Below is a repost of an FPL 4th of July "classic" -
How about celebrating independence on Independence Day, and, you know, "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?" We aren't a colony of Great Britain's anymore, or of any other country for that matter, so what do we actually need to become independent of in present time?
How about illusion? Yes, illusion. And while we're at it, how about declaring our freedom from beliefs? From dogma? And from the repetitive, rote behaviors our illusions lead to? How about setting off the real fireworks of Reality?
Everything we suffer from is the result of an illusion. Money problems, relationship issues, a less than vibrant sex-life, the stifled expression of creativity... all are a function of holding onto to that which isn't rooted in reality. Quite frankly, it's crazy!
The laws of reality are so simple, so straightforward, so all-encompassing, you'd think everyone would be living accordingly. Soon, we will be. But it hasn't always been so. You see, on the old 3D version of planet earth, we were experimenting with letting our egos rule our experience of reality. Yes, our egos, that little part of our mind was only supposed to be a temporary stand-in for a brief time in early childhood, when fantasy was a way of adapting to untenable situations, until our Higher Self mind could be integrated and grounded into our personalities and lead the way out of the wilderness of childhood. But then, out of fear, confusion, laziness, we allowed our egos to stay in charge and become the ongoing dictators of our paths. Well, then, the lives that so many were leading were perfect examples of what the ego at its best could create - limitation, drama and fear.
On the other hand, on 5D Earth, as we align with our Higher Selves, and the simple laws of the Universe - we create our reality; we are all one; love is the essence of All That Is; and everything is in a continuous state of change - life is becoming much more like surfing. (Yes, I'm going to the beach shortly after writing this!) Instead of trying to constantly control and predict events, we are simply learning to stay balanced while the wave of our Higher Selves carried us to our first, best destiny.
On this Independence Day, then, why not celebrate your independence from illusion and wake up to the freedom of living in reality. It's not just about flags or fireworks or hot dogs (although Wes' "adult hot dogs" at the Seaview Market are something to celebrate!). It's about freedom.
Read the Declaration of Independence today. It's a remarkable document. It's about "Self-Evident Truths."

Self-Evident Truths.