"All objects, all tools, all rituals, all techniques are 'permission slips' you attract yourself to because they are representative of something within your belief system that says that if you use this tool, ritual, or technique you will then be more likely to allow yourself to give yourself permission to be more of who you are."

Okay, what exactly is Bashar talking about here?

Well, it's nothing more or less than what every teacher of higher consciousness or any quantum physicist would say. It's directly related to what the placebo effect demonstrates, which even mainstream medical practitioners know is real (Read more on that HERE). 

In his own inimitable way, Bashar is reiterating the truth that matter is directed into form by consciousness. This is not theory, opinion or belief. This is demonstrable - through science, through experience, through unbiased observation.

Matter is directed into form by consciousness.

However, here's the caveat... for us. Since we played the 3D game for so long, a game which had rules that led us to forget all of the above, and who we truly are, for the most part, we needed external devices - permission slips - to allow ourselves to transform energy into form without thinking that we were really doing so.

So, we take drugs, have surgery, radiate ourselves, or we eat certain foods, exercise, do cleanses, meditate, read books, go to therapy... whatever... all with the idea of creating a certain effect in our mind-body-spirit gestalt. Likewise, we work at a jobs, and get degrees or specialized training to obtain said jobs, in order to survive or manifest abundance in our material lives.

But what experiments on the placebo effect have shown is that whether you are ingesting chemicals or simply water in a pill, whether you're having actual or fake surgery, if you believe said pill or surgery is going to heal you, it will. Likewise, what people’s experiences have shown them is that when we let go of control, and trust in the flow of life, things work out for our greater good, often with ease. In other words, life is full of permission slips to activate your beliefs in a preferred way.

We conditioned ourselves in 3D to call these things mysteries, coincidences, luck, etc. Now, in 5D, more and more people are coming to understand one of the basic tenants of human existence, which is we create our reality from our intentions at various levels of consciousness. In the transition period, however, we are still temporarily relying on beliefs and permission slips, even though they now may be of a higher vibration.

As the veil of limitation lifts, we will have more experiences of a synchronistic nature that will be akin to practicing creating our reality directly, without a permission slip, and out of the strict linear time continuum.

Here’s a personal example...

For 20 years, I have been using the permission slip of doing periodic cleanses, as per the formulae and regimens of master herbalist, Richard Schulze. My belief in his programs and products was strong, and the results I always experienced were extremely positive. I would feel vibrant, clear, energized, within days, and my face and skin glowed as if I’d been on vacation at the beach somewhere.

But… here’s what began occurring a few years ago. I would start feeling vibrant, and start glowing before I began the cleanse. In other words, I was showing myself that simply setting the intention to cleanse my body made it happen. No herbs, no juicing, no hot and cold showers. Just focusing my consciousness. Just a clear intention in my mind, and the anticipation emotionally of feeling good in my body, made it so.

So, to summarize... start with recognizing, without judgment, that virtually everything you use in your life to create an effect that you desire is a permission slip. Then, again without judgment, allow yourself through relaxed intention and elevated emotions, to create what you desire without a permission slip.

Try it. Go direct. Conscious intention to instant manifestation. That’s what we’re up to, folks. That’s 5D.

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