desires, I’d be out of control."
"I believe it’s impossible for Eros and passion to last in a relationship."
"I believe that if I want something done right, I have to do it myself, because no one will ever be there for me."
"I believe that to truly give to others means to sacrifice something of what I want."

And so on…ad infinitum. There are many, many such axioms or beliefs with variations and derivatives aplenty. (In my class on beliefs, and in each of the character structure classes, I present a more extensive list of some of the more common beliefs that we run our lives by.)

Since these beliefs are not doubted for the most part, the person initially coming for therapy is seeking ways to better cope with what are accepted as the harsh “realities" of their life. Much energy has been invested in trying to find better and better ways of manipulating the self and other people to "get what I want". To that end, a person will develop what some theorists have referred to as "masks" ("personas", according to Carl Jung), or false selves, constructed to present to the world in order to gain sought after praise, recognition, validation or other substitutes for what they truly need: unconditional self-love. Indeed, many come to therapy looking to polish up their masks so they might "work better", and are surprised to find out that a key part of the actual self work is, in fact, to expose and "take off" the masks.

One of the first endeavors in a person’s unfolding process, then, is to begin uncovering the embedded beliefs behind the masks, and challenging their validity, thereby confronting the false clarity they offer as a substitute for real knowingness and security. It is not easy. Indeed, if you believe something so thoroughly, you will invite, create or only be able to see that very thing in your life most of the time, so its reality will seem absolute. And, if you have been so invested for so long in a particular method of trying to attain a modicum of happiness, you will not readily forgo it. To face that a strategy that you have been devoting much of your life force to is actually faulty is a heartbreaking proposition.

Let’s consider a common scenario. A person may come to therapy because they have had a series of love relationships in which they’ve found themselves feeling emotionally deprived. In spite of tireless efforts to be agreeable, accommodating and self-sacrificing, they were just "not getting enough" - attention, sex, support, appreciation or affection from their partner. This person feels so defeated and frustrated because while they believe that there really isn’t enough love in the world to go around, they are sure that the way to get what is available is by being…agreeable, accommodating and self-sacrificing! What they are in denial of is the fact that their accommodating, etc., behavior is part of a mask, attempting to hide a very demanding and childish attitude towards their loved one based on a buried belief in deprivation. The partner being bombarded with these masked demands will often withdraw and indeed be less inclined to "give" affection, etc. This then seems to validate the underlying belief that "there is not enough." So therefore, one must manipulate even more, all the while building up a stockpile of resentment. On and on, in a self-fulfilling, vicious cycle that Eva Broch referred to in one of her Pathwork Guide Lectures as a "circular trap." The failure of the manipulations to get more of what is wanted is often what brings the person to therapy, seeking to find out what they’re doing "wrong", why the mask they’re sure is based in reality is not having its designed effect.

This is life in a state of false clarity. Sure you’re right, sure you know how life works, but inexplicably unhappy, which, if the beliefs are seen as clearly right, can only lead the person to the conclusion that they are "failing" - meaning manipulating inadequately.

So, where can one go from there, from this place where the self is so rigidly defined according to firmly held beliefs that only lead to frustration and a sense of inadequacy? When blocked feelings are released through an integrated mind-body-spirit psychotherapy, the embedded beliefs start appearing in higher relief. This is because the beliefs were previously being used to justify keeping emotions trapped in the body. As the emotional channels are opened, the old beliefs become subject to challenge and dismantling. People find themselves at that point without the familiar, stereotypical ways of viewing the world, themselves and others. They feel somewhat lost at first, anxiously free-floating for a while and they will experience a shift in their "I am" completion to the more immediate feeling expressions. "I am…feeling lost now. I don’t know how to act. What can I count on? Where can I find security?" Meaning, without the illusions created by projecting static images into the future, what can they count on for predictability? Again, the reason they are in therapy in the first place is because they realize that their lives have never successfully followed their projections anyway, and the fulfillment promised by the illusions always seemed to remain unattainable or just out of reach. Now, they are starting to realize that they didn’t know what they thought they knew. Now, they are in a state of "genuine confusion!" At this moment, I usually congratulate patients! It is here, at the "I don’t know who I am" place, that true wisdom begins.

What keeps people going at this stage, fortunately, is that despite the confusion, they feel better, and often, in spite of an apparent lack of direction, their outer lives frequently are improving. For one person, it may be physical health that improves, for another financial abundance arrives, or work-life becomes more creative. For still others, they break through a relationship barrier. Yet, for all, it is really the new inner feeling of self-possession and inner connectedness that provides motivation.

At this stage of the process, the person in the above example has uncovered a belief in deprivation and scarcity of love that’s been embedded in the subconscious mind since very early in childhood, based on a less-than-fully-gratifying relationship with a parent. The feelings stored in the body since that time, the hurt and rage, have also now been energized through the therapy and partially released at this stage as well. The origins of the person’s masks are getting uncovered and seen as primitive attempts by the child to "get more" from a parent - with poor results, of course. It is now becoming understood that the world of love has been viewed through this tainted lens for the last two, three, four or more decades, since infancy usually. It is experienced as a revelation to consider that one could be fully gratified in an adult relationship, could give and receive all of the love that one is capable of without having to do anything to "get it". It is also startling to realize that one has discounted or ignored the possibilities for greater love because to see that would have run counter to the "absolutely certain" beliefs that they were holding onto. This is a point at which the resistance to being "wrong" about one’s strategy for living gets confronted. It is painful. One is faced with the fact that all of the feelings of failure and frustration, and of course, self-hate, were not based on reality at all, but on an erroneous conclusion about life which originated in early childhood. Great courage is required by the person to forge on here.

If one does indeed forge ahead, what is the next step on the journey?

When the deep primal feelings have been to a great extent released, and the core negative beliefs very much unveiled, the person comes to a new place of overall inner security and openness that provides both confidence to trust what one knows in the moment, and simultaneously, flexibility to re-evaluate one’s "knowledge" and change when called to do so. This is "genuine clarity."

The person knows how they feel in the moment, and is aware of their immediate inner thought processes as well. Judgmental attitudes about emotions and the contents of one’s mind are not held onto. A person at this stage follows their instincts in major decisions without a lot of second-guessing or rigidly gripping to projections and anticipated outcomes. When one is in a state of genuine clarity, the truth of matters is no longer mainly sought through deductive reasoning, but rather through inner resonance with the truth, and actions are decided upon by trusting "gut feelings." The person at this stage knows that whatever transpires, they will be open and flexible enough to creatively move with the events. Mistakes and temporary obstacles are accepted as information, not measured against images of perfection or rigid beliefs about success or failure. One can experience the "joy of being wrong" in this state, that is the freedom from needing to come up with the "right" strategies, free from worrying about "blowing it" when making decisions, etc.

In our example, the person who once believed in deprivation now knows through experience that life is abundant with opportunities to exchange love and pleasure with another and that the only "efforts" one must make to that end are to keep the emotional channels in oneself clear. Gratifying experiences have begun to come to this person, now in genuine clarity, without manipulation, indeed, without even "wanting" them in the old way at all. "Good things" seem to just arrive as a by-product of being more genuinely oneself. The person understands, too, that we all act like magnets for experiences in life, and that we will attract whatever we are "charged up" with. If it is joy and love that we are energized with, we will attract joy and love. If it is hostility, likewise that is what we will attract. So, unpleasurable events are dealt with by going within to examine one’s inner state. The person is also clear now that one’s attitude towards oneself is one’s attitude toward others. (I believe that a common misunderstanding of "Love thy neighbor as thyself" is corrected intuitively by the person in this place. Most people think this expression means you should love your neighbor as much as you love yourself, as if it were a rule for behavior. In fact, I believe it means that you will love your neighbor to the degree that you love yourself.)

The person who has achieved genuine clarity will also feel it in their body when they are in truth. No other "proof" will be needed to determine the "rightness" for them of courses of action. This person will explain, "I have to do this or that because it just feels right." They will also say about their actions, "To do otherwise would be not being my-self."


I have spoken often about the concept of free will, and as in the "Serenity Prayer," what it actually means in the larger scheme of things, where it applies and where it doesn't. I've used the analogy of human beings as swimmers in a powerful river, said river being our Higher Self will, our destiny. One can exercise free will as a human being by swimming against the current, struggling, fighting, ultimately exhausting oneself, or one can turn around, and go with the flow, having a much smoother and faster time time of it on this trip called physical life.

The key point I've made, however, is that someone on the bank of the river would see that whether you're swimming against the current or going with the flow, either way, you're being taken downstream to your destination, which is self-actualization and awakening to the truth of your oneness with All That Is.

We are almost home, folks, almost at our destination, which is to wake up and remember who we are as conscious creators of our reality. We are coming to understand that the conflicts and limitations we've experienced for seemingly so long were just part of a mega-game we created. But now, arriving back home (And it's not necessary anymore to leave physical life to get there.), we can enjoy being human beings in the fullest, most ecstatic ways. That's why we came here in the first place.

Here's an eloquent description of the moment from "Oneness":

There would be no exultation in the discovery of the first tastes of limitlessness, were that experience not preceded by massive doses of the experience of limitation. The journey was designed, by you, to deliver you back to the beginning, but not before you were given every opportunity to experience fully what it was like to have ventured far from home. You embarked on this adventure fully confident that the signposts and maps would be there, at the appropriate moment, to enable you to return safely. For, you placed them there yourself, to await your own rediscovery, after an appropriate amount of time was provided for you to forget, totally, where they were hiding. Since this is your game, you structured it to be challenging and exciting, yet built in safeguards that would insure your safe return. At the deepest level, you know that there is no way you can fail at this. You will not be stranded for all eternity in the illusion of separation because you did not 'get it.' You have seen to that. You have simply programmed sufficient detours and side trips into the itinerary to insure the greatest possible sense of gratification in discovering that you are, at last, heading home. You are heading home whether you consciously subscribe to such ideas in the present time period or not. For the energy that propels you in that direction does not emanate from the limited perspective of your conscious physical identity, but rather, is being directed from a place of greater awareness that knows, like a loving parent, that you have been ‘out there’ long enough.”

Here's the Serenity Prayer with some revisions I've made for my meditation purposes. See if you can spot the changes and why I made them:

"God grants me the serenity to accept the things that my ego and lower self will cannot change; God grants me the courage and mindful intention and Higher Self Will to change the things I can; God grants me the Wisdom in my knowing of myself as Word to know the difference."




And you're gonna feel fine!

Biblical aficionados might hear those lyrics from the 1987 hit song by R.E.M. as an anthem celebrating the Apocalypse. They might even relish the expectation of being “raptured” up to Heaven at the moment that the End Times come. They might see physical life mainly as a proving ground where one struggles with relationship, money and health issues in an ongoing battle between greed and deprivation, good and evil, righteousness and debauchery, and only holding onto a hope that there is an afterlife reward waiting for those who profess the correct beliefs when the “end of the world” arrives offers the promise of relief.

In addition to prophesies contained in the Book of Revelations almost 2 millennia ago, those revealed by Nostradamus in the 16th Century and Edgar Cayce in the 20th Century, along with many lesser known prophets along the way right up until the present, all seem to likewise point to this moment in history as the tipping point of humanity’s existence on Earth. Even the Mayan calendar, which doesn’t go past our era, is interpreted as a foreshadowing of the end of days for us all.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Or not.

What if what was being presaged by these soothsayers was something else? Not the existential end of humanity as a race, but rather the end of how we’ve known existence, reality, and ourselves for centuries upon centuries of linear time? What if what we’re in the process of discovering about it all is going to leave us feeling not just fine, but truly rapturous?! What if we are in the midst not of a cataclysmic debacle, but rather a great transformation, one so profoundly positive that all that has come before, all that has been familiar, “the world as we know it,” will be gladly let go of?

Have you noticed that everything old is "dying?" Old not as in old age or chronology, but old as in energy, the energy of 3D limited, dualistic, linear consciousness? Don't let the Republican National Convention madness and the rise of Donald Trump fool you. What you are witnessing there, presumably from a safe distance if you're reading this blog, is the old paradigm of 3D limitation in its death throes. Thus the maniacal and futile kicking and screaming in Cleveland and on FOX News.

In fact, what is happening is that we are approaching the final year - 2017 - of a transition that began with the wave of shifts arriving on 12/12/12, and is accelerating at a greater and greater rate right now toward a future that is going to be startling in its awesomeness!

In 3D, it was all about survival. No more. New quantum tools are becoming available, our DNA is literally being restructured (see the work of neuroscientist, Dr. Joe Dispensa), and as a result, said DNA will be working more efficiently in tandem with consciousness. This alliance will lead to more commonplace spontaneous healings, and ultimately the disappearance of illness and disease altogether.

We will experience the end of karma in the days ahead, no longer needing to "work things through" from the past (Which prompted me a while ago to write the post below: "THE END OF THERAPY AS WE KNEW IT!"), and we will discover that our own personal "akashic records" are not a library of who we've been, but rather a pool of energy that combines all of our lifetimes into a well of wisdom and knowledge that we will be able to draw upon at will. I
ntuition and "planned synchronicity" will replace intellect and logic as our guiding principles. Merely by paying attention to synchronicities, we will be able to invoke them more readily. 

As judgments, beliefs and fear fall by the wayside, we will all experience "enlightenment," and as Earth becomes a "graduate planet," many more individuals, old souls first, will become masters who can affect or change matter with consciousness, and create things out of energy. It's already happening!

So, strap in, folks - we're headed towards becoming a planet of light!"


This is from a post entitled, "CHANGE CAN BE EFFORTLESS," on the Higher Frequencies website of Wendy Kennedy:

"Many of you currently repeat to yourselves, 'I can’t. No matter what I do, things never change. I don’t know how. I know these higher spiritual concepts, but it’s hard for me!' Well, the truth of it is that it can be easy. It can be effortless, but you cling to the old stories of self. Sometimes out of the fear of safety and self preservation. Sometimes out of acceptance or rather the fear of not being accepted. Sometimes you cling to the old so you may maintain the illusion of control. The universe is like a vast and flowing river. You have the choice to effortlessly flow with it or frantically try to cling to the shore.

This is from the recent FPL post entitled, "GIVE THANKS! THE RIVER IS TAKING YOU, WHETHER YOU KNOW IT OR NOT!":

"One can exercise free will as a human being by swimming against the current, struggling, fighting, ultimately exhausting oneself, or one can turn around, and go with the flow, having a much smoother and faster time of it on this trip called physical life... The key point I've made, however, is that someone on the bank of the river would see that whether you're swimming against the current or going with the flow, either way, you're being taken downstream to your destination, which is self-actualization and awakening to the truth of your oneness with All That Is."

Well, there's a really revolutionary aspect to this, now, folks. Right now, right here, in this home stretch in the run-up to 5D, the river is roaring! The power of the current, the literal energetic rapids thrusting us forward into full 5th Dimensional consciousness, is rapidly altering the process... of process!

Here's more from the Higher Frequencies piece:

"It is not for you to have to mentally solve every single 'issue' you have but rather for you to more consciously and consistently align your vibration. For in truth, no issue is ever solved at the level of the ego, a.k.a the operating system of the mind. Integration happens from the higher level of consciousness or the operating system of the heart. Because of your engrained belief that the ego is in control, most of you will not fully release a lower thought or emotion until you are capable of mentally perceiving it. As you align your beliefs with the awareness that you are a Divine Being of Light having a physical experience, the conscious awareness of a subconscious belief is no longer required. It is simply a matter of maintenance of vibrational alignment. In truth this awareness never was, but as you identified with your egoic self you added a step in the integration process that said, 'I must figure this out.”

Whoa! Now, I've been a therapist in a variety of modalities for over 30 years, and consider myself to be operating pretty far out of any traditional box. But no matter what the approach I employed or experimented with, one thing I always accepted as truth was that the "the conscious awareness of a subconscious belief" absolutely was a requirement for self-actualization.

But I have to admit, I have found myself more and more, especially over the last few years, skipping steps. And it's not because I've become jaded or lazy, but because I have to keep up with my patients who are moving through their evolution at warp speed! The younger ones especially are doing in 2 years or less what took us First Wavers 10 to 20 years! (Take heart, though, 50-somethings, you're moving at warp speed, too, now. You did the job you signed up for, cutting a swath through the jungles of 3D for the First Wavers, the under-30-somethings, and now you're serving the coffee to them as they wake up. Many thanks... to us!)

More on Effortless Change:

"What is the frequency you would like to experience? Joy, gratitude, infinite abundance, connection, acceptance, ease, grace, peace? When you work with the ego, you tend to think about creating a specific form to experience one of those frequencies and usually only in one area of your life. One of the benefits of working [directly] with frequency rather than focusing on form is that the universe assists you in receiving the frequency in multiple forms and typically by expeditious means. Too much of your energy is focused on the masculine 'doing' state and not enough on the feminine 'being' state. I will be _____ when I _____. I will BE something after I DO something else. In higher dimensional existence where there is no time, both [what you desire and what manifests in your life] are simultaneous expressions."

And a bit more:

"As it has been more socially acceptable to be mental rather than emotional, some of you may find this a bit challenging. But as we said, you do know at the subconscious level exactly what the frequency [of joy, gratitude, abundance...] is. It may simply take some practice to identify what that actually feels like in the body. For others, you believe accessing these frequencies will be too painful so you refuse to allow yourselves to open. In your past you have experienced strong negative emotions and as a result have closed down access to all emotion. Your belief is that if you start to feel you will unearth all the pain that has been suppressed. Sometimes you may momentarily experience those frequencies, but it is the pathway to integration and the release of pain. Pain is perception, and you may choose to experience it for thirty seconds or thirty years [Or 38 years!]. It is up to you. If you choose to perceive an experience through the lens of victim/perpetrator then you will experience pain. If you choose to perceive it through that of co-creator, you are able to release any pain and observe the experience from a neutral space."

Okay, so practically speaking, what does this mean in terms of self-work? It means that the proportion of time spent excavating the past from our memory banks and bodies needs to be matched and ultimately surpassed by the time spent practicing, through meditation and focused intention, giving ourselves access to our Higher Selves and Universal consciousness. It means being willing to change, to give up our previous sense of self, our identities, our attachments to linear time and physical limitation, to conflict and obstacles, etc., and leaping into the greater, vast unknown where everything is possible and manifestation is instant.

Are you ready?! If you think not, remember, you're going anyway, so you can only choose to make it more difficult.

If you think you are ready, then remember the Zen proverb:

"You should meditate 20 minutes every day, unless you are too busy, in which case, you should meditate an hour each day."


Okay, here's a bit of sock-'em-in-the-gut news that came in on the psychic airwaves during a very powerful channeling session.

You have read on this blog many times that you create your own reality. Some may still not understand that this statement is meant literally, not figuratively, but even physicists these days can readily tell you that it is consciousness that directs the energy which gives form to matter. (For an even more "scientific" understanding of this process read Jane Roberts channeling "Seth" in the mind-expanding book, "The Nature of Personal Reality").

Furthermore, said reality is not created in a static way, like "There, I created a chair and it's done." No. That chair is being created continuously by you, as long as you choose to experience having it. In other words, all that surrounds you is being created by you constantly, moment to infinitesimal moment, to the degree that you are aware of "having" your creations around you. And guess what?

That takes energy!

And plenty of it. Yep. So, here's the shocker delivered yesterday about you and your stuff - Get ready hoarders! - When you wake up in the morning, the first thing you do, before the bathroom, before coffee, every morning, is recreate all your stuff!

That's right. All that you're used to having around you, all that you expect to be there, has to be created as soon as you awaken from your vacation in the spirit world known as sleep. And that is another reason why you're so exhausted. Those clothes you never wear, but keep in your closet just in case, the books and magazines you never read, but think you might one day, old tacky jewelry, trinkets and trash alike, all of it. Even that chair you never sit in. All of it has to be created by your consciousness... until you decide, literally, to let go of it. That's one of the reasons vacations are so relaxing, because we go to a new environment and leave most of our stuff behind, so our consciousness can be freer to experience the now without the clutter.

So, look around you, folks. Everything you see is the result of an expenditure of your creative energy. If you're too tired to finish that screenplay, or to start that book, or to try that new recipe, or to just create more abundance or love in your life, maybe there's some old shoes you can give away.



Go HERE to hear the oldie but goodie by Loffredo/Saperstein on this subject.


Okay, folks, this is top shelf stuff, bottom line, how it really works, whether you're conscious of it or not, whether you agree with it or not, whether you like it or not! If we could really nail this, really know this consciously, and utilize it, well... we'd be living in alignment with 5D consciousness.

This article is from the book, "Zero Limits," by Dr. Joe Vitale.

Here's the excerpt -

The World's Most Unusual Therapist
by Dr. Joe Vitale

Two years ago, I heard about a therapist in Hawaii who cured a complete ward of criminally insane patients--without ever seeing any of them. The psychologist would study an inmate's chart and then look within himself to see how he created that person's illness. As he improved himself, the patient improved.

When I first heard this story, I thought it was an urban legend. How could anyone heal anyone else by healing himself? How could even the best self-improvement master cure the criminally insane?

It didn't make any sense. It wasn't logical, so I dismissed the story.

However, I heard it again a year later. I heard that the therapist had used a Hawaiian healing process called ho 'oponopono. I had never heard of it, yet I couldn't let it leave my mind. If the story was at all true, I had to know more.

I had always understood "total responsibility" to mean that I am responsible for what I think and do. Beyond that, it's out of my hands. I think that most people think of total responsibility that way. We're responsible for what we do, not what anyone else does. The Hawaiian therapist who healed those mentally ill people would teach me an advanced new perspective about total responsibility.

His name is Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len. We probably spent an hour talking on our first phone call. I asked him to tell me the complete story of his work as a therapist. He explained that he worked at Hawaii State Hospital for four years. That ward where they kept the criminally insane was dangerous. Psychologists quit on a monthly basis. The staff called in sick a lot or simply quit. People would walk through that ward with their backs against the wall, afraid of being attacked by patients. It was not a pleasant place to live, work, or visit.

Dr. Len told me that he never saw patients. He agreed to have an office and to review their files. While he looked at those files, he would work on himself. As he worked on himself, patients began to heal.

After a few months, patients that had to be shackled were being allowed to walk freely. Others who had to be heavily medicated were getting off their medications. And those who had no chance of ever being released were being freed.

I was in awe.

Not only that, but the staff began to enjoy coming to work. Absenteeism and turnover disappeared. We ended up with more staff than we needed because patients were being released, and all the staff was showing up to work. Today, that ward is closed.

This is where I had to ask the million dollar question: "What were you doing within yourself that caused those people to change?"

"I was simply healing the part of me that created them," he said.

I didn't understand.

Dr. Len explained that total responsibility for your life means that everything in your life - simply because it is in your life--is your responsibility. In a literal sense the entire world is your creation.

Whew. This is tough to swallow. Being responsible for what I say or do is one thing. Being responsible for what everyone in my life says or does is quite another. Yet, the truth is this: if you take complete responsibility for your life, then everything you see, hear, taste, touch, or in any way experience is your responsibility because it is in your life.

This means that terrorist activity, the president, the economy--anything you experience and don't like--is up for you to heal. They don't exist, in a manner of speaking, except as projections from inside you. The problem isn't with them, it's with you, and to change them, you have to change you.

I know this is tough to grasp, let alone accept or actually live. Blame is far easier than total responsibility, but as I spoke with Dr. Len, I began to realize that healing for him and in ho 'oponopono means loving yourself. If you want to improve your life, you have to heal your life. If you want to cure anyone--even a mentally ill criminal--you do it by healing you.

I asked Dr. Len how he went about healing himself. What was he doing, exactly, when he looked at those patients' files?

"I just kept saying, 'I'm sorry' and 'I love you' over and over again," he explained.

That's it?

That's it.

Turns out that loving yourself is the greatest way to improve yourself, and as you improve yourself, your improve your world. Let me give you a quick example of how this works: one day, someone sent me an email that upset me. In the past I would have handled it by working on my emotional hot buttons or by trying to reason with the person who sent the nasty message. This time, I decided to try Dr. Len's method. I kept silently saying, "I'm sorry" and "I love you," I didn't say it to anyone in particular. I was simply evoking the spirit of love to heal within me what was creating the outer circumstance.

Within an hour I got an e-mail from the same person. He apologized for his previous message. Keep in mind that I didn't take any outward action to get that apology. I didn't even write him back. Yet, by saying "I love you," I somehow healed within me what was creating him.

I later attended a ho 'oponopono workshop run by Dr. Len. He's now 70 years old, considered a grandfatherly shaman, and is somewhat reclusive. He praised my book, The Attractor Factor. He told me that as I improve myself, my book's vibration will raise, and everyone will feel it when they read it. In short, as I improve, my readers will improve.

"What about the books that are already sold and out there?" I asked.

"They aren't out there," he explained, once again blowing my mind with his mystic wisdom. "They are still in you."

In short, there is no out there.

It would take a whole book to explain this advanced technique with the depth it deserves. Suffice it to say that whenever you want to improve anything in your life, there's only one place to look: inside you.

"When you look, do it with love."


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