The Declaration of Independence, even given the 3D limitations of the men who wrote and signed it, was a great document. I use phrases from it in my book, "FULL PERMISSION LIVING: The Journey from 3rd to 5th Dimensional Consciousness," and in my blog's tag line, albeit with my own added twist: "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness... through Self-Actualization!" embellished further with a 5th Dimensional twist: "We hold these truths to be self-evident... that we create our own reality, we are all one and love is the essence of All That Is!"

Below is a repost of an FPL 4th of July "classic" - 


How about celebrating independence on Independence Day, and, you know, "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?" We aren't a colony of Great Britain's anymore, or of any other country for that matter, so what do we actually need to become independent of in present time?

How about illusion? Yes, illusion. And while we're at it, how about declaring our freedom from beliefs? From dogma? And from the repetitive, rote behaviors our illusions lead to? How about setting off the real fireworks of Reality?

Everything we suffer from is the result of an illusion. Money problems, relationship issues, a less than vibrant sex-life, the stifled expression of creativity... all are a function of holding onto to that which isn't rooted in reality. Quite frankly, it's crazy!

The laws of reality are so simple, so straightforward, so all-encompassing, you'd think everyone would be living accordingly. Soon, we will be. But it hasn't always been so. You see, on the old 3D version of planet earth, we were experimenting with letting our egos rule our experience of reality. Yes, our egos, that little part of our mind was only supposed to be a temporary stand-in for a brief time in early childhood, when fantasy was a way of adapting to untenable situations, until our Higher Self mind could be integrated and grounded into our personalities and lead the way out of the wilderness of childhood. But then, out of fear, confusion, laziness, we allowed our egos to stay in charge and become the ongoing dictators of our paths. Well, then, the lives that so many were leading were perfect examples of what the ego at its best could create - limitation, drama and fear.

On the other hand, on 5D Earth, as we align with our Higher Selves, and the simple laws of the Universe - we create our reality; we are all one; love is the essence of All That Is; and everything is in a continuous state of change - life is becoming much more like surfing. (Yes, I'm going to the beach shortly after writing this!) Instead of trying to constantly control and predict events, we are simply learning to stay balanced while the wave of our Higher Selves carried us to our first, best destiny.

On this Independence Day, then, why not celebrate your independence from illusion and wake up to the freedom of living in reality. It's not just about flags or fireworks or hot dogs (although Wes' "adult hot dogs" at the Seaview Market are something to celebrate!). It's about freedom.

Read the Declaration of Independence today. It's a remarkable document. It's about "Self-Evident Truths."

Self-Evident Truths.


This post from a while ago is about reincarnating in the same lifetime, that is "dying" and being "reborn" in a single lifetime without having to go through physical death or physical birth. It's one of my favorite subjects and very relevant to our times, because many are choosing to have this experience.

Of course, if we're talking about reincarnating in the same lifetime, we're already taking it for granted that reincarnation in the "usual" way, by dying and coming back into physical form through birth again, is a given. For clarity's sake, let's also accept that the purpose of reincarnation is to sort of reset the soul's journey through the venue of physical existence in a time continuum in order to accomplish a particular task by living a life, then dying, then being born again.

Make no mistake, the process of "regular" reincarnation is no day at the beach. Dying, but even moreso being born can be a real drag! Why? Because no matter what level of development you were at when you died, you still have to be reborn in physical existence as a helpless baby, in a state of complete ignorance, with amnesia about all that came before. And if it's not bad enough that you can't remember all the work you did in other lifetimes, even worse is the reality that you have to have parents again! Noooo!!!

On the other hand, reincarnating in the same lifetime is also quite a challenge. To accomplish it, you must do whatever it takes in terms of self-work to fulfill what you came here to do. That means no true inner desire in you is ignored and no blocks are left undealt with. Every inner belief is confronted, all supressed feelings are released, and the ego and childish self-will are surrendered to the adult and higher self. Believe me, I have literally known more than a few people who have said, when faced with that level of work, that they would rather die. And they have.

However, for those of you who relate to this, who feel that you are at a turning point in your life where you can hunker down and spiral down and out through your final years of life, or you can choose to turn everything upside down and start over again in a whole new way, this lecture is for you.

Okay, here's a marvelous section of a Pathwork Guide lecture on this subject, spelled out much more eloquently by Eva Brich and the "Guide:"

"A person who is truly on a path of accelerated development can, and frequently does, literally reincarnate in the same lifetime. As I have explained, you plan a life task for yourself before incarnation. With the aid of spiritual advisers, you plan a certain environment and certain conditions, and set certain goals of fulfillment as a task for yourself. Many, many human beings barely fulfill this task; many leave physical existence with the task unfulfilled and must return in a new embodiment to try again, perhaps under different conditions. This you know. This I have discussed. But another, quite different phenomenon is possible. And that is when a human being fulfills the task and is ready to take on a further task that would ordinarily await a new embodiment, after the person has spent some so-called time not in the body. On an accelerated path, a new incarnation can be undertaken without leaving the old body behind and creating a new incarnation.

"Thus, a laborious change and break in consciousness (normal death) can be bypassed if the personality is truly devoted to give all of itself to its own expansion and to fulfilling a seedplan that ordinarily would be activated only in a new incarnation. It can be done within the same life span. The life that would have been terminated earlier can be extended, and the new seedplan can be 'taken out' and become the task within this life span. Or, a life that might have continued in certain circumstances -- according to the old seedplan -- completely changes in feelings, expressions, experiences, environment, and task.New talents may manifest, and old ones maybe expressed differently."

Whew! What does this look like? It looks like a lot of endings first. Relationships, careers, habits - suddenly none of the old things you've held onto so dearly work for you anymore. You have to let go of almost everything that constituted your life as you've know it. This is hard and scary, and a lot of stalling and hesitation occurs when a person reaches this point. But I have to say, I've had the pleasure of witnessing a handful of people arrive to that border and perservere in crossing it.

Here's the Guide again:

"A path such as this one you have chosen is indeed a very rare and intense one. Some of you may already connect intuitively with a complete change in your life experience, so that other potentialities that would have remained dormant in the incarnation you were born into can now come to the fore. With less development, these potentialities would remain to be expressed only in a future lifetime.

"This change is a wonderful occurrence. It is an acceleration of the organic movement. And in this extended period of energetic influx of the Christ consciousness, there are more individuals opening themselves to this change. When you do not shrink from it, when you trust it and go with it, you can indeed bring forth a second incarnation within one embodiment.

"I suggest that you practice active meditation and visualization in which you trust change as the most desirable, positive, brilliant, and joyful phenomenon, which you want to go with and not stem against. A further suggestion has to do with the familiar. You feel safe in a familiar territory, even though this territory may actually be less safe than the unfamiliar one. So you frequently remain in a constricted and confined circumference to avoid the imagined danger of the unfamiliar."

Yes, this is the librarian in "The "Shawshank Redemption." Remember him? He was in prison for so long that in spite of the confinement, when his time was up, he became deathly afraid of freedom. The prison walls became embued with feelings of familiarity and safety for him, while the open expanse of a free life was the threatening unknown. Tim Robbins character, on the other hand, in a metaphor for the whatever-it-takes energy, chipped through the stone wall for years, broke through that, then had to wade through "five hundred yards of shit" to finally get to freedom. Morgan Freeman's character is us at the turning point. He's done his hard time, and now has to choose: go back to the known element of prison again or follow Tim Robbins to freedom and the great unknown.

Here's the Guide:

"Living a full life always means stepping beyond the old fences and making new territory your own familiar ground, in which you soon feel as comfortable as in the old. Realizing yourself means feeling comfortable in a new self-expression. That is the task. And only the first few whiffs of the new experience are unfamiliar. Soon the new becomes the familiar, and you expand your circumference; you expand the territory for your psychic 'at homeness' until finally all the universe and all states of consciousness are truly your own, intensely familiar. Then you are one with the universe."


By the way, how many near death experiences have you had? Stop and think before you answer. Car accidents? Falls? Allergic reactions? Wiping out while surfing or skiing? These may have been moments when you were giving yourself the option to check out of physical reality, but decided instead to stay. Like railroad track switches, those moments may have defined and informed the next phase of your journey in this lifetime.

Interesting, huh?


This is from Chapter 16 of Full Permission Living - 

 The Book On Revelations

Before turning in the next section of this book to specifically what constitutes a top down approach to clearing our physical, emotional and mental bodies by raising our vibration and accelerating our ascension (the “run-up”) to 5D consciousness, let’s take an overview look at where we are now, where we’re going, and what some of the guidelines and understandings are that can help facilitate this journey from 4D to 5D. 


            This moment in what in we think of as time, is considered by many who understand the trajectory of consciousness through said time as a threshold moment. On 12/21/12, the Mayan calendar ended its predictive recordings after 5,126 years. Some saw this as a portent of the biblical prophecies in the Book of Revelations part of the New Testament, most of which have been (mis)interpreted as catastrophic. Others saw this moment as the beginning of a golden age and a mass raising of consciousness, the beginning of the “Age of Aquarius.” 


            In fact, both perspectives were valid in that, in that we are setting the stage for the end of the world as we know it, in preparation for a time of momentous positive transformation and elevation of consciousness. I feel fine. (Thank you R.E.M.)


            Revelations is where most apocalyptic adherents see the backup for their dire predictions. The book foretells of humanity going through a triadic process during cataclysmic End Times, broken down into the “Rapture,” the “Tribulation,” and the thousand-year “Golden Age.” These predictions about our era, in and of themselves, are remarkably prescient, though, again, mistakenly characterized and distorted through a childish, fearful and fantastical lens. 

Read more here:


You see, the difference between really working on, challenging and releasing your inner beliefs and suppressed feelings, and just trying to superimpose new beliefs over other ones is that... you burn your feet!

Check out this news item:

SAN FRANCISCO -- Fire officials said 21 people at an event hosted by motivational speaker Tony Robbins suffered burns while walking across hot coals and three of the injured were treated at hospitals. The injuries took place during the first day Thursday of a four-day event at the San Jose Convention Center hosted by Robbins called "Unleash the Power Within." Most of those hurt had second and third degree burns, said San Jose Fire Department Capt. Reggie Williams. Walking across hot coals on lanes measuring 10 feet long and heated to between 1,200 to 2,000 degrees provides attendees an opportunity to "understand that there is absolutely nothing you can't overcome," according to the motivational speaker's website.

Yeah, thanks for the demonstration, Tony!

Listen folks, it is certainly possible to uproot and overcome any belief system, including major collective beliefs like gravity, the need to breathe air and the destructive power of fire on human flesh. What is not possible is to do the above by simply wishing you can or believing in a huckster's rantings when you haven't done the self-work necessary to be that transcendent.



This is a subject that is somewhat difficult to grapple with. When I propose to people I see for therapy that their anxiety is something they're attached to - out of familiarity, for the adrenaline rush, as a distraction from other feelings - the usual responses go something like: "But I hate feeling like this!" It's not pleasurable at all!"

Nonetheless, an addiction to anxiety is very real, and a very real dilemma for a lot of people, just like an addiction to intensity is. (See this very good Pathwork Guide Lecture on that subject)

Here's a link to an article on this very subject by Casey Schwartz, a graduate of Brown University with a Masters Degree in psychodynamic neuroscience from University College London.

And here's some excerpts:

"Considering that anxiety makes your palms sweat, your heart race, your stomach turn somersaults, and your brain seize up like a car with a busted transmission, it's no wonder people reach for the Xanax to vanquish it. But in a surprise, researchers who study emotion regulation—how we cope, or fail to cope, with the daily swirl of feelings—are discovering that many anxious people are bound and determined (though not always consciously) to cultivate anxiety. The reason, studies suggest, is that for some people anxiety boosts cognitive performance, while for others it actually feels comforting."

“Some people get addicted to feeling anxious because that’s the state that they’ve always known. If they feel a sense of calm, they get bored.”

"Wanting to feel an emotion is not the same thing as enjoying that emotion, points out neuroscientist Kent Berridge of the University of Michigan, who discovered that wanting and liking are mediated by two distinct sets of neurotransmitters."

Hey, folks, try to relax!


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