From a sojourn in solitude, a journey into my self - emotionally, spiritually and creatively. I spent the month of February in The Bahamas, Freeport specifically, basking in the warm sun, bathing in the clear, aqua sea, and writing a book. I was alone for the first three weeks, and it was a revelation in that I revealed myself to myself without the comforts of sharing space and interacting directly with loved ones.
I walked and meditated on the beach first thing in the morning, swam several times a day, and talked to myself out loud in my journal using voice dictation (My MacBook Air became for me what "Wilson," the soccer ball, was for Tom Hanks in "Castaway!"). I got close to the sound of my own breathing. I also laughed out loud, especially when I found myself saying: "I'm tan, in a bathing suit and tank top, walking on the beach in water so clear I can see my feet many yards out... and it's February!" When I returned home to Brooklyn, and several snowstorms that apparently had been waiting for me, I laughed again. "Ha! You think I care about snow? I'M TAN!!"

Below is a piece I wrote year or two ago (See the above title), and here is a link to another one, entitled, "WANT A BETTER RELATIONSHIP? ENJOY SOME SOLITUDE!" In that post, I talked about the importance, not only for creative purposes, but for the betterment of one's relationships, and life in general, of spending "quality time" alone.
Well, in this run-up to 5D, making the choice to have a good amount of solitude in your life has risen to the level of an imperative. As one's vibrational frequency rises, which is occurring in general to everyone, but at an accelerated rate for those who've awakened and are actively pursuing their path through the ascension process, it becomes increasingly necessary to protect one's personal energy field from vibrations of a lower frequency. In other words, you can't hang out with friends, family members, colleagues, etc., whose vibration is lower than yours, without feeling some negative effects. And right now, those effects are manifesting at a faster and faster rate.
I am hearing more and more from the awakened people I work with and who read this blog that they are finding more and more people, places and situations intolerable.
Here's a passage from an amazing book, ONENESS, by Rasha:
"The tendency to distance oneself helps to create a vibrational buffer and is a self-protective mechanism that one adopts instinctively. For, until you become adept at stabilizing the accelerating levels of vibration, you are susceptible to the variations in vibrational frequency with which you are surrounded and the extremes of experience that can result. One becomes acutely aware of the effects of certain environments and certain individuals upon one’s manifestation of life experience. And one begins to make choices that others may consider radical. One often becomes ruthless in the curtailing of associations and activities that no longer serve one’s highest interests.The tendency becomes increasingly that of choosing aloneness over the companionship of others that had always been taken for granted as a way of life. One comes to regard one’s own company as profoundly gratifying, and the time one chooses to spend interacting with others begins to diminish. One becomes attuned to one’s own inner world and is drawn to withdrawing to that space at every opportunity.”
Whoa, PL! Are you saying that I shouldn't go to my family's for Thanksgiving next year? That I should quit my job? Ditch my old college friends? Not ride the subways?!
Well... yes. And no.
The yes is this -
If you attempt to lower your own vibration in order to maintain a relationship or spend significant amounts of time in an environment that's not up to where you're at consciousness-wise, you're going to feel out of balance and toxic. At a certain point, you will have no choice but to distance yourself from that person, place or thing, or invite a crisis. Thus, the growing phenomenon this past November to celebrate "Friendsgiving" - Thanksgiving with friends instead of family.
The no is implied in this sentence from Oneness above -
"For, until you become adept at stabilizing the accelerating levels of vibration, you are susceptible to the variations in vibrational frequency with which you are surrounded and the extremes of experience that can result."
In other words, the need to be "ruthless" in distancing yourself from others with low vibrations is temporary. Once you become stabilized in your ascension process, and are no longer relating to others as other than reflections of you, you will be able to go anywhere and be with anyone without your level of vibration or consciousness being affected. Most likely, however, you will only choose to do so as a teacher or guide.
For now, though, most of you who are in a transitional phase of your process, will have to take measures to protect your energy field. So, besides staying home alone or living in the woods, what does that look like?
It looks like this - whenever you choose to mingle with a variety of vibrations, you take a few minutes through breath and meditation (in advance is best) to first clear your own field of any low vibrations, and fill it up with the highest frequency of love and light possible. Then, you do the same thing for the vortex and field of energy you're entering, clearing out the negative, low vibes and filling up the room and the energy fields of the people around you with higher vibes. [NOTE: If you're able to at least consider that everyone is a reflection of a part of you, it will help with the process.]
You can do this, folks. And the results will be nearly instantaneous if you're sincere.
Of course, the results will also be nearly instantaneous if you don't do this.
Here's an example -
Earlier this year, I was heading to a gathering in my car, to a situation that I knew was going to be filled with low vibrations. I neglected to take those few minutes to clear and protect my field, etc., and - no joke - I pull into the driveway at the home of said gathering... and my car catches on fire! I instantaneously realized what I'd forgotten to do.
Turns out it was just a hot bulb that had come loose and fell on some plastic, creating a lot of smoke, but I gratefully accepted the reminder and did my inner work before I went into the house. And I've never forgotten since. Whew!