The thing about staying focused in reality is you're never surprised, never disappointed, never fooled, because you're never idealizing, never glossing over and never having expectations. Reality is the best place, because reality is the only place. Think about it.
This is my FPL spin on Jack Kornfield's book, "After the Ecstasy, the Laundry" -
I have always felt that a calling of mine as a guide/therapist/teacher/student was to discover enlightenment in every day living, in everyday ways, with everyday people. I realized early on in my spiritual journey that being incarnated as a human being wasn't a mistake or a hardship or some kind of karmic punishment, but rather a soul choice that was meant to lead ultimately to experiencing the fullness of physical life in a joyful, pleasure-filled, loving, creative expression of my true self.
Seeking self-actualization as a human being is a challenge, yes, but in the way that climbing Mount Everest or running a marathon is, in the way that composing a musical piece or a screenplay is, in the way that falling in love is. It requires that you strive for your highest excitement with a "whatever-it-takes" attitude, that you accept full self-responsibility as a privilege, not a burden, that you move through life's events alive with passion, that you stay awake.
Here's an excerpt from Interesting piece on the Huffington Post entitled: "WHAT IS ENLIGHTMENT?" by Natasha Dern:
"This state of beingness is easy to attain or maintain in an ashram, monastery or somewhere up in the mountains far removed from the challenges of modern life. There's nothing wrong with pursuing a monastic life or dedicating your life to simplicity and seclusion; this has its time and value on the journey. But how much of that pursuit is authentic, versus escaping the demands of the world? When you live in seclusion, you bet it's easier to maintain a consciousness of love and compassion. So what is enlightenment? How about coming down from that mountain and putting your unity consciousness to the test amidst mortgage payments and credit card debt, divorce lawyers and aging parents, nasty bosses and health problems, wars and poverty?"
So, get into it, folks. Do some laundry and have some fun!
I have always felt that a calling of mine as a guide/therapist/teacher/student was to discover enlightenment in every day living, in everyday ways, with everyday people. I realized early on in my spiritual journey that being incarnated as a human being wasn't a mistake or a hardship or some kind of karmic punishment, but rather a soul choice that was meant to lead ultimately to experiencing the fullness of physical life in a joyful, pleasure-filled, loving, creative expression of my true self.
Seeking self-actualization as a human being is a challenge, yes, but in the way that climbing Mount Everest or running a marathon is, in the way that composing a musical piece or a screenplay is, in the way that falling in love is. It requires that you strive for your highest excitement with a "whatever-it-takes" attitude, that you accept full self-responsibility as a privilege, not a burden, that you move through life's events alive with passion, that you stay awake.
Here's an excerpt from Interesting piece on the Huffington Post entitled: "WHAT IS ENLIGHTMENT?" by Natasha Dern:
"This state of beingness is easy to attain or maintain in an ashram, monastery or somewhere up in the mountains far removed from the challenges of modern life. There's nothing wrong with pursuing a monastic life or dedicating your life to simplicity and seclusion; this has its time and value on the journey. But how much of that pursuit is authentic, versus escaping the demands of the world? When you live in seclusion, you bet it's easier to maintain a consciousness of love and compassion. So what is enlightenment? How about coming down from that mountain and putting your unity consciousness to the test amidst mortgage payments and credit card debt, divorce lawyers and aging parents, nasty bosses and health problems, wars and poverty?"
So, get into it, folks. Do some laundry and have some fun!

Inevitably, when someone working with me has a breakthrough and breaks out of their character structure (that conglomerate of defense mechanisms created to survive childhood) the response is typically like they've just hatched from an egg or awoken from a dream. The sense of freedom, exhilaration and clarity is striking initially, like they're seeing the world around them for the first time, and it is often startling, as well.
It is almost assured at some point early on that said "hatchling" will express dismay in this way to me: "Oh my God! Everywhere I look, everyone seems crazy!" I reassure them, sort of, by confirming that perception with a calm, "Yes. Most people are."
The next very important phase of acclimation to sanity and freedom, then, is to adjust to that reality. Being a sane person in an insane world can stir up fears of being isolated and lonely forever, and even inspire wishes to be insane again, so as not to be alone.
Undaunted, I continue on: "Yes, most people regularly lie, even to themselves." "Yes, most people cannot truly love, but substitute co-dependence for the real thing and call it love, utterly confusing the children they bear in far too many numbers." "Yes, most people resist growth and change vehemently, at times even violently, and call it being 'traditional' or having 'values." "Yes, sadism, the flip side of the rampant masochism infecting most people, is experienced as pleasure, while affection and sensuality are decried as weakness." "Yes, running up deficits to start wars and give tax cuts to subsidize the extravagant lifestyles of the rich is not thought of as spending, but using public funds to build better roads or schools or environmentally safe industries is thought of as wasteful." "Yes, it seems like we live in the Bizarro World of the Superman comics where up is down, square is round and bad is good." "And yes, Glenn Beck is really getting paid big money to break down and have psychotic episodes on television."
But not to worry, I insist. True loneliness comes from being alienated from yourself, from living inside the cocoon of a character structure, separated artificially from life. As you get used to being free internally, the fear of loneliness will be replaced with a confident, grounded, empowered sense of self and a oneness with all of those around you, even with those whose toxicity may be such that you cannot directly engage with them. You will realize that while we are all human, we are not all the same, and especially not all the same in terms of "soul age." Many people on Planet Earth, in fact, are still relatively young in that regard, and so still given to the delusions and dictates of the ego. Your presence as a mature, older soul, whatever chronological age you are, will ultimately be a guiding light for those who only appear to be in power.
And to boot, your health will improve - physically, mentally, emotionally, financially and sexually - and again, regardless of what age you are when you break through.
So, come on out. It's not only safe out here in the light, it's fun!
It is almost assured at some point early on that said "hatchling" will express dismay in this way to me: "Oh my God! Everywhere I look, everyone seems crazy!" I reassure them, sort of, by confirming that perception with a calm, "Yes. Most people are."
The next very important phase of acclimation to sanity and freedom, then, is to adjust to that reality. Being a sane person in an insane world can stir up fears of being isolated and lonely forever, and even inspire wishes to be insane again, so as not to be alone.
Undaunted, I continue on: "Yes, most people regularly lie, even to themselves." "Yes, most people cannot truly love, but substitute co-dependence for the real thing and call it love, utterly confusing the children they bear in far too many numbers." "Yes, most people resist growth and change vehemently, at times even violently, and call it being 'traditional' or having 'values." "Yes, sadism, the flip side of the rampant masochism infecting most people, is experienced as pleasure, while affection and sensuality are decried as weakness." "Yes, running up deficits to start wars and give tax cuts to subsidize the extravagant lifestyles of the rich is not thought of as spending, but using public funds to build better roads or schools or environmentally safe industries is thought of as wasteful." "Yes, it seems like we live in the Bizarro World of the Superman comics where up is down, square is round and bad is good." "And yes, Glenn Beck is really getting paid big money to break down and have psychotic episodes on television."
But not to worry, I insist. True loneliness comes from being alienated from yourself, from living inside the cocoon of a character structure, separated artificially from life. As you get used to being free internally, the fear of loneliness will be replaced with a confident, grounded, empowered sense of self and a oneness with all of those around you, even with those whose toxicity may be such that you cannot directly engage with them. You will realize that while we are all human, we are not all the same, and especially not all the same in terms of "soul age." Many people on Planet Earth, in fact, are still relatively young in that regard, and so still given to the delusions and dictates of the ego. Your presence as a mature, older soul, whatever chronological age you are, will ultimately be a guiding light for those who only appear to be in power.
And to boot, your health will improve - physically, mentally, emotionally, financially and sexually - and again, regardless of what age you are when you break through.
So, come on out. It's not only safe out here in the light, it's fun!

This is a repost from the first month of 2015. Seemed appropriate to put it up again given the recent murder and mayhem.
Okay. Take a breath. And answer this question - What channel are you tuned into? The Prosperity Channel? The Vibrant Health Channel? The Love, Eros and Sex Channel?
Or are you tuned into the old 3D Network where you can find the "Disaster and Calamity Channel?" Perhaps you're a fan of the "Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid Channel?" Maybe the "All Terrorism All the Time" station?
You see, here's the deal, folks. We're in the transition to 5D. And as I've said many times, if you're reading this blog, you're in it! You're "ascending," meaning you're raising your vibration, your consciousness. We all are, one way or another. Easy or hard, fast or slow, on the planet or off, we're all on the 5D train, now.
Many people are experiencing this raising of our frequency as very exciting indeed, though some are reacting to this shift with fear, especially of what is loosely referred to as "the unknown" (a confusing and illusory concept in and of itself because the future is the present when we get there, and therefore, the future is always the unknown until we create it).
Fear, of course, is the best way to slow down your own personal ascension process. And of course, many elements in the media are more than glad to contribute to your delay with flashy and horrific fear-mongering. And it's not that those stories of murder and mayhem aren't "real," it's that they are occurring in a particular dimension, and the old 3D media continuously broadcasts on the goings on in that dimension.
But that doesn't mean those disasters are what are mainly happening in this reality. READ THIS and THIS for more info.
However, for those of you who are determined and dedicated to actively and consciously moving forward in your evolutionary process, you will find that this is a time of great acceleration and near instant manifestation. And you can rest assured that you will not inadvertently contract ebola anytime soon. Nor will you become destitute and homeless or spend the rest of your life alone. In fact, except for some necessary cleansing/purging experiences, you will find your life expanding towards your highest excitement and fulfillment in quantum leaps.
Okay, but can you say more, PL, about why I don't need to worry about terrorism and random acts of violence?
Well, first of all, on a mundane, practical level, because worry is an energy drain and a negative meditation that eventually attracts the very thing you worry about. The quote often posted on FPL - "Hating war is not the same as loving peace" - is a reminder of this. But more importantly, you don't have to worry about plagues or terrorism because you can literally change the channel and live on one of the parallel Earths where such things no longer exist. You can acknowledge and observe, if you find it compelling, that disastrous events are occurring on 3D Earth, but for all intents and purposes, 3D Earth is a network that only shows period pieces, the old era in this case being the 3rd Dimension of consciousness, where dualism, conflict and limitation ruled.
In January of 2013, I launched a series of posts (HERE) that started with one entitled: "IT'S 2013! WHICH EARTH ARE YOU ON?! (HERE), in which I outlined the new rules of 5D Earth. It is useful to check into the new understanding of how the game has changed, so you can play it with more grace and ease. Something that would help you in the transition process greatly, by the way, would be a change in the way you define things. Occurrences that you once habitually referred to as "problems" or "obstacles" can be addressed instead as opportunities for trying out the new rules of 5D, and physical symptoms, formerly labelled as signs of "illness," "disease" or "damage," can be understood as manifestations of cleansing and purging one's system to make room for higher levels of creative energy.
The best thing you can do today is to generate joy, laughter and love in your own personal energy field. It is the best vaccine and a truly invincible, impenetrable defense against negative experiences.
Enjoy your day!
Okay. Take a breath. And answer this question - What channel are you tuned into? The Prosperity Channel? The Vibrant Health Channel? The Love, Eros and Sex Channel?
Or are you tuned into the old 3D Network where you can find the "Disaster and Calamity Channel?" Perhaps you're a fan of the "Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid Channel?" Maybe the "All Terrorism All the Time" station?
You see, here's the deal, folks. We're in the transition to 5D. And as I've said many times, if you're reading this blog, you're in it! You're "ascending," meaning you're raising your vibration, your consciousness. We all are, one way or another. Easy or hard, fast or slow, on the planet or off, we're all on the 5D train, now.
Many people are experiencing this raising of our frequency as very exciting indeed, though some are reacting to this shift with fear, especially of what is loosely referred to as "the unknown" (a confusing and illusory concept in and of itself because the future is the present when we get there, and therefore, the future is always the unknown until we create it).
Fear, of course, is the best way to slow down your own personal ascension process. And of course, many elements in the media are more than glad to contribute to your delay with flashy and horrific fear-mongering. And it's not that those stories of murder and mayhem aren't "real," it's that they are occurring in a particular dimension, and the old 3D media continuously broadcasts on the goings on in that dimension.
But that doesn't mean those disasters are what are mainly happening in this reality. READ THIS and THIS for more info.
However, for those of you who are determined and dedicated to actively and consciously moving forward in your evolutionary process, you will find that this is a time of great acceleration and near instant manifestation. And you can rest assured that you will not inadvertently contract ebola anytime soon. Nor will you become destitute and homeless or spend the rest of your life alone. In fact, except for some necessary cleansing/purging experiences, you will find your life expanding towards your highest excitement and fulfillment in quantum leaps.
Okay, but can you say more, PL, about why I don't need to worry about terrorism and random acts of violence?
Well, first of all, on a mundane, practical level, because worry is an energy drain and a negative meditation that eventually attracts the very thing you worry about. The quote often posted on FPL - "Hating war is not the same as loving peace" - is a reminder of this. But more importantly, you don't have to worry about plagues or terrorism because you can literally change the channel and live on one of the parallel Earths where such things no longer exist. You can acknowledge and observe, if you find it compelling, that disastrous events are occurring on 3D Earth, but for all intents and purposes, 3D Earth is a network that only shows period pieces, the old era in this case being the 3rd Dimension of consciousness, where dualism, conflict and limitation ruled.
In January of 2013, I launched a series of posts (HERE) that started with one entitled: "IT'S 2013! WHICH EARTH ARE YOU ON?! (HERE), in which I outlined the new rules of 5D Earth. It is useful to check into the new understanding of how the game has changed, so you can play it with more grace and ease. Something that would help you in the transition process greatly, by the way, would be a change in the way you define things. Occurrences that you once habitually referred to as "problems" or "obstacles" can be addressed instead as opportunities for trying out the new rules of 5D, and physical symptoms, formerly labelled as signs of "illness," "disease" or "damage," can be understood as manifestations of cleansing and purging one's system to make room for higher levels of creative energy.
The best thing you can do today is to generate joy, laughter and love in your own personal energy field. It is the best vaccine and a truly invincible, impenetrable defense against negative experiences.
Enjoy your day!
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