When I was growing up, I loved watching "roasts," gatherings of famous comedians, at a place called the "Friars Club," where the guest of honor, also famous, would get made fun of relentlessly by the panel of sarcasm "experts." (Presidential Candidates nowadays also get roasted - or used to - at the annual Alfred E. Smith Dinner in a similar way, though definitely less expertly.)
These roasts were really funny, and I always noted two things about them - the roastee always seemed to be having so much fun being humiliated, and the roasters seemed to have so much genuine affection for the person they were lambasting with their perfected barbs.
Well, at a gathering of friends at a Winter Solstice celebration not long ago, I got roasted! Yep. The idea spoke through one of our guests that I could use a good roasting, and so, on the fly at the end of dinner, I became the guest of honor and my friends roasted me. By the time it was over, my gut ached and tears were coming down because I was laughing so hard.
Why was/is it so funny to be made fun of?
Well, for me personally, it's been a consistent message from mentors over the years that I take myself too seriously. Whatever my gifts may be, being able to laugh at myself is one of the highest among them. And as a person who knows that one key to happiness and self-actualization is to dismantle one's ego, I have welcomed people into my life (including my best friends of 30-40 years) who are willing to make fun of me. Relentlessly. With love. Inevitably, when I get roasted, I end of rolling on the floor in gut-clenching laughter. It's a great tonic.
As John Travolta's version of Michael the Archangel said in the movie, "Michael":
"You gotta laugh; it's the key to loving."
So, the year end holidays are here, folks. Get roasted!
"Everyone in your life is a version of themselves that you've created."
Thus says "Bashar," channeled by Darryl Anka. (That quote from THIS CLIP.)
This is similar in its import to a quote from Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, the practitioner of the Hawaiian healing art, Ho'oponopono, on how he healed people without interacting with them at all physically:
"I was simply healing the part of me that created them."
These two quote express, in a more expanded way, the Universal Truth put forth often on this blog that we create our reality from our beliefs.
Bashar and Dr. Len are basically saying that not just the events and material things in your life are your creation, but so, too, the very people you encounter and interact with in your life are your creation. That's some serious creating!
Now, understand, the individuals you create in your life are also independent beings in and of themselves, continually creating versions of themselves - and of you - to have their experiences through and with. "I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together." (Thank you, John!)
In other words, since we are truly all one, meaning not just connected, but ultimately and literally one unified being manifesting Itself in an infinite variety of seemingly separate selves, then if I want to create a version of you to have a particular experience with, you will co-create that version with me, even as I will do the same for you, as me. See?
So, the key practical question here is if there are people in your life you experience to be threatening, annoying, unpleasant to interact with and/or downright crazy, why are you creating that version of them to interact with? Why are you asking the person in question to create of version of him-or-herself that will be a problem for you?
This question is quite worth the time and effort to explore, because as long as you continue to feel victimized by the random, hostile, thwarting behavior of others, you will be unable to change your reality with said persons. Once you realize that you are creating the negative version of the person in question harassing you, you can uncreate that version. That might mean that the person changes their persona in your life, or more commonly, the person will exit your life stage left.
Remember Shakespeare?
"All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players."
Well, thank you for being the antagonist in my play, but I'm writing out that role forthwith.
Likewise, if you find that a dysfunctional role you are playing in someone else's life no longer suits you, you can decide to leave that play for a better role, and indeed the other person will gladly replace you with someone else willing to be cast as the martyr, enabler, or narcissistic source of supply for their narcissistic lead character.
So, cast and crew members, take a look at the roles you are writing for yourself and the actors in your drama, and if you're not enjoying yourself fully, do a rewrite!
Thus says "Bashar," channeled by Darryl Anka. (That quote from THIS CLIP.)
This is similar in its import to a quote from Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, the practitioner of the Hawaiian healing art, Ho'oponopono, on how he healed people without interacting with them at all physically:
"I was simply healing the part of me that created them."
These two quote express, in a more expanded way, the Universal Truth put forth often on this blog that we create our reality from our beliefs.
Bashar and Dr. Len are basically saying that not just the events and material things in your life are your creation, but so, too, the very people you encounter and interact with in your life are your creation. That's some serious creating!
Now, understand, the individuals you create in your life are also independent beings in and of themselves, continually creating versions of themselves - and of you - to have their experiences through and with. "I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together." (Thank you, John!)
In other words, since we are truly all one, meaning not just connected, but ultimately and literally one unified being manifesting Itself in an infinite variety of seemingly separate selves, then if I want to create a version of you to have a particular experience with, you will co-create that version with me, even as I will do the same for you, as me. See?
So, the key practical question here is if there are people in your life you experience to be threatening, annoying, unpleasant to interact with and/or downright crazy, why are you creating that version of them to interact with? Why are you asking the person in question to create of version of him-or-herself that will be a problem for you?
This question is quite worth the time and effort to explore, because as long as you continue to feel victimized by the random, hostile, thwarting behavior of others, you will be unable to change your reality with said persons. Once you realize that you are creating the negative version of the person in question harassing you, you can uncreate that version. That might mean that the person changes their persona in your life, or more commonly, the person will exit your life stage left.
Remember Shakespeare?
"All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players."
Well, thank you for being the antagonist in my play, but I'm writing out that role forthwith.
Likewise, if you find that a dysfunctional role you are playing in someone else's life no longer suits you, you can decide to leave that play for a better role, and indeed the other person will gladly replace you with someone else willing to be cast as the martyr, enabler, or narcissistic source of supply for their narcissistic lead character.
So, cast and crew members, take a look at the roles you are writing for yourself and the actors in your drama, and if you're not enjoying yourself fully, do a rewrite!
Saw “Yesterday” yesterday, a film whose core idea is so compelling it had to be made, had to create soaring expectations, and ultimately had to disappoint.
What if The Beatles, as a band, never existed, but one man only, an unsuccessful, mediocre singer-songwriter, knew their catalogue of songs (“One Man Only” is the tongue in cheek title of his ultimate album of pilfered Beatles tunes that he records), and as a result becomes the most famous singer songwriter on the planet? Amazing idea, right?
Yet, the very idea is challenged, unintentionally it seems, by the musical performances themselves, and by the unequivocal reality that The Beatles’ catalogue of 200+ tunes are nowhere near as remarkable and timeless without The Beatles themselves. (Think “Something,” as sung by Frank Sinatra! Ugh!) Classics like “Let It Be,” without Paul’s plaintive, angelic vocals, or “In My Life,” without John’s sonorous, yet tender nostalgia pouring through him, or “Nowhere Man,” “Because,” or even “This Boy” without the perfect blend of stratospheric harmonies that transcend anything in pop music, or any genre of music, for that matter, these would be merely good-to-really-good compositions. Add to the mix, The Beatles’ continuously explorative and experimental arrangements and ever-changing productions, their insistence on not having “a sound,” but rather to reinvent themselves on every album.
I mean, it does happen, occasionally, that someone’s cover of another’s hit song is equal to or even better than the original (Perhaps, “I Shot the Sheriff” by Eric Clapton, originally by Bob Marley, for example), but really, has anyone ever covered a Beatles song that tops the vibrancy and synergy and crackling originality of the Fab Four’s rendition? Elton John’s “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds,” Joe Cocker’s “With a Little Help from My friends,” U2’s “Helter Skelter,” all good, worthy as recordings, but...
Likewise, Himesh Patel’s covers, while sincere and sometimes passionate, fall way short of making it believable that the songs alone could create a globe-changing cultural phenomenon, similar to that created when The Beatles thrust those indelible tunes into the collective consciousness in just 10 mind-blowing years, 5 decades ago.
The Beatles were unique. Uniquely unique. For me, from age 9 on until today, they were and still are the soundtrack to this lifetime’s journey. And oh, the movie is worth seeing!
What if The Beatles, as a band, never existed, but one man only, an unsuccessful, mediocre singer-songwriter, knew their catalogue of songs (“One Man Only” is the tongue in cheek title of his ultimate album of pilfered Beatles tunes that he records), and as a result becomes the most famous singer songwriter on the planet? Amazing idea, right?
Yet, the very idea is challenged, unintentionally it seems, by the musical performances themselves, and by the unequivocal reality that The Beatles’ catalogue of 200+ tunes are nowhere near as remarkable and timeless without The Beatles themselves. (Think “Something,” as sung by Frank Sinatra! Ugh!) Classics like “Let It Be,” without Paul’s plaintive, angelic vocals, or “In My Life,” without John’s sonorous, yet tender nostalgia pouring through him, or “Nowhere Man,” “Because,” or even “This Boy” without the perfect blend of stratospheric harmonies that transcend anything in pop music, or any genre of music, for that matter, these would be merely good-to-really-good compositions. Add to the mix, The Beatles’ continuously explorative and experimental arrangements and ever-changing productions, their insistence on not having “a sound,” but rather to reinvent themselves on every album.
I mean, it does happen, occasionally, that someone’s cover of another’s hit song is equal to or even better than the original (Perhaps, “I Shot the Sheriff” by Eric Clapton, originally by Bob Marley, for example), but really, has anyone ever covered a Beatles song that tops the vibrancy and synergy and crackling originality of the Fab Four’s rendition? Elton John’s “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds,” Joe Cocker’s “With a Little Help from My friends,” U2’s “Helter Skelter,” all good, worthy as recordings, but...
Likewise, Himesh Patel’s covers, while sincere and sometimes passionate, fall way short of making it believable that the songs alone could create a globe-changing cultural phenomenon, similar to that created when The Beatles thrust those indelible tunes into the collective consciousness in just 10 mind-blowing years, 5 decades ago.
The Beatles were unique. Uniquely unique. For me, from age 9 on until today, they were and still are the soundtrack to this lifetime’s journey. And oh, the movie is worth seeing!
During the 1950's, Psychologist Abraham Maslow, who developed the concept of "peak human potential," did years of research on what he called "peak experiences."
"Almost all people have or can have peak experiences," Maslow said. (These are what I have referred to as "free samples from the Universe.")
Psychologist Stella Resnik, in her book, The Pleasure Zone, wrote: "Peak experiences are intensely pleasurable times that can last for just a minute or for several weeks or more. They are periods of complete happiness and fulfillment. . . perceived as great moments, as very fine times in a person's life."
Maslow found that certain individuals - people he called "self-actualized", enjoyed a much higher frequency of peak experiences than did individuals in the general population. They felt fulfilled in their lives, motivated "not by need, but by the desire to grow."
Maslow's findings may not surprise most FPL readers who've actually done some serious self-work. The free sample I often speak of isn't meant to be a tease, folks, but an enticement to move oneself, whatever it takes, towards self-actualization, the place where peak experiences become part of everyday life i.e. - Full Permission Living!
Summer is here, and soon... If you're doing your self-work, it's gonna be a great summer! Get your peak experiences planned in!
"Almost all people have or can have peak experiences," Maslow said. (These are what I have referred to as "free samples from the Universe.")
Psychologist Stella Resnik, in her book, The Pleasure Zone, wrote: "Peak experiences are intensely pleasurable times that can last for just a minute or for several weeks or more. They are periods of complete happiness and fulfillment. . . perceived as great moments, as very fine times in a person's life."
Maslow found that certain individuals - people he called "self-actualized", enjoyed a much higher frequency of peak experiences than did individuals in the general population. They felt fulfilled in their lives, motivated "not by need, but by the desire to grow."
Maslow's findings may not surprise most FPL readers who've actually done some serious self-work. The free sample I often speak of isn't meant to be a tease, folks, but an enticement to move oneself, whatever it takes, towards self-actualization, the place where peak experiences become part of everyday life i.e. - Full Permission Living!
Summer is here, and soon... If you're doing your self-work, it's gonna be a great summer! Get your peak experiences planned in!

"Ah, summer, what power you have to make us suffer and like it."
Russel Baker
“In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer”
Albert Camus
“Summer afternoon, summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language”
Henry James
“Summer is the time when one sheds one's tensions with one's clothes, and the right kind of day is jeweled balm for the battered spirit. A few of those days and you can become drunk with the belief that all's right with the world.”
Ada Louise Huxtable

"FULL PERMISSION LIVING: The Journey from 3rd to 5th Dimensional Consciousness" Book Now Available!
Follow this LINK to buy the book!
From the Preface of Full Permission Living:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that linear time, impenetrable matter, separation, limitation, aging, illness and death are all illusions, that there are no coincidences, only synchronicities, that you create your own reality from your beliefs, that you exist, you always have and you always will, we are all one, all aspects and reflections of each other and of All That Is, that love is the essence of All That Is, that consciousness directs energy into form, and that every line of reality that you can imagine exists.”
FULL PERMISSION LIVING: The Journey from 3rd to 5th Dimensional Consciousness
THIS is a quote from the Book of Freedom, channeled by Paul Seelig:
"Once the new field is established or agreed to by enough of you, it is available to all. It exists concurrently with the old until the new assumes it."
See also Chapter 37, "A Word About The Hundredth Monkey," in FULL PERMISSION LIVING!
"The day may yet arise when one may take a drop of blood and diagnose the condition of the entire human body."
Edgar Cayce
I was shown an amazing video yesterday of an interview with one Harvey Bigelson, MD, on the "Conscious Media Network," part of Gaiam TV. Dr. Bigelson, a pioneer in homeopathic medicine, discovered that if you examine live blood cells under what is called a "dark field microscope," you will see holographic images relevant to the current health condition of the person.
OK. What are you talking about, PL?
I will try and explain this as simply as possible.
First of all, it turns out that blood tests, as they are usually done, are not of live blood cells. Huh? That's right. The blood cells in samples taken from patients in traditional blood tests are dead when they are examined. This is so for two reasons: 1. the cells are not viewed immediately; and 2. the cells are injected with stains and dyes before they are viewed. So, what you get back from a common blood test is similar to an autopsy. You get chemical composition and cell counts, but no live picture of how the blood and body are functioning in real time.
What Dr. B discovered by immediately looking at blood samples under a dark field microscope with a special lens that doesn't require any staining process, the pictures in our blood show very different results... to say the least! In fact, there are actually pictures, or more accurately, "crystalized holographic images."
In other words, contained in our blood cells are 3-dimensional images of what's going on in our bodies that we need to know. So, for example, a live blood sample of a pregnant women contains a holographic image of the growing fetus that exactly matches the images taken through a sonogram. Likewise, everything from a broken bone or a tape worm to a dental implant will show up in these images if they are creating an imbalance in the body.
Take a breath. Now, think about it. This is one of those game-changers.
Everything is composed of energy and energy is directed by consciousness. And just as the whole contains everything, every little bit of everything also contains the whole. This has been known and demonstrated for a number of years through holography, which is a type of photography that uses lasers to create a holographic image, or hologram. What has been remarkably demonstrated through this method is that you can cut off any corner or bit of a hologram and using lasers, or a dark field microscope, see the entire image.
Now, take another breath because the next piece of information from Dr. B might seem off the charts.
In some cases, Bigelson found images in the blood of an event in the patients body that hadn't happened yet! In the Gaiam video, Dr. B showed a female patient's live blood sample that had an image of a fractured femur bone, exactly matching the X-Ray of the broken femur in the patient from an accident which happened subsequent to the examination. So, not only does the smallest part of us know what is happening to us, what we are creating, each cell of our body even registers what we are intending for ourselves.
I have been saying to people for a while now that intention is everything. Everything that we create, everything that occurs within us and around us starts with an intention. And guess what? The body knows it. I have had the experience, for example, of deciding to start a cleanse on a Sunday, and beginning to show the effects of the cleanse on Saturday! A day ahead of the physical action.
As I wrote in my Truth About Everything post, "The Placebo Effect is Real," when you understand that consciousness directs everything, it changes everything. Or at least it should.
Thank you Dr. Harvey Bigelson, and thank you to my partner, who in her tireless quest for higher knowledge, brought me this information.
Edgar Cayce
I was shown an amazing video yesterday of an interview with one Harvey Bigelson, MD, on the "Conscious Media Network," part of Gaiam TV. Dr. Bigelson, a pioneer in homeopathic medicine, discovered that if you examine live blood cells under what is called a "dark field microscope," you will see holographic images relevant to the current health condition of the person.
OK. What are you talking about, PL?
I will try and explain this as simply as possible.
First of all, it turns out that blood tests, as they are usually done, are not of live blood cells. Huh? That's right. The blood cells in samples taken from patients in traditional blood tests are dead when they are examined. This is so for two reasons: 1. the cells are not viewed immediately; and 2. the cells are injected with stains and dyes before they are viewed. So, what you get back from a common blood test is similar to an autopsy. You get chemical composition and cell counts, but no live picture of how the blood and body are functioning in real time.
What Dr. B discovered by immediately looking at blood samples under a dark field microscope with a special lens that doesn't require any staining process, the pictures in our blood show very different results... to say the least! In fact, there are actually pictures, or more accurately, "crystalized holographic images."
In other words, contained in our blood cells are 3-dimensional images of what's going on in our bodies that we need to know. So, for example, a live blood sample of a pregnant women contains a holographic image of the growing fetus that exactly matches the images taken through a sonogram. Likewise, everything from a broken bone or a tape worm to a dental implant will show up in these images if they are creating an imbalance in the body.
Take a breath. Now, think about it. This is one of those game-changers.
Everything is composed of energy and energy is directed by consciousness. And just as the whole contains everything, every little bit of everything also contains the whole. This has been known and demonstrated for a number of years through holography, which is a type of photography that uses lasers to create a holographic image, or hologram. What has been remarkably demonstrated through this method is that you can cut off any corner or bit of a hologram and using lasers, or a dark field microscope, see the entire image.
Now, take another breath because the next piece of information from Dr. B might seem off the charts.
In some cases, Bigelson found images in the blood of an event in the patients body that hadn't happened yet! In the Gaiam video, Dr. B showed a female patient's live blood sample that had an image of a fractured femur bone, exactly matching the X-Ray of the broken femur in the patient from an accident which happened subsequent to the examination. So, not only does the smallest part of us know what is happening to us, what we are creating, each cell of our body even registers what we are intending for ourselves.
I have been saying to people for a while now that intention is everything. Everything that we create, everything that occurs within us and around us starts with an intention. And guess what? The body knows it. I have had the experience, for example, of deciding to start a cleanse on a Sunday, and beginning to show the effects of the cleanse on Saturday! A day ahead of the physical action.
As I wrote in my Truth About Everything post, "The Placebo Effect is Real," when you understand that consciousness directs everything, it changes everything. Or at least it should.
Thank you Dr. Harvey Bigelson, and thank you to my partner, who in her tireless quest for higher knowledge, brought me this information.
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