(From "Great Human Potential: Walking in one's own light - Teachings from the Pleiades and the Hathors" by Tom Kenyon, Wendy Kennedy)
"Prior to incarnating, you all created two life blueprints for yourselves. These we call your pre-shift and post-shift blueprints. The pre-shift contained paths and contracts for you as you lived your life from the 3-D perspective. As you moved beyond December 21, 2012, you activated your post-shift blueprint. This blueprint includes paths and contracts based on the 5-D perspective. As the game has changed somewhat, the strategy for playing the game has also shifted to compensate for the many new levels of opportunity, awareness and perspective. In short, your blueprint is far more complex. Note we said complex, not difficult! Think of it as playing a video game. You have completed level one and are now moving on to level two, which is more challenging but also has the potential to be far more exciting and rewarding. With the post-shift blueprint, some of you will begin working with the galactic community in a more direct way."
"Teach by example that which you are inclined to share. For your actions speak far more clearly than any theory you may feel inspired to impart. This is the best possible way to communicate to those who are alarmed by your choices where you really stand on issues they can relate to. Show them how you have applied your newfound vision of reality to your life. Let them observe your nonreactive approach to confrontations that may once have triggered major battles. And provide for them a living example of the results of releasing the emotionally charged remnants of your personal history. Do not expect that others will necessarily be converted to your vantage point simply by virtue of their proximity to you. Yet know that they will have been affected in ways that they themselves do not understand by having accompanied you on this segment of your journey. Be patient with the beings who life has placed closest to you in these times. For you are serving as a teacher for many, simply by being who you really are."
In the last three weeks, I have put up a total of 20 posts on my Full Permission Living blog, probably a record for such a period of time. This was not a conscious decision on my part to flood my readers with information. Rather, the information has been flooding out of me with an urgency and excitement apropos of these accelerated times.
At the end of the summer, I got a very clear "hit" that the last quarter of 2014 was going to bring with it a higher frequency/vibration, raising up the height and breadth of the wave of change moving us further into 5th Dimensional consciousness. And then, before Thanksgiving, I got another hit that December was going to blow the cosmic doors open even more to finish off the year in a blast.
At the end of the summer, I got a very clear "hit" that the last quarter of 2014 was going to bring with it a higher frequency/vibration, raising up the height and breadth of the wave of change moving us further into 5th Dimensional consciousness. And then, before Thanksgiving, I got another hit that December was going to blow the cosmic doors open even more to finish off the year in a blast.
And yes, that is bringing with it the exposure and flushing out of any negative, low vibrations - i.e. - the police killings of citizens of our country, and the authority-sanctioned torture and deception of citizens of the world - but it's not cause to give in to fear or worry. This is first and foremost a necessary cleansing, and much more than the general media is allowing to be seen and heard on the traditional airwaves, things are getting much better... and fast!
Stay with your own personal cleansing process, folks. Keep your vibration up, whatever it takes. It's gonna be a great ride!

Stay with your own personal cleansing process, folks. Keep your vibration up, whatever it takes. It's gonna be a great ride!

“Time,’ as you know it to be, is
moving forward at an unprecedented pace. Events appear to be crammed into an
improbably short space, and at times seem to be happening simultaneously which,
in fact, they are. It is crucial, as your rendezvous with Oneness draws you
ever nearer, that you come to completion with the life themes that tether you
to this reality. It is crucial that you attain a state of detachment from the
energy charges that have magnetized you, habitually, throughout this lifetime.
It is crucial that you recognize the common thread in the web of dramas that
you have woven—that continue to ensnare you. And it is crucial that you allow
yourself the grace of your own humanness in responding to these recurring
situations—and love yourself.”
(From "ONENESS" by Rasha)
So, here we are, smack dab in the middle of the traditional holiday season and the year-end celebrations, replete with tons of food, mountains of presents, bright lights and candles, bad music and... obligation!
Yes. Obligation, defined in the dictionary as: "an act or course of action to which a person is morally or legally bound; a duty or commitment."
"One of the basic, higher truths about everything, which I mentioned in the introduction to the first installment of this series, is that we are all one. What that means, among other things, is that we are all of the same singular "body" of consciousness and energy, and that every "individual" is actually a mirrored reflection of an aspect of ourselves and of All That Is. Separateness, therefore, is an idea, a construct, an illusion if you will. Individuality is an experiment in consciousness by the consciousness of All That Is to experience the idea of separation.
"It is only by thoroughly believing in this idea of separation, and by forgetting temporarily the true nature of existence, that we could possibly believe that any one person might "need" another. In other words, one would have to conclude that a particular individual is not connected directly to the source energy of All That Is, and therefore needs us to step in where All That Is is falling short, quite a remarkable arrogance, wouldn't you say? But that was part of the 3D game, which has now come to an end, which is why we're talking about this!"
So, if enlightenment includes both the desire to be of service and the understanding of the nature of our true oneness with each other, what can we actually do for others?
Yes. Obligation, defined in the dictionary as: "an act or course of action to which a person is morally or legally bound; a duty or commitment."
Notice it doesn't say: "an act or course of action about which a person is excited, inspired or joyful to engage in."
But, if we didn't do things out of obligation, what would that look like? Don't we need to help others, be kind, be charitable, etc?
Well, it is a truth that as a person becomes more self-actualized, "enlightened," if you will, there is a desire to be of service to others, to give back to life. But without moral dictates, what does it actually mean to be of service?
This is a passage from one of the TRUTH ABOUT EVERYTHING posts: "NOBODY NEEDS YOU!"
"It is only by thoroughly believing in this idea of separation, and by forgetting temporarily the true nature of existence, that we could possibly believe that any one person might "need" another. In other words, one would have to conclude that a particular individual is not connected directly to the source energy of All That Is, and therefore needs us to step in where All That Is is falling short, quite a remarkable arrogance, wouldn't you say? But that was part of the 3D game, which has now come to an end, which is why we're talking about this!"
So, if enlightenment includes both the desire to be of service and the understanding of the nature of our true oneness with each other, what can we actually do for others?
Glad you asked. Here's a passage from "Oneness" by Rasha:
"Your own radiance will help illuminate the path of others who walk beside you, however briefly, simply by being in the authenticity of your own moment. It is not necessary to try in order to help another being who is experiencing a lesson you have learned the hard way. Simply by being present and holding that vibration of transcendence, you can add the much-needed boost to another that enables him to discover what has been right there all along. Just like you did."
Get that?
"Not necessary to try in order to help another."
That's right. All you need do to truly be of service is to be your true self in someone else's presence, "hold space," as I say to the guides I am guiding, be a mirror, while simultaneously seeing yourself in the person you're offering service to, as well. Then, you're doing it. You're doing the most you can ever possibly do for another.
So, as you move through this holiday season, folks, give the greatest gift you can give. You. Your own most genuine, joyful, radiant self. And give yourself the gift of discovering that being loving isn't doing deeds, sacrificing or buying presents. It's just being yourself.
"There is no static condition of enlightenment on the path of enlightenment."
(From "Oneness" by Rasha)
(From "Oneness" by Rasha)
"You should be prepared to experience unprecedented results, both in your own experience and in the experience of others for whom you may be facilitating. The dramatic remission of symptoms characteristic of this process is a phenomenon that will defy the scientific laws that govern your concept of what is and is not possible. The so-called “miracles” that may once have prompted reactions of awe and wonderment are occurrences to be expected by those who have journeyed to the outer reaches of the human condition in these times. Do not be tempted to limit what is possible, in terms of spontaneous recovery, on the basis of what you may have been taught. There are no such limits—not in the new world you are helping to birth, simply by being present."
"For, to be able to sustain physical life at the higher levels of awareness, one must be totally free of one’s attachment to it."
“Natural anger only lasts about 15 seconds; beyond that, it’s all self-judgment.
"There would be no exultation in the discovery of
the first tastes of limitlessness, were that experience not preceded by massive
doses of the experience of limitation."
You really have to laugh at the medical establishment and the scientific community. When it comes to foot-dragging on making obvious conclusions (they call it a need for "further study"), these folks are the champs.
Here's an excerpt from a piece on how pessimism can effect healing that "isn't nearly as well studied," according to its author, as the placebo effect, which scientists "already know is real."
"Pessimism can override the effectiveness of even powerful treatments. You've heard of the placebo effect, the healing power of positive belief. This is the 'nocebo' effect, the flip side, almost its evil twin. And while the self-fulfilling prophecy of negative thinking isn't nearly as well studied, some scientists say it's time for doctors to start paying a lot more attention to their patients' outlook. 'We all know that many treatments work for some people but not for others,' says neuroscientist Dr. Randy Gollub of Massachusetts General Hospital. Scientists already know the placebo effect is real. They can measure it in studies that compare real drugs to dummy pills, where those given the fakes have noticeable improvements to pain and other symptoms."
HERE'S a link to an FPL piece on the placebo effect.
Come on, Doc. You're catching up.
Here's an excerpt from a piece on how pessimism can effect healing that "isn't nearly as well studied," according to its author, as the placebo effect, which scientists "already know is real."
"Pessimism can override the effectiveness of even powerful treatments. You've heard of the placebo effect, the healing power of positive belief. This is the 'nocebo' effect, the flip side, almost its evil twin. And while the self-fulfilling prophecy of negative thinking isn't nearly as well studied, some scientists say it's time for doctors to start paying a lot more attention to their patients' outlook. 'We all know that many treatments work for some people but not for others,' says neuroscientist Dr. Randy Gollub of Massachusetts General Hospital. Scientists already know the placebo effect is real. They can measure it in studies that compare real drugs to dummy pills, where those given the fakes have noticeable improvements to pain and other symptoms."
HERE'S a link to an FPL piece on the placebo effect.
Come on, Doc. You're catching up.
“A memory without the emotional charge is called wisdom.”
(Joe Dispenza, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One)
(Joe Dispenza, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One)
"There is no place in the transcendent consciousness for any of the baggage you may still be carrying. All of the 'shoulds' and 'shouldn'ts' that may have dominated your consciousness are to be released and left at this crossroad."
“It’s actually a shocking realization when you first notice that your mind is constantly talking. You might even try to yell at it in a feeble attempt to shut it up. But then you realize that’s the voice yelling at the voice:”
(Michael A. Singer, The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself)
(Michael A. Singer, The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself)
"If you meet someone whose soul is not aligned with yours,
send them love and move along."
“The opportunity presented, under the present and
coming conditions of transition, is to recognize for oneself what is so, and to
honor that truth, even in the face of adversity.”
One month into the 4th quarter of 2014.
Are you still trying to figure out what's going on with your body? Why you're simultaneously in great health, energized and sexually potent, yet also full of aches and pains, exhausted and having dizzy spells?
Are you disconcerted with your erratic sleeping patterns? 4 AM wake-ups becoming the norm?
How about your career, if you can even call it that? Are you an actor, a musician, a real estate mogul through Airbnb, or a freelance driver for Uber? All of the above?
Has money moved in and out of your life, seemingly of its own will, regardless of your efforts?
Are you having more experiences of deja vu? Meaningful coincidences? Lucid dreaming?
Are you experiencing more synchronistic events, like meeting the right person at the right time for the right reason, while going about the business of doing nothing in particular?
Or perhaps you're seeing sequences of numbers repeating themselves in your dreams or on your alarm clock?
Are hearing voices talking or a choir singing while you're in the shower?
Are you becoming unfamiliar to yourself? Having trouble identifying who you are?
No, you're not losing it. It's not early onset Alzheimer's or the weed you ingested this past summer. And you're not alone. If you ask around, you'll discover that many, many people are experiencing exactly the same things you are. In fact, if you do a Google search for "symptoms of the ascension," you'll find a number of articles and videos describing your situation.
Another way of framing it for yourself, if "ascension" sounds too esoteric or dramatic for you, is that you are waking up. And not just you. The entire planet is coming out of a very long sleep, and most likely, if you're reading this, you're one of the early risers. You've become conscious of the way
In the first quarter of this year, I wrote a blog piece entitled "IT'S 2014: WHICH WAVE ARE YOU?" in which I quoted Dolores Cannon making this incredible statement:
"Never has an entire planet shifted its vibration into a new dimensional frequency. Many individual souls and groups of souls (like the Mayans, for example) have shifted in this way before, but never has an entire planet shifted all at once."
Get that? Never! That's right, folks. You've got a role in the biggest show in the history of the Universe. Congratulations!
And the essence of the part you're playing, and why it's referred to as an ascension process, is like that of the proverbial Phoenix, only the ashes that you are rising from in this time and place are the ashes of limitation.
Indeed, beliefs in the rigid limitations of linear time, dualism, impenetrable and immutable matter, as well as beliefs in unavoidable conflicts and suffering, lack, loss, even in death itself, all of these beliefs and their effects are loosening up and ultimately falling by the wayside of evolution during this time that we have been calling 5D (5th dimensional consciousness).
And to make this transition, which Dolores Cannon outlines brilliantly in her discussion of the "Three Waves" of incarnated souls on Earth during this period, if you are of the First Wave especially (mid-40's to mid-60's), but even possibly of the Second Wave (early 30's to early 40's), you are literally creating a new body for yourself and reincarnating in the same lifetime as we speak. How create is that?!
Yes, there will be some growing pains, but like William Hurt's character in the movie, "Altered States," well...
Oh, and thanks for the quote, Yogi!
Are you still trying to figure out what's going on with your body? Why you're simultaneously in great health, energized and sexually potent, yet also full of aches and pains, exhausted and having dizzy spells?
Are you disconcerted with your erratic sleeping patterns? 4 AM wake-ups becoming the norm?
How about your career, if you can even call it that? Are you an actor, a musician, a real estate mogul through Airbnb, or a freelance driver for Uber? All of the above?
Has money moved in and out of your life, seemingly of its own will, regardless of your efforts?
Are you having more experiences of deja vu? Meaningful coincidences? Lucid dreaming?
Are you experiencing more synchronistic events, like meeting the right person at the right time for the right reason, while going about the business of doing nothing in particular?
Or perhaps you're seeing sequences of numbers repeating themselves in your dreams or on your alarm clock?
Are hearing voices talking or a choir singing while you're in the shower?
Are you becoming unfamiliar to yourself? Having trouble identifying who you are?
No, you're not losing it. It's not early onset Alzheimer's or the weed you ingested this past summer. And you're not alone. If you ask around, you'll discover that many, many people are experiencing exactly the same things you are. In fact, if you do a Google search for "symptoms of the ascension," you'll find a number of articles and videos describing your situation.
Another way of framing it for yourself, if "ascension" sounds too esoteric or dramatic for you, is that you are waking up. And not just you. The entire planet is coming out of a very long sleep, and most likely, if you're reading this, you're one of the early risers. You've become conscious of the way
In the first quarter of this year, I wrote a blog piece entitled "IT'S 2014: WHICH WAVE ARE YOU?" in which I quoted Dolores Cannon making this incredible statement:
"Never has an entire planet shifted its vibration into a new dimensional frequency. Many individual souls and groups of souls (like the Mayans, for example) have shifted in this way before, but never has an entire planet shifted all at once."
Get that? Never! That's right, folks. You've got a role in the biggest show in the history of the Universe. Congratulations!
And the essence of the part you're playing, and why it's referred to as an ascension process, is like that of the proverbial Phoenix, only the ashes that you are rising from in this time and place are the ashes of limitation.
Indeed, beliefs in the rigid limitations of linear time, dualism, impenetrable and immutable matter, as well as beliefs in unavoidable conflicts and suffering, lack, loss, even in death itself, all of these beliefs and their effects are loosening up and ultimately falling by the wayside of evolution during this time that we have been calling 5D (5th dimensional consciousness).
And to make this transition, which Dolores Cannon outlines brilliantly in her discussion of the "Three Waves" of incarnated souls on Earth during this period, if you are of the First Wave especially (mid-40's to mid-60's), but even possibly of the Second Wave (early 30's to early 40's), you are literally creating a new body for yourself and reincarnating in the same lifetime as we speak. How create is that?!
Yes, there will be some growing pains, but like William Hurt's character in the movie, "Altered States," well...
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