You have read on this blog many times that you create your own reality. Some may still not understand that this statement is meant literally, not figuratively, but even physicists these days can readily tell you that it is consciousness that directs the energy which gives form to matter. (For an even more "scientific" understanding of this process read Jane Roberts channeling "Seth" in the mind-expanding book, "The Nature of Personal Reality").
Furthermore, said reality is not created in a static way, like "There, I created a chair and it's done." No. That chair is being created continuously by you, as long as you choose to experience having it. In other words, all that surrounds you is being created by you constantly, moment to infinitesimal moment, to the degree that you are aware of "having" your creations around you. And guess what?
That takes energy!
And plenty of it. Yep. So, here's the shocker delivered yesterday about you and your stuff - Get ready hoarders! - When you wake up in the morning, the first thing you do, before the bathroom, before coffee, every morning, is recreate all your stuff!
That's right. All that you're used to having around you, all that you expect to be there, has to be created as soon as you awaken from your vacation in the spirit world known as sleep. And that is another reason why you're so exhausted. Those clothes you never wear, but keep in your closet just in case, the books and magazines you never read, but think you might one day, old tacky jewelry, trinkets and trash alike, all of it. Even that chair you never sit in. All of it has to be created by your consciousness... until you decide, literally, to let go of it. That's one of the reasons vacations are so relaxing, because we go to a new environment and leave most of our stuff behind, so our consciousness can be freer to experience the now without the clutter.
So, look around you, folks. Everything you see is the result of an expenditure of your creative energy. If you're too tired to finish that screenplay, or to start that book, or to try that new recipe, or to just create more abundance or love in your life, maybe there's some old shoes you can give away.
Go HERE to hear the oldie but goodie by Loffredo/Saperstein on this subject.
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Nice blog!!
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