This short passage is from ONENESS, by Rasha, the quintessential book on the run-up to 5D that we're all engaged in right now, consciously or not. It may take a couple of readings to understand what is being said here. 

Check it out:

"The pathways of the emotions you have worked so hard to stabilize are those upon which your consciousness will travel in connecting you with heightened levels of awareness. For it is your emotional foundation that unites all aspects of the consciousness that make up your multidimensional identity. That foundation, once cleared of the ego-based need to respond to provocation, serves as the pathway upon which all aspects of your multidimensional self unite in Oneness, and recognize that common bond as one that is shared with All Creation."

Here's my understanding - 

Human beings have emotions, and that isn't a mistake or a distortion. It is our nature in physical form here on Planet Earth. In fact, according to some sources, Earth is known in our galaxy as the "emotion planet," and it's why so many choose to incarnate here. 

Yet, human beings experience many emotions as unpleasant, especially the three main "negative" emotions: fear, anger and sadness. So, when Oneness says it is our "emotional foundation" that unites all aspects of our identity, does that mean that emotional turmoil and pain are necessary to self-actualization? 

No. Or at least not ultimately.

A significant point made in the above passage is that we become unified by doing the hard work of "stabilizing" our emotions through the clearing of "ego-based" provocations that stir up irrational fear, anger and sadness. You see, the three negative emotions, in their purest form, do have a place in our make-up. But the instances that call for them are rare. 

Fear is meant to be reserved for situations of actual danger, like being shot at or chased by a wild animal, propelling us into instant fight-or-flight mode. An imagined future rejection from a prospective date or job opportunity doesn't meet the criteria of dangerous. 

Anger is a powerful emotion reserved for situations in which you are actually being attacked physically, causing adrenaline to be secreted, which energizes and focuses you on stopping the attack through quick, forceful action. Anger is not meant for moments when your partner is hogging the remote or when you can't find a parking space. 

Sadness, in its healthy form, is what we naturally feel during an actual loss due to some kind of major life change, like death or the end of a relationship, even a graduation. Tears and crying are the ways through which we then cleanse our bodies of the physical emotional residue. But sadness is not an appropriate reaction to gaining a few pounds of body fat or getting a stain on your favorite T-shirt.

So, back to Oneness, stabilizing your emotions through self-work means that you are learning not to be provoked into feeling things because your ego is telling you erroneously that you are in danger, or that you are being attacked, or that you're going through a major loss when you're not. Once you've accomplished that stability, which means you're mostly feeling joy, love and pleasure, and rarely feeling fear, anger and sadness, you will unify yourself as the "multidimensional" being that you truly are.

[For more on being chased by tigers, go HERE!]


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