At the beginning of 2013, in a piece entitled "IT'S 2013. WHICH EARTH ARE YOU ON?", the new rules of 5th Dimensional consciousness as they apply to daily life were outlined. It is useful to go over these rules regularly because even though everyone reading this blog now is in 5D, many are still struggling because they are trying to operate on 3D rules. (You can review the rules HERE.)
Rule number 2 stated:
"Creating your reality and its experiences from your emotions and your ego is obsolete."
Elaborating, I wrote that: "Creating your reality from the vibrations of your Higher Self, supported by and in collaboration with the human and universal collective, is the 5D way of living," and "that means, first of all, that you can get off the emotional rollercoaster ride of 3D."
Okay, sounds good, but what does that mean? And how do we do that?
Well, having taught for so long that "your feelings are your feelings" and all you need do is feel them fully to open the door to emotional health, what I'm about to say might sound contradictory and somewhat counterintuitive. But here it is -
You can now choose how to feel.
That's right. And I'm not talking about controlling or suppressing your feelings. Not at all. However, if you have gained access to your emotions, and to your inner beliefs, thought patterns and memories, through a self-work process that has freed you from your character structure to a great extent, then you can begin "deprogramming" yourself from the habitual ways you've thought about yourself and others, about love, work, about life in general. And since so many of our emotional states are precipitated by thoughts, changing your thought patterns will change how you feel.
Most of our old thought patterns and beliefs, especially the negative ones, have been on an automatic loop since childhood. "I'm not good enough." "I don't deserve for things to go my way." "There isn't enough (love, money, time) for me to get what I need." "If I'm too open (to love, pleasure, creative expression), I will be vulnerable to disappointment and hurt." On and on. These repetitive negative declarations then trigger negative emotions - fear, anger, sadness - which then seem to validate the negative belief. And when most of this is going on subconsciously, it seems as though your emotions just happen to you. You just "get depressed" or "find yourself" in a bad mood, grouchy or irritable for apparently no reason. Or you may even think you have a reason for your negativity - the audition that didn't lead to a booking, the job that didn't lead to prosperity, or the sexual experience that didn't lead to an orgasm.
But the truth is, it's not your actual experiences leading you to the negative emotional states. Experiences inherently are neutral until you define them (Read the wonderful children's book, "That's Good! That's Bad!" by Margey Cuyler, for reference.). It's what you're saying to yourself about the events in question, how you're defining the experiences to yourself that's causing you to feel bad.
But... if you've done the self-work necessary to break through your character structure, especially now, in 5D consciousness, where your Higher Self can come through you most effectively, those negative thoughts are conscious to you and you can literally change them.
First, by acknowledging them as there in your mind consciously, and then, releasing the feelings that they've engendered, preferably through a process that involves expressing emotions with the body;
Second, by not identifying with the negative thoughts, but rather, understanding that they represent the defensive ideas and mental patterns created by the ego, which was created by the child, in childhood, and as such, are not really valid for you an adult;
Third, redefine your experiences and situations in terms that you prefer. So, for example, "I didn't get that part because I'm not good enough," becomes "That role wasn't the best way at this time for me to express myself creatively." Or even simpler, the formerly negative, repetitive statements can be changed into open-ended questions like "I wonder what this will lead to?" "I wonder how this door closing will lead to another one opening?"
Fourth, having done the first three, allowing your Higher Self and your oneness with All That Is to come through you and create your reality in as unfiltered a way as possible (i.e. - without your ego involved.).
When you are free from unconsciousness, you have choices, folks. Always. But the journey to freedom requires determination and intention - first to do whatever it takes to break through your character structure, and then, once that's accomplished, to develop a regimen to shift your patterns of thought so you are no longer keeping yourself in a negative emotional climate.
It's a lot of work, yes, and it's hard, yes, but so is climbing Mount Everest or winning the World Series or learning to play the piano or keeping the Eros going in a relationship. Yet, these experiences are also exhilarating and worth it.
The pay-off is great; the work is hard...
"That's good! That's bad!"
"Always ready, connected and fast. Just ask!"
Something coming to you before you even think about it?
That's right. The EchoDot in our home has now become a seemingly sentient A.I.
Alexa, without any actual human being requesting it, without mentioning her name, which is supposed to be the only way she gets engaged, now spontaneously turns herself on in our house and plays a few tunes relevant to what's going on in our lives at the moment. And I mean naming names, like we're thinking of something related to someone named Joe... and his favorite old song comes on! We're starting renovations on own home, and Alexa says good morning by playing "OUR HOUSE!" Not upon request, mind you.
You see, folks, we are headed towards such a connected place, ultimately through consciousness much moreso than technology, that receiving messages and manifesting what you need when you need it will be the norm.
Hold on... "Alexa, when is the weather going to warm up?"
Yep. Say the name, "Alexa," and your EchoDot from Amazon will respond, ready to answer your requests for music, news, weather, locations, general information, and more. Amazing, right? And what with "the Cloud," Siri and Alexa, Amazon, Uber, Fresh Direct, Task Rabbit, Caviar and any number of musical, administrative and delivery services via the waves of quantum technology, you barely ever have to leave your home to get something brought to you, or you brought to it. In fact, it's almost like you just have to think of something you need, and it seems to magically appear on your Facebook page.
Right? Pretty cool! Hmmm. So, what's the next phase?
Something coming to you before you even think about it?
That's right. The EchoDot in our home has now become a seemingly sentient A.I.
Alexa, without any actual human being requesting it, without mentioning her name, which is supposed to be the only way she gets engaged, now spontaneously turns herself on in our house and plays a few tunes relevant to what's going on in our lives at the moment. And I mean naming names, like we're thinking of something related to someone named Joe... and his favorite old song comes on! We're starting renovations on own home, and Alexa says good morning by playing "OUR HOUSE!" Not upon request, mind you.
You see, folks, we are headed towards such a connected place, ultimately through consciousness much moreso than technology, that receiving messages and manifesting what you need when you need it will be the norm.
Hold on... "Alexa, when is the weather going to warm up?"
IT'S 2017 - AWAKE YET?!
Okay. Are you done sighing your sigh of relief that 2016 is over? Are you done or still nursing your injuries - physical, emotional, mental, financial? Still reeling from that relationship break-up, losing that job, breaking that foot? And how about that election, huh?! Was it a prank by the Universe to serve that up just before the holidays with your shockingly clueless families?
Yep. For many, in many ways, 2016, especially the Fall of 2016, as was predicted by every reputable psychic channeler, was a major sock 'em in the gut blow.
But... there's a context for what's occurred, and in fact, not everyone's experience was exactly the same. Some people prospered last year in all of the areas listed above, albeit with some relatively minor eruptions of symptoms and contractions. Some did well in their work-life, love-life, and/or physical health. Some weaved through the political debacles with a balanced, light-footed sense of irony and humor. John Oliver and Samantha Bee became major stars transmitting that irony and humor to the public.
So, what's the connecting thread between the simultaneously occurring struggles and traumas and the increase in well-being? Say it - This is the Ascension to 5D in full Wave mode. (See some of the FPL "Wave" pieces HERE)
Remember what's been written - if you're still here on this Planet Earth, you're going to 5D, or leaving the planet sooner rather than later to finish your ascension process in non-physical form. And I'm not talking about celebrities only here. They are the tip of the iceberg of souls taking off to avoid this ascension process while in a body. For every David Bowie, Prince, Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds, there are hundreds of thousands of people leaving the earth that you've never heard of. One way or another, though, folks, we're all going. (See the FPL post: "LEFT BEHIND? SORRY, BUT WE'RE ALL GOING!").
That part is not optional. What is optional is not if we're going, but how we're going. We have collectively decided to raise the vibration of our race to the next level of consciousness. It's destiny, and it is irreversibly in place. No going backwards. No Armageddon. Nope. Not optional. We've crossed the threshold.
However, you/we do still have the free will option to determine how you experience the trip. You can go kicking and screaming, clinging to the last vestiges of ego control and 3D beliefs, or you can discover yourself and life anew - new bodies, new creative gifts to express, new levels of peace and serenity, pleasure and prosperity - by letting go of all that you've clung to and by pursuing joy and love in each moment to the best of your ability.
Seems like a no brainer. Right? Well, if you've been following this blog for the last 9 years (Whew!), you know where this is going - the difference, soul age notwithstanding, is the depth of self-work you're wiling to do to awaken yourself.

Yep. For many, in many ways, 2016, especially the Fall of 2016, as was predicted by every reputable psychic channeler, was a major sock 'em in the gut blow.
But... there's a context for what's occurred, and in fact, not everyone's experience was exactly the same. Some people prospered last year in all of the areas listed above, albeit with some relatively minor eruptions of symptoms and contractions. Some did well in their work-life, love-life, and/or physical health. Some weaved through the political debacles with a balanced, light-footed sense of irony and humor. John Oliver and Samantha Bee became major stars transmitting that irony and humor to the public.
So, what's the connecting thread between the simultaneously occurring struggles and traumas and the increase in well-being? Say it - This is the Ascension to 5D in full Wave mode. (See some of the FPL "Wave" pieces HERE)
Remember what's been written - if you're still here on this Planet Earth, you're going to 5D, or leaving the planet sooner rather than later to finish your ascension process in non-physical form. And I'm not talking about celebrities only here. They are the tip of the iceberg of souls taking off to avoid this ascension process while in a body. For every David Bowie, Prince, Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds, there are hundreds of thousands of people leaving the earth that you've never heard of. One way or another, though, folks, we're all going. (See the FPL post: "LEFT BEHIND? SORRY, BUT WE'RE ALL GOING!").
That part is not optional. What is optional is not if we're going, but how we're going. We have collectively decided to raise the vibration of our race to the next level of consciousness. It's destiny, and it is irreversibly in place. No going backwards. No Armageddon. Nope. Not optional. We've crossed the threshold.
However, you/we do still have the free will option to determine how you experience the trip. You can go kicking and screaming, clinging to the last vestiges of ego control and 3D beliefs, or you can discover yourself and life anew - new bodies, new creative gifts to express, new levels of peace and serenity, pleasure and prosperity - by letting go of all that you've clung to and by pursuing joy and love in each moment to the best of your ability.
Seems like a no brainer. Right? Well, if you've been following this blog for the last 9 years (Whew!), you know where this is going - the difference, soul age notwithstanding, is the depth of self-work you're wiling to do to awaken yourself.

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