Well, if you've been working on yourself in a determined way in recent times, chances are your answer to any or all of the above is yes.
Some of my fellow travelers and I have been calling it the "Whatever happened to...?" syndrome, and it's part of the Wave I've been talking about since the beginning of this year.
The Wave is the surge of energy that's been sweeping across the planet for several years that is either moving people forward in their evolution at an accelerated rate, or slamming them hard into their resistances to change. One thing has been certain and obvious, though - in no instances is the Wave allowing anyone to remain in "neutral." Just look around. Another way of thinking about this is that we are all engaged in the process of deciding if we are staunchly remaining in 3rd-dimensional (dualistic, linear) reality, for now, or are we ready to shift to a 4th dimensional existence, that of knowing that we create reality from the inside out, no exceptions.
In conjunction with the Wave, I would also like to mention another concept, that of the "vortex."
Many who have pursued New Age spiritualism over the last few decades are familiar with this term as it applies to certain geographic locations on the earth - Sedona, Arizona, Machu Pichu, Peru, the Bermuda Triangle, etc. These are ancient "sacred" places where magnetic energy and cosmic forces have coalesced in such a way as to promote anything from personal growth and enlightenment to extraterrestrial visitations.
But something quite fascinating is occurring lately that heralds the acceleration that human beings have invited upon themselves - vortices are popping up everywhere!
More and more, whenever any number of individuals gather together for the purpose of opening themselves up to higher dimensions of being, a vortex supporting that elevation is created. This may indeed explain the sudden disappearances, as well as the sudden appearances of people in your lives.
If you could visualize a kind of sustained tornado, which is how I see a vortex, kind of like a funnel-shaped stream of powerful energy swirling clockwise, said vortex will either powerfully thrust someone out of its energy field, or just as powerfully attract someone in. The determining factor of whether one is thrust out or pulled into the vortex that you may be creating is how open the internal system of that individual is, along with whatever prior soul agreements may exist between you and said individual to come together at a certain place and time.
What does this imply for your day to day?
Well, first of all, if you are finding that your relationships, career direction, passions and other interests are shifting, you would be well-advised to open yourself to the possibility that the next phase of your journey may not include that person, job or activity, at least not in the same way you've been used to, rather than clinging to what is familiar. Holding onto that which you've outgrown can only have detrimental effects for all involved.
Also, if you truly desire something in your life, consider that the laborious, linear steps you've always thought were required to attain the fulfillment of that desire may not be necessary after all. Consider that if you make a shift in your consciousness, your life can change at the speed of thought!
And finally, folks, notice things!
We all have experiences that are out of the space-time continuum, but we superstitiously dismiss them out of irrational fear. Deja vu, premonitions and intuitive insights, vivid dreams or visions, coincidences that are so outside of the realm of statistical probability that they can't be coincidences... these are glimpses into 4th dimensional reality. Pay attention to those moments and you can expand them and became a more conscious creator of your life.
Or you can let the vortex fling you outta here!

beautiful blog, and the pic is so amazing.:P
what will happen to narcissists in the fourth dimension?
what will happen to narcissists in the fourth dimension?
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