I just keep building on this post, I suppose because so many people are concerned right now about what they see in the world. Humbly put - here's how you change the world!
This is a quote from Paul Selig's "The Book of Mastery" -
"When you think something must be there, it is brought into form. And when you believe it must be there, whether it’s a high creation or a very low creation, you are aligned to it, in acceptance of it, and in that choice, 'I see this thing before me, it must be so,' you give it merit and you add to its structure. If you can understand that: When you think of something in a certain way you bring to bear the vibration of that thought on the thing you see. Your perceptions, you see, are informing the vibration not only of your relationship to your own thought but upon the thing itself. When you believe something must be there, you give it credence, and there are things you give credence to that do not need to be there. Here is a list of things that do not need to be there: Fear, in all its forms and in all its creations. And here is what is fear: war, poverty, greed, anger, abuse, and violence. These are all things you see out-pictured that you think must be there. 'Well, they must be there, they’ve always been there, how will they leave? I don’t buy this for a moment.' Here is how they leave: The light that you are in its full expression has the ability to move a mountain. The alignment you have individually is much more powerful than you can imagine."
Previous post on this subject:
These are some amazing lyrics, surely channeled by Mick Jagger, a few decades ago now, that recently came into my consciousness and beautifully connect to what I wrote in the recent FPL piece: "YOU SAY IT'S WORLD PEACE YOU WANT? LOOK INSIDE!" (see below) It is also relevant to the moral outrage many people are feeling in response to recent events.
Here's Jagger:
"I shouted out Who killed the Kennedys?
When after all it was you and me."
Now, how many times have you heard that passage and just continued on bopping and singing along without considering what he was saying. We killed the Kennedy's. Me and you. Not just a crazed lone gunman, nor a nefarious group of secret conspirators. Me and you.
You and me.
Jagger brilliantly goes on: "Just as every cop is a criminal and all the sinners saints."
Woah! Not one or the other. Not a cop or a criminal, not a sinner or a saint.
You see, folks, the time that we are in, the dimensional shift of consciousness that is taking place, heralded by many songwriters and musicians that came out of the Sixties, is towards the full awareness of oneness, towards the realization that everyone is connected, all are part of the greater whole of collective consciousness. The more aware of this we become, the more we can truly change our world by changing ourselves, by waking up. (See the Hundredth Monkey below)
So, the next time you're listening to the Stones' "Sympathy for the Devil," and Mick Jagger proclaims that "What's puzzling you is the nature of my game," consider that the nature of the game is seeing everyone as a reflection of an aspect of yourself. And read or reread the post below.
This is yet another quote from the extremely quotable book, "ONENESS":
"You may ask then, what are you to do when confronted with the opposing viewpoints of another being or an expression of collective will. You begin not with the scrutiny of the other party’s motives, but with your own. You begin by digging honestly beneath the surface of the stance you’ve taken and exploring the real basis for your own position. Chances are, if you approach this exercise in full honesty with yourself, you will recognize a fortress built on a foundation of ego—an expression of will rooted in the fear of suppression by the will and ego of another. This is hardly the recipe for Oneness—much less for the world peace to which you all pay much lip service. Stop looking for the self-serving motives of the other side and begin looking at the self-serving motives that underlie your own actions. That is the basis for the true harmony you all yearn for at the deepest level."
Now, take a deep breath, and the next time you get fired up about the police, racism, misogyny, terrorism, greed, corruption, or Donald Trump...reread the above. The greatest, most worthwhile, transformational gift you can give yourself, and the world, is to see your reflection in everyone, everything, and every event in your field of vision.
What, PL?! I'm not a racist or misogynist. I'm not violent, and I certainly have never killed anybody or stolen anyone's pension or 401K. Perhaps not. But... do you still adhere to a consciousness of separation or lack, believing in your own abandonment or "bad luck" or the superstition of pessimism? Do you still believe that your worth as a being has to be earned, and then measured by other people's outward opinions of you? Do you still indulge in anger, resentment, grudges, self-righteousness or perhaps self-pity and victimhood as a way of stimulating yourself and filling the void of what you perceive to be the unknown?
If your honest answer is yes, and you can sincerely, with compassion, without judgment, admit that inner state of being, then forgive yourself, erasing the karma left over from 3D, your life and interactions with others will come into a state of harmony. And then, as the Hundredth Monkey, you will change the world.
No joke . .
Previous post on this subject:
These are some amazing lyrics, surely channeled by Mick Jagger, a few decades ago now, that recently came into my consciousness and beautifully connect to what I wrote in the recent FPL piece: "YOU SAY IT'S WORLD PEACE YOU WANT? LOOK INSIDE!" (see below) It is also relevant to the moral outrage many people are feeling in response to recent events.
Here's Jagger:
"I shouted out Who killed the Kennedys?
When after all it was you and me."
Now, how many times have you heard that passage and just continued on bopping and singing along without considering what he was saying. We killed the Kennedy's. Me and you. Not just a crazed lone gunman, nor a nefarious group of secret conspirators. Me and you.
You and me.
Jagger brilliantly goes on: "Just as every cop is a criminal and all the sinners saints."
Woah! Not one or the other. Not a cop or a criminal, not a sinner or a saint.
You see, folks, the time that we are in, the dimensional shift of consciousness that is taking place, heralded by many songwriters and musicians that came out of the Sixties, is towards the full awareness of oneness, towards the realization that everyone is connected, all are part of the greater whole of collective consciousness. The more aware of this we become, the more we can truly change our world by changing ourselves, by waking up. (See the Hundredth Monkey below)
So, the next time you're listening to the Stones' "Sympathy for the Devil," and Mick Jagger proclaims that "What's puzzling you is the nature of my game," consider that the nature of the game is seeing everyone as a reflection of an aspect of yourself. And read or reread the post below.
This is yet another quote from the extremely quotable book, "ONENESS":
"You may ask then, what are you to do when confronted with the opposing viewpoints of another being or an expression of collective will. You begin not with the scrutiny of the other party’s motives, but with your own. You begin by digging honestly beneath the surface of the stance you’ve taken and exploring the real basis for your own position. Chances are, if you approach this exercise in full honesty with yourself, you will recognize a fortress built on a foundation of ego—an expression of will rooted in the fear of suppression by the will and ego of another. This is hardly the recipe for Oneness—much less for the world peace to which you all pay much lip service. Stop looking for the self-serving motives of the other side and begin looking at the self-serving motives that underlie your own actions. That is the basis for the true harmony you all yearn for at the deepest level."
Now, take a deep breath, and the next time you get fired up about the police, racism, misogyny, terrorism, greed, corruption, or Donald Trump...reread the above. The greatest, most worthwhile, transformational gift you can give yourself, and the world, is to see your reflection in everyone, everything, and every event in your field of vision.
What, PL?! I'm not a racist or misogynist. I'm not violent, and I certainly have never killed anybody or stolen anyone's pension or 401K. Perhaps not. But... do you still adhere to a consciousness of separation or lack, believing in your own abandonment or "bad luck" or the superstition of pessimism? Do you still believe that your worth as a being has to be earned, and then measured by other people's outward opinions of you? Do you still indulge in anger, resentment, grudges, self-righteousness or perhaps self-pity and victimhood as a way of stimulating yourself and filling the void of what you perceive to be the unknown?
If your honest answer is yes, and you can sincerely, with compassion, without judgment, admit that inner state of being, then forgive yourself, erasing the karma left over from 3D, your life and interactions with others will come into a state of harmony. And then, as the Hundredth Monkey, you will change the world.
No joke . .