Albert Einstein said that. Of course.
I would add that to expect a 3-year old to drive herself to pre-school or a 1-year old to cook the family dinner or a 5-year old to manage the household finances are likewise unreasonable expectations that would be not only a burden to the child in question, but quite frustrating for the persons with the expectations, as well.
Where am I heading with this? Simply to make the point that I made in my "TRUTH ABOUT EVERYTHING, PART 6: WE ARE NOT ALL THE SAME!," which is that in a world with individuals of not just different chronological ages, but also of different soul ages, we would become a lot less burdensome and a a lot less frustrated if we were able to see people in the light of their soul age.
Here are two excerpts from #6:
So, just as there are physical babies, there arebaby souls. Just as there are physical adults, there are adult souls. Etc. Etc. And just as it would be irrational to expect a physical baby to be able to feed and shelter itself, or to drive a car or have sex, it is equally irrational to expect a baby soul, even in an adult physical body, to attain higher states of consciousness much beyond the accomplishments of reflex and survival. Baby souls, in other words, generally live simple lives, with simplistic beliefs, focused on getting their basic needs met, very often by seeking others to manage the provision of those needs.
After you read the soul age material, look around you, at everyone, and consider what soul age you are dealing with in each relationship. You will find your perspective and your levels of frustration shifting when you do. And remember, don't give the car keys to a 3-year old!

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