Are there people in your life who are no longer in your life as significantly as they once were? People who you used to see or communicate with more frequently, but now only "touch base" with you occasionally, people who have seemed to drift out of your daily life? Or perhaps, there are individuals who have more abruptly disappeared from your sphere altogether due to a geographic change, marriage or divorce, birth of a child, career shift, health crisis or even death? And finally, are you finding yourself simply unable to tolerate certain people in your life who you once maintained obligatory relationships with - relatives, old friends, colleagues?

Well, if you've been working on yourself in a determined way in recent times, chances are your answer to any or all of the above is yes.

Some of my fellow travelers and I have been calling it the "Whatever happened to...?" syndrome, and it's part of the Wave I've been talking about since the beginning of this year.

The Wave is the surge of energy that's been sweeping across the planet for several years that is either moving people forward in their evolution at an accelerated rate, or slamming them hard into their resistances to change. One thing has been certain and obvious, though - in no instances is the Wave allowing anyone to remain in "neutral." Just look around. Another way of thinking about this is that we are all engaged in the process of deciding if we are staunchly remaining in 3rd-dimensional (dualistic, linear) reality, for now, or are we ready to shift to a 4th dimensional existence, that of knowing that we create reality from the inside out, no exceptions.

In conjunction with the Wave, I would also like to mention another concept, that of the "vortex."

Many who have pursued New Age spiritualism over the last few decades are familiar with this term as it applies to certain geographic locations on the earth - Sedona, Arizona, Machu Pichu, Peru, the Bermuda Triangle, etc. These are ancient "sacred" places where magnetic energy and cosmic forces have coalesced in such a way as to promote anything from personal growth and enlightenment to extraterrestrial visitations.

But something quite fascinating is occurring lately that heralds the acceleration that human beings have invited upon themselves - vortices are popping up everywhere!

More and more, whenever any number of individuals gather together for the purpose of opening themselves up to higher dimensions of being, a vortex supporting that elevation is created. This may indeed explain the sudden disappearances, as well as the sudden appearances of people in your lives.

If you could visualize a kind of sustained tornado, which is how I see a vortex, kind of like a funnel-shaped stream of powerful energy swirling clockwise, said vortex will either powerfully thrust someone out of its energy field, or just as powerfully attract someone in. The determining factor of whether one is thrust out or pulled into the vortex that you may be creating is how open the internal system of that individual is, along with whatever prior soul agreements may exist between you and said individual to come together at a certain place and time.

What does this imply for your day to day?

Well, first of all, if you are finding that your relationships, career direction, passions and other interests are shifting, you would be well-advised to open yourself to the possibility that the next phase of your journey may not include that person, job or activity, at least not in the same way you've been used to, rather than clinging to what is familiar. Holding onto that which you've outgrown can only have detrimental effects for all involved.

Also, if you truly desire something in your life, consider that the laborious, linear steps you've always thought were required to attain the fulfillment of that desire may not be necessary after all. Consider that if you make a shift in your consciousness, your life can change at the speed of thought!

And finally, folks, notice things!

We all have experiences that are out of the space-time continuum, but we superstitiously dismiss them out of irrational fear. Deja vu, premonitions and intuitive insights, vivid dreams or visions, coincidences that are so outside of the realm of statistical probability that they can't be coincidences... these are glimpses into 4th dimensional reality. Pay attention to those moments and you can expand them and became a more conscious creator of your life.

Or you can let the vortex fling you outta here!It's up to you!


I've been writing for a while about the phenomenon of people leaving Planet Earth (i.e. - "dying," in 3D language) at increasingly accelerated rates (See the post below, and the related links, for more details.) Well, recently came even more confirmation, right from someone on the front lines: an undertaker!

I participated in the farewell ceremonies for someone who lived on Earth for almost 87 years, someone who was a "big" soul, albeit a young one. During the process, I noticed something interesting - on the journey back and forth from New York City, and driving around the suburbs of Long Island, I kept seeing hearses and funeral processions with unusually high frequency.

In addition, in the days before the funeral I was to attend, I'd heard from other individuals about people in their work or personal lives who were reporting in unusually high numbers some occurrence of death in their circle of friends, family or colleagues.

I understood at a more in-depth level, expanding on what I wrote a few weeks ago (below), what was happening - we're making room. 

Many souls want to enter the sphere of Earth right now, and so, many who have been here for a while, and weren't ready developmentally as souls to live in 5D ongoing, were fulfilling their agreements to leave the planet at this time to make room. I recently posted this quote from Dolores Cannon, one of the foremost writers on the matter of the great transition we are in:

"We are living in the most important time in the history of the Universe, and it’s very important to be here now. There are thousands of souls who want to be here to experience this – even if they can just be here for a few hours. For some, even if they’re born and die right away, they can say, 'I was there when this occurred."

And I would add something to what Dolores is saying, and also to the reality of needing more room for souls wanting to enter the Earth plane. We also need more room for those who are already here and who are prepared to live in 5D for the long haul. Those human beings who are becoming self-actualized during this new era have expanded and are expanding their energy fields, and that literally requires more room, more space-time, as it were, and more possibilities for solitude when needed. A highly crowded planet won't do for those needs.

So, back to the undertaker. After the funeral was over, I asked him straight up if he was finding his business to be very busy lately.

"Oh, yes, very busy." He said."There's a lot going on out there."

I laughed to myself, wondering about the boat or country house the undertaker was fantasizing about. Then someone young, but very astute, asked: "Do undertakers get their funerals for free?"


Here's the post from a few weeks ago:


That's right. 

I've written and talked a lot about the "Whatever happened to..." phenomenon in 5D in which people whose vibration is significantly lower than yours, and who have no conscious intention of changing, will disappear from your life, either through death, moving away, getting too busy, etc. 

I wrote last year about a statistical report that there were more deaths recorded on Planet Earth in 2012 than in any previous year. piece in the Huffington Post business section this week reports: "U.S. Population Grows At Slowest Rate Since The Great Depression"

While the business minded might want to see this as an economic cause and effect, and part of some kind of historical cycle, the truth is that in the 5D era, there will organically be less people on Earth, at least on the 5D version of the planet. As some people I work with have experienced this reality in their lives, they are at first a bit disconcerted and fearful:

"Who am I going to talk to?" 
"Everyone seems asleep or crazy."
"I'm going to end up being alone."

Not at all. When you clean out a closet of old belongings that no longer suit or fit you, you don't imagine that you will never own anything to go in that closet again, do you? Likewise, while many people you have known and interacted with in 3D may be disappearing, new people that you have "spiritual contracts" with will be appearing. In fact, as you awaken and lift the veil of 3D un-consciousness, you will be amazed at how not alone you are.

Indeed, as the physical population on Earth declines, your awareness of beings not entirely physical or even human will be increasing.

Ready or not (and if you're reading this, you're ready), here we go!


When I concluded the final class of the first round of the Full Permission Living program I was teaching in 2001, I asked my students what they had learned after three years, what did it all come down to? I summarized their answers, and my own understanding, in three statements:

1. We create our own reality
2. We are all one
3. Love is the essence of All That Is

Many people I've had the pleasure of guiding since 2001 have worked diligently on numbers 1 and 2. Understanding how we create our own reality from our beliefs, conscious and not, and from our higher and lower selves, is a challenging endeavor, and ultimately a rewarding one. Likewise, connecting to our oneness with all others and with all things, witnessing our own reflection in all that we see, is a great and worthy challenge. That a growing number of human beings have taken up these tasks with such dedication and sincerity has and continues to be a joy to watch and share in.

Now, we are ready for the next, and highest, level of creation: love.

But what does it mean to speak of love as a "level of creation?" What does it mean that "Love is the essence of All That Is?"

Clearly, we are not speaking of love in just the romantic sense, or in the parent-child sense, or in the way that brothers, sisters or friends may love each other. And we are not just speaking of the love of beauty or song or delicious food or a sunny day. Additionally, we are not speaking of love as action, as doing "good deeds," nor acts of kindness or generosity.

We are speaking of love as the essential energy that our Universe is composed of, that all of creation and existence springs from. That is why all love is unconditional, as I wrote in my "Truth About Everything, Part Two..." HERE. It cannot be conditional if it infuses everything. In the truest sense, then, neither can love be "given." It can only be channeled, allowed to flow through us to the degree that the channels within our emotional and physical bodies are cleared and open. 

Can we have the experience of directing love? Yes, though the more powerful the flow, such as when we "fall in love," it seems to happen to us, which is why we call it "falling" in love. Can we have the experience of blocking its expression? Yes, though the more we keep our inner channels congested or closed, the more we create what we experience as illness and unhappiness. 

All of the above has always been true. So, what is different about this time? I'm glad you asked.

As just mentioned above, love can be directed to the degree that our channels are open, and now, during this great awakening that is taking place in our time on Planet Earth, more so than ever before. We are engaged in the process of becoming conscious creators of our reality, but no longer from our beliefs, positive or negative, nor from our lower selves and egos. 

As mentioned in "Rule Number 2" in the FPL post at the beginning of last year, "IT'S 2013! WHICH EARTH ARE YOU ONE?!" - "Creating your reality and its experiences from your emotions and your ego is obsolete. Creating your reality from the vibrations of your Higher Self, supported by and in collaboration with the human and universal collective, is the 5D way of living." 

The "vibrations of our Higher Selves" are lovewisdom, and will, the highest of which is the all-encompassing energy of love.

So, here's a simple little story from my journey: 

There's a round, metal end table that had been next to "my side" of the living room couch for years. The top of it was very brown and spotty, and basically, I hated it, and looked forward to getting rid of it one day. In fact, I would have gotten rid of it already, except that my partner on the couch insisted that it was a worthy piece of furniture. 

Anyway, we recently decided to do some refurbishing, which included buying some new end tables. This was my chance, I thought, to trash the old table. But my partner protested, telling me something I didn't know - that the table top was made of copper. "Really?" I said, rummaging for some metal cleaner under our sink. "Let me check that out."

Well, as I started coating and rubbing the copper top in earnest, it began to shine and glow a beautiful, reddish color. I realized, to my surprise, that I was falling in love! So much so, that by the time I was done, I'd transplanted it to the sacred space of my cherished therapy office. First chance I had, I went online to order a special buffing kit that I could use to make the table really shine. 

The table now sits proudly next to me as I conduct sessions. And it hit me with a wonderful and great force that I had just learned a universal lesson for my life - Whatever we direct love towards, including something that we might have previously hated, it transforms into something we love. And it might mean that the thing (or person) in question remains in our life as beloved, or if preferred or meant to be, that which is loved can leave our life, infused with love. Simple, but yet profound. It's a win-win. Or as John Lennon said: 

"It's easy. All you need is love!"

Check it out!


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