THIS is hot off the "interstellar press," Darryl Anka channeling Bashar on the U.S. presidential election of 2016. If you want to stay angry and depressed, don't listen. If you want to feel excited, positive and energized, listen up!
Thanksgiving gratitude coming hard to you this year?
Watch this:
And read this:
And this:
Watch this:
And read this:
And this:
To those of you who have done a significant amount of self-work and arrived to a place where you are conscious of your old beliefs, images and memories, where you are connected to your feelings and can express them, and where you no longer are overly focused on what others think about you, but yet you feel stuck in some area of your life, this is for you.
You are at the threshold of a major shift, THE shift, really, the big one, a dimension transition of unprecedented proportions to 5th Dimensional consciousness, a transition to life in the "Thousand Year Golden Age" that lies just ahead.
If you feel unable to cross the "finish line," however, unable to experience a truly different outer reality in which you are living your highest excitement, you most likely are grappling with resistance manifesting as a fear of the "Unknown" and a refusal to let go. This is different than resistance born out of unconscious, unresolved childhood wounds and the resultant character structures.
This resistance is will-driven, in the present moment, rooted in an unwillingness to let go of familiar (not familial) comforts and attachments, whether those attachments are to pleasure or suffering or an identity. To go forward smoothly, with grace and ease, now requires a letting go of all attachments, ALL attachments, and practicing acceptance and gratitude. Now, mind you, if you are meant to have something in your life for your greatest good and highest excitement, letting go of your attachment to that person, place or thing won't mean you "lose" it. It just means you won't be clinging to it out of fear.
So, okay, ready? Here's how you go forward - In each moment, from the menu of choices that are right in front of you, choose the option that represents your highest preference, without insistence that the outcome of that choice has to look a certain way.
That's it! One more time - In each moment, from the menu of choices that are right in front of you, choose the option that represents your highest preference, without insistence that the outcome of that choice has to look a certain way.
Got it? Good. See you on the other side!

You are at the threshold of a major shift, THE shift, really, the big one, a dimension transition of unprecedented proportions to 5th Dimensional consciousness, a transition to life in the "Thousand Year Golden Age" that lies just ahead.
If you feel unable to cross the "finish line," however, unable to experience a truly different outer reality in which you are living your highest excitement, you most likely are grappling with resistance manifesting as a fear of the "Unknown" and a refusal to let go. This is different than resistance born out of unconscious, unresolved childhood wounds and the resultant character structures.
This resistance is will-driven, in the present moment, rooted in an unwillingness to let go of familiar (not familial) comforts and attachments, whether those attachments are to pleasure or suffering or an identity. To go forward smoothly, with grace and ease, now requires a letting go of all attachments, ALL attachments, and practicing acceptance and gratitude. Now, mind you, if you are meant to have something in your life for your greatest good and highest excitement, letting go of your attachment to that person, place or thing won't mean you "lose" it. It just means you won't be clinging to it out of fear.
So, okay, ready? Here's how you go forward - In each moment, from the menu of choices that are right in front of you, choose the option that represents your highest preference, without insistence that the outcome of that choice has to look a certain way.
That's it! One more time - In each moment, from the menu of choices that are right in front of you, choose the option that represents your highest preference, without insistence that the outcome of that choice has to look a certain way.
Got it? Good. See you on the other side!

Read this! Take your time and read this! Really! More than once. It will help.
"Integrating fragmented aspects of consciousness. Attaining the perspective of one’s own expanded, multidimensional self. You have come to this place in time for a multiplicity of reasons. You have come for the opportunity to transcend the parameters that define your existence. And, in the same breath, you have come to deepen your connection with the interwoven aspects of your beingness that give your life definition in the truest sense. You have come to this experience you know as your life in order to be able to reject, completely, the consensus view of reality imprinted upon you since birth, and to replace that structure of understanding with a perspective that totally transcends it. This is the first time in your personal history as an incarnate individual that your conscious awareness has been augmented with levels of energy that enable you to transcend your physical senses. This is the first incarnation in which you have been able to reinforce intuitive knowingness with experiential knowingness. This is the moment you have been waiting for, for eons of existence. For, this is the lifetime that will catapult you beyond all you know to a depth of awareness and understanding you are as yet unable to fathom. Trust that this process, in which you are, by now, deeply invested, is unfolding as it is meant to. And that everything is, indeed, in “Divine order.” You are a spark of Divinity in the throes of activation. The programming for the process is deep-seated within you. And it will unfold at its own pace, regardless of steps you might be encouraged to take to accelerate that momentum. You may experience a sense of reassurance by participating in group activities targeted at expanding your consciousness. And you may, indeed, experience sensations indicative of amplified levels of energy during such activities. But know that the results of such exercises are, for the most part, short-lived. For, the foundation for sustaining that energy is built from within. And the momentum of your growth is rooted in stillness. There is a place within the depths of one’s being where opportunities that defy linear logic are able to unfold. The key to maximizing the pace of your process lies in the degree to which you are able to let go and cease directing the scenarios of your drama. Allow life to unfold for you. And recognize the potential in the synchronicity that presents itself. Note the perfection in the results. And consider the possibility that your best interests are best served by a level of awareness that transcends your conscious mind. Recognize your tendencies, rooted in fear of a less than optimum outcome of your efforts, to attempt to direct that outcome. Dispense with your prior understanding of how results are manifested. And allow the circumstances that present themselves to nudge you in the direction of your highest possible good. As you become more comfortable with the process, you will begin to notice how easily the opportunities flow and how effortlessly you are able to manifest results that serve you at the highest level. You stand at the threshold of a grand adventure. And the extent to which you are able to experience the fullness of that journey is determined by the extent to which you are able to let go of the scenarios that no longer serve you. You have noticed, with rare exception, that the circumstances of your life are unraveling at an unprecedented pace. You have begun to question what is happening, as the structure of life as you know it, begins to crumble. You look around you for explanations. And you probe your own circumstances for clues that would justify the destruction of the familiar. At first, you may resist the impetus to dematerialize what has been the foundation of your reality. In time, you will come to recognize the inevitability of the momentum that guides you."
("Oneness" by Rasha)
"Integrating fragmented aspects of consciousness. Attaining the perspective of one’s own expanded, multidimensional self. You have come to this place in time for a multiplicity of reasons. You have come for the opportunity to transcend the parameters that define your existence. And, in the same breath, you have come to deepen your connection with the interwoven aspects of your beingness that give your life definition in the truest sense. You have come to this experience you know as your life in order to be able to reject, completely, the consensus view of reality imprinted upon you since birth, and to replace that structure of understanding with a perspective that totally transcends it. This is the first time in your personal history as an incarnate individual that your conscious awareness has been augmented with levels of energy that enable you to transcend your physical senses. This is the first incarnation in which you have been able to reinforce intuitive knowingness with experiential knowingness. This is the moment you have been waiting for, for eons of existence. For, this is the lifetime that will catapult you beyond all you know to a depth of awareness and understanding you are as yet unable to fathom. Trust that this process, in which you are, by now, deeply invested, is unfolding as it is meant to. And that everything is, indeed, in “Divine order.” You are a spark of Divinity in the throes of activation. The programming for the process is deep-seated within you. And it will unfold at its own pace, regardless of steps you might be encouraged to take to accelerate that momentum. You may experience a sense of reassurance by participating in group activities targeted at expanding your consciousness. And you may, indeed, experience sensations indicative of amplified levels of energy during such activities. But know that the results of such exercises are, for the most part, short-lived. For, the foundation for sustaining that energy is built from within. And the momentum of your growth is rooted in stillness. There is a place within the depths of one’s being where opportunities that defy linear logic are able to unfold. The key to maximizing the pace of your process lies in the degree to which you are able to let go and cease directing the scenarios of your drama. Allow life to unfold for you. And recognize the potential in the synchronicity that presents itself. Note the perfection in the results. And consider the possibility that your best interests are best served by a level of awareness that transcends your conscious mind. Recognize your tendencies, rooted in fear of a less than optimum outcome of your efforts, to attempt to direct that outcome. Dispense with your prior understanding of how results are manifested. And allow the circumstances that present themselves to nudge you in the direction of your highest possible good. As you become more comfortable with the process, you will begin to notice how easily the opportunities flow and how effortlessly you are able to manifest results that serve you at the highest level. You stand at the threshold of a grand adventure. And the extent to which you are able to experience the fullness of that journey is determined by the extent to which you are able to let go of the scenarios that no longer serve you. You have noticed, with rare exception, that the circumstances of your life are unraveling at an unprecedented pace. You have begun to question what is happening, as the structure of life as you know it, begins to crumble. You look around you for explanations. And you probe your own circumstances for clues that would justify the destruction of the familiar. At first, you may resist the impetus to dematerialize what has been the foundation of your reality. In time, you will come to recognize the inevitability of the momentum that guides you."
("Oneness" by Rasha)
"When you experience a particularly poignant response to a given situation—one that you may judge to be extreme—consider, before judging yourself too harshly, that what you may be feeling is depth of emotion you share mutually with an aspect of self that has been denied and was left behind along the way. By repressing the expression of the depths of your feeling, you only serve to prolong the separation between you and that aspect of self, and to invite repeat performances of scenarios which are calculated to produce the same emotional response. It is imperative that you open your heart to the very real sensations of hurt, sorrow, or outrage summoned to you by circumstances in the dramas in which you play a part. In so doing, you pave the way for the reintegration of a missing piece of your own being whose life theme may be the embodiment of those very responses, and who strives from his depths to transcend them.
The need to be 'right' in all instances, and to defend that perspective at all costs, suddenly gives way to the need for harmony and for a spontaneous perception of the perspective of the adversary. The need to triumph over another, regardless of the circumstance, is based upon the needs of ego. And this ego-centered state of separation is the one overriding factor that seeks to undermine the impetus toward unification in Oneness, toward which all energy throughout Creation is focused. The process of relinquishing one’s conditioned attachment to learned responses fostered by ego, has been a gradual one. Now, the momentum of accelerated vibration results in dramatic shifts in consciousness in all who are attuned to these changes. Interactions are more intense, and the emotions evoked are calculated to take the underlying point of the exercise to the extreme, such that interactions appear to be caricatures of behaviors that might be expected, ordinarily. When the heat of the moment passes, one is left to wonder 'what on earth that was all about.”
The need to be 'right' in all instances, and to defend that perspective at all costs, suddenly gives way to the need for harmony and for a spontaneous perception of the perspective of the adversary. The need to triumph over another, regardless of the circumstance, is based upon the needs of ego. And this ego-centered state of separation is the one overriding factor that seeks to undermine the impetus toward unification in Oneness, toward which all energy throughout Creation is focused. The process of relinquishing one’s conditioned attachment to learned responses fostered by ego, has been a gradual one. Now, the momentum of accelerated vibration results in dramatic shifts in consciousness in all who are attuned to these changes. Interactions are more intense, and the emotions evoked are calculated to take the underlying point of the exercise to the extreme, such that interactions appear to be caricatures of behaviors that might be expected, ordinarily. When the heat of the moment passes, one is left to wonder 'what on earth that was all about.”
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