Having trouble finding your keys? Your reading glasses? Remembering appointments? Have you walked out of our home in your slippers or pajamas? Are you feeling disoriented, forgetting events shortly after they occurred, or having frequent deja vu experiences or prescient moments, seeing events before they occur? 

Are you relying on your iCalendar, Siri, or "Alexa" more and more to remind you to buy toilet paper or take the chicken out of the fridge? (Or did you forget to buy the TP and chicken altogether because you didn't tell Siri to remind you?)

Are you fearing that you have early onset Alzheimer's or dementia?

Well, fear not. What you are experiencing is the acceleration of your ascension to 5D consciousness. You brain and your body, and the Earth and Universe, as well, are being recalibrated to a higher frequency that will match the energy of 5D (See my recent FPL post, "YES! WE'RE GOING!).

And guess what...?

Memory is becoming obsolete!

That's right!

Just like you no longer have to download programs or documents to your computer, storing them in memory bytes, using up space on your hard drive in order to acquire and keep information, but can instead now stream from the "cloud"what you need to know when you need to know it, your mind can now access the cloud of the collective consciousness.

"On a blog called, "Healing Energy Tools," there is an piece entitled, "You Are Not Losing Your Memory."

Here are some excerpts:

"You are changing over from left brain function to more of a right brain function. Areas of the brain are being activated to cope with the higher energy coming in. Sometimes it is hard to speak, words come out jumbled or garbled, this situation will pass, and there is no time limit on this. Others, on the other hand, may experience memory loss or déjà vu—as though whatever they are experiencing has not happened or has happened before."

"Time speeds up, collapsing events; one day moves so quickly into another you have difficulty remembering the sequence of hours."

"People are manifesting, on every level, this incoming light with their whole being. There will be times when you will be inspired with flashing memories, recall of past situations and lives and other realizations. Insights that are eternal and cosmic are beginning to infiltrate your body and to illuminate the human mind in a way that inner body cells will activate."

"The mental capacity of people will increase considerably during cellular transformation when all the useless data is being taken from your memory files. Occurrence and surge of intense and vivid dreams; these might include war and battle dreams, chase dreams or monster dreams. You are literally releasing the old energy within, and these energies of the past are often symbolized as wars, and natural catastrophes."

"Your dreams might seem so jumbled at times because the dream life usually makes the move from third to fourth dimension before the physical life. Your consciousness is shifting back and forth. You are having a glimmer of that experience in your dreams. Sometime your dreams are not just great but they are also sequential. Then at other times you wake up and they feel more in a mess than ever."

Sweet dreams!


"Does it take everyone to manifest a new world? In fact, it does not. The ones who come in an awareness of what they are, the manifested self, claim victory for those who will follow. Because the way has been lit and claimed in truth, the boulevard that you walk down will become wide enough to support millions. But this will not happen without consent. How is consent gained? In one of two ways—by inviting or showing. And if you show the truth as what you are to one you see, the one you see, seen as the truth of what they are, will go into accord at a vibrational level to what you are. The consent is done, not by asking, but by being."


Yes, I am on vacation, so I'm writing yet again about the benefits of coffee. But don't take my word for it. Read THIS!



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