"Inherent in man are evolutionary constructive forces, which urge him to realize his given potentialities, that man by his very nature and of his own accord, strives toward self-realization, and that his values evolve from such striving. With such a belief in an autonomous striving toward self-realization, we do not need an inner straight jacket with which to shackle our spontaneity, nor the whip of inner dictates to drive us to perfection."
(Karen Horney)
I've been posting regularly about what there is less of or more of in 5D. Well, here's the latest headline: "McDonalds Facing its Final Days!"
Yep. For the first time in 40 years, the fast food franchise will be shrinking, closing 700 "underperforming" locations.
That's right. I reported last week that according to the U.S. Census Bureau's Current Population Survey, in 2014, 47.6 percent of women between age 15 and 44 had never had children. Almost 50% of all women in their childbearing years are childless.
Less kids in 5D! And now, less crappy "food" for those fewer kids to poison themselves with!
Okay, so let's recap...
There are less murders, and in fact, less deaths from all kinds of violence worldwide, indeed fewer human-to-human killings than ever before. But... there are actually more deaths overall than ever before, yes, more people leaving Planet Earth, including record numbers from natural disasters, than ever before.
There are less bankers, and fewer cigarette smokers, but apparently there is still high quality beer in 5D. The U.S. abortion rate is at its lowest point since 1973, when abortion first became legal, and this drop occurred in spite of and before conservative states' attempts to legislate anti-abortion restrictions.
There is apparently no need for progressive talk radio in 5D, no need for cancer treatment, and no need for extreme fighting as entertainment anymore. Nor is there any support for drugging children given the false diagnosis of "ADHD." But... there are more child prodigies (see HERE, HERE and HERE).
And now, there are less kids! (And by default, less mothers!)
Believe it or not, I could go on listing many more of the collective manifestations of the quantum shift we're making to 5th dimensional consciousness, folks, but especially important is that many FPL readers can now share the miracles happening in their own personal lives. They are many.
We're waking up from an incredible dream, and stepping into another even more amazing one! Beautiful, isn't it?
Oh... and did I mention that in 5D there will be no more shoe rubber or yoga mats in Subway sandwiches?!
Yep. For the first time in 40 years, the fast food franchise will be shrinking, closing 700 "underperforming" locations.
That's right. I reported last week that according to the U.S. Census Bureau's Current Population Survey, in 2014, 47.6 percent of women between age 15 and 44 had never had children. Almost 50% of all women in their childbearing years are childless.
Less kids in 5D! And now, less crappy "food" for those fewer kids to poison themselves with!
Okay, so let's recap...
There are less murders, and in fact, less deaths from all kinds of violence worldwide, indeed fewer human-to-human killings than ever before. But... there are actually more deaths overall than ever before, yes, more people leaving Planet Earth, including record numbers from natural disasters, than ever before.
There are less bankers, and fewer cigarette smokers, but apparently there is still high quality beer in 5D. The U.S. abortion rate is at its lowest point since 1973, when abortion first became legal, and this drop occurred in spite of and before conservative states' attempts to legislate anti-abortion restrictions.
There is apparently no need for progressive talk radio in 5D, no need for cancer treatment, and no need for extreme fighting as entertainment anymore. Nor is there any support for drugging children given the false diagnosis of "ADHD." But... there are more child prodigies (see HERE, HERE and HERE).
And now, there are less kids! (And by default, less mothers!)
Believe it or not, I could go on listing many more of the collective manifestations of the quantum shift we're making to 5th dimensional consciousness, folks, but especially important is that many FPL readers can now share the miracles happening in their own personal lives. They are many.
We're waking up from an incredible dream, and stepping into another even more amazing one! Beautiful, isn't it?
Oh... and did I mention that in 5D there will be no more shoe rubber or yoga mats in Subway sandwiches?!
Here's something I've said often to patients in my therapy practice:
"There's nothing wrong with you, except for the fact that you think there's something wrong with you."
Put another way, I've distinguished psychotic people from neurotic people like this:
"A psychotic person is crazy. A neurotic person thinks he is." (See the definition of "crazy" below.*)
Okay, what's my point here?
Well, many people who are sincerely engaged in a process of "self-work" have adopted an attitude and approach to it that basically amounts to trying to fix themselves. (Two pieces on the origins of this attitude this can be found in the FPL "Truth About Everything, Part Two: ALL LOVE IS UNCONDITIONAL" and in the Pathwork Guide Lecture: "COMPULSION TO RECREATE AND OVERCOME CHILDHOOD HURTS.") But there is a basic assumption in that approach to the self that is misguided.
You see, we don't need to fix ourselves, but rather, we need to become ourselves more fully. Even more accurately, we need to uncover ourselves. Like a caterpillar, our defensive character structures are the temporary cocoons within which we transform into adult, self-actualized versions of ourselves, like butterflies. Important to remember, though, is that we are not our cocoons, or our character structures. We are, instead, inside of them for a while, until it is the right time to dismantle them, and fly. That dismantling is a more apt way of describing an organic process of self-work that is aligned with our evolution.
This is one of my favorite quotes from famed psychoanalyst, Karen Horney, on what she calls the "tyranny of the 'shoulds":
"Inherent in man are evolutionary constructive forces, which urge him to realize his given potentialities, that man by his very nature and of his own accord, strives toward self-realization, and that his values evolve from such striving. With such a belief in an autonomous striving toward self-realization, we do not need an inner straight jacket with which to shackle our spontaneity, nor the whip of inner dictates to drive us to perfection."
"There's nothing wrong with you, except for the fact that you think there's something wrong with you."
Put another way, I've distinguished psychotic people from neurotic people like this:
"A psychotic person is crazy. A neurotic person thinks he is." (See the definition of "crazy" below.*)
Okay, what's my point here?
Well, many people who are sincerely engaged in a process of "self-work" have adopted an attitude and approach to it that basically amounts to trying to fix themselves. (Two pieces on the origins of this attitude this can be found in the FPL "Truth About Everything, Part Two: ALL LOVE IS UNCONDITIONAL" and in the Pathwork Guide Lecture: "COMPULSION TO RECREATE AND OVERCOME CHILDHOOD HURTS.") But there is a basic assumption in that approach to the self that is misguided.
You see, we don't need to fix ourselves, but rather, we need to become ourselves more fully. Even more accurately, we need to uncover ourselves. Like a caterpillar, our defensive character structures are the temporary cocoons within which we transform into adult, self-actualized versions of ourselves, like butterflies. Important to remember, though, is that we are not our cocoons, or our character structures. We are, instead, inside of them for a while, until it is the right time to dismantle them, and fly. That dismantling is a more apt way of describing an organic process of self-work that is aligned with our evolution.
This is one of my favorite quotes from famed psychoanalyst, Karen Horney, on what she calls the "tyranny of the 'shoulds":
"Inherent in man are evolutionary constructive forces, which urge him to realize his given potentialities, that man by his very nature and of his own accord, strives toward self-realization, and that his values evolve from such striving. With such a belief in an autonomous striving toward self-realization, we do not need an inner straight jacket with which to shackle our spontaneity, nor the whip of inner dictates to drive us to perfection."
[See also FPL's "THE TRUTH ABOUT EVERYTHING, PART SEVEN: THERE IS NO ORIGINAL SIN!" and the description of "Full Permission Living" on the left hand side of this blog]
There is nothing wrong with you!
Get it?
For many reasons, stemming from past experiences of pain and suffering, and because we have egos that can question the validity of who we inherently are, we have come to believe in our "character defects" and "symptoms," to identify with them even, and to believe in the judgments we impose on ourselves to support those negative beliefs.
So, folks, stop trying to fix yourselves, and open up to being yourselves.
And listen to THIS!
*On being psychotic - continuing the caterpillar analogy, a psychotic person can be thought of as someone who has not grounded themselves in physical reality - i.e. - in the space/time continuum - enough to function here. Consequently, that person imagines themselves to already be the butterfly before the actual process of evolution has occurred, so they are out of synch with time and space, and therefore, to those of us who are grounded and living in the illusion of physical reality, they appear crazy.
Okay... here's the headline: People Who Order Coffee Black Are More Likely To Be Psychopaths
A just-in-time-for-Halloween study published in the journal Appetite revealed that people who like their coffee black are more likely to demonstrate psychopathic character traits. The study also notes that participants who reported a fondness for other bitter foods like radishes, celery and tonic water were also more likely to exhibit psychopathic traits.
Now before you jump to any conclusions, remember that psychopathy is a character structure, and like all character structures (there are typically understood to be five), each one rises from a Higher Self.
You can read the full description of the Psychopathic Character Structure HERE. Below are the Higher Self aspects of said character.
Here then are the...
- Great leadership and executive qualities and capacities to bring people with differences together in a harmonious effort;
- Strong abilities to guide and inspire others to accomplish their chosen tasks in life and see their own specialness without competitiveness or separation;
- True innovators and adventurers able to travel “the road not taken”, or “to boldly go where no one has gone before”, without recklessness or excess;
- A genuine seeker of truth, with genuine humility, honesty, loyalty and unwavering integrity;
- A truly big heart full of love and fearlessness to surrender to the flow of feelings, life and the Higher Self.
Full disclosure - I just had bitter greens, radishes and scallions for lunch, and I'm about to enjoy a delicious double shot of espresso. Black, of course.

A just-in-time-for-Halloween study published in the journal Appetite revealed that people who like their coffee black are more likely to demonstrate psychopathic character traits. The study also notes that participants who reported a fondness for other bitter foods like radishes, celery and tonic water were also more likely to exhibit psychopathic traits.
Now before you jump to any conclusions, remember that psychopathy is a character structure, and like all character structures (there are typically understood to be five), each one rises from a Higher Self.
You can read the full description of the Psychopathic Character Structure HERE. Below are the Higher Self aspects of said character.
Here then are the...
- Great leadership and executive qualities and capacities to bring people with differences together in a harmonious effort;
- Strong abilities to guide and inspire others to accomplish their chosen tasks in life and see their own specialness without competitiveness or separation;
- True innovators and adventurers able to travel “the road not taken”, or “to boldly go where no one has gone before”, without recklessness or excess;
- A genuine seeker of truth, with genuine humility, honesty, loyalty and unwavering integrity;
- A truly big heart full of love and fearlessness to surrender to the flow of feelings, life and the Higher Self.
Full disclosure - I just had bitter greens, radishes and scallions for lunch, and I'm about to enjoy a delicious double shot of espresso. Black, of course.

John Lennon Tribute by sycicWALRUS from the CITY ROCK promotional video: "The Project" - Watch the video HERE.
"Regardless of how jaded you are or how broken by life's blows, The Dreamer remains untouched. And reconnecting with that rarefied spark of your own Divine essence is the key element in restructuring the life you are preparing to transform. Before the Artist can begin to emerge from the radiant core of your being and give expression to the unique creation that is to be your life, you must first find and liberate The Dreamer from the prison of your linear consciousness.
Before you can become clear within yourself as to what you want to do with your life, it is essential that you pause in your program of frenzied activity to discover who you really are. Then and only then have you prepared the conditions in which The Artist can emerge and give expression to your true essence, in a way that will provide a life that is rich and satisfying in all the ways you quietly yearn for."
("Oneness," by Rasha)
Before you can become clear within yourself as to what you want to do with your life, it is essential that you pause in your program of frenzied activity to discover who you really are. Then and only then have you prepared the conditions in which The Artist can emerge and give expression to your true essence, in a way that will provide a life that is rich and satisfying in all the ways you quietly yearn for."
("Oneness," by Rasha)
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