It’s called vacation, folks, and as I’ve often said, vacations are not a luxury item in an actualized life, but rather a necessary reminder of how to properly live. A channeled entity once warned me back in the 1980's to be careful not to commit "the crime of seriousness" in my life. I have tried to heed that advice.

Playing, enjoying nature and life’s abundance are in fact the best and most efficient ways to travel to where you desire to go to on your path.

Have fun! Its very productive!!


Have you noticed what's happening around you lately?

People all around the world are hearing "sounds" (See "THE HUM HEARD ROUND THE WORLD" and "ANGELS IN THE ARCHITECTURE! (MORE ON THE HUM HEARD ROUND THE WORLD!")

There's been a dramatic, full scale decline of violence of every kind - war deaths, family violence, racism, rape, murder (See "The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined,", in which prominent Harvard psychologist Steven Pinker writes: "Statistics reveal dramatic reductions in war deaths, family violence, racism, rape, murder and all sorts of mayhem. The decline of violence may be the most significant and least appreciated development in the history of our species."). 

5-year olds are hitting major league fastballs

7 year olds are charming Ellen Degeneres and then playing virtuoso piano on command.

Folks, this is 5D. Miracles are the result of nature unimpeded. It's happening. We're doing it. Congratulations!


This is a piece I wrote around this time a few years ago, celebrating the beginning of summer and the healing power of the sun, and the misconceptions that the old 3D medical establishment promoted to inspire fear in our populace.


There was an article in the New York Times that described something many have intuitively known and experienced as real for many years, that bright sunlight is good for your eyes. The piece is entitled: "THE SUN IS THE BEST OPTOMETRIST," and it makes the claim that "the rapid increase in nearsightedness appears to be due to a characteristic of modern life: more and more time spent indoors under artificial lights."

The entire short article is definitely worth reading.

Here's an excerpt from a piece by one Dr. Frank Lipman, an Integrative Physician whose personal blend of Western and Eastern Medicine combined with the many other complimentary modalities he has studied, has helped thousands of people recover their energy and zest for life:

"For the last 30 years or so, doctors (dermatologists in particular), health officials, beauty experts and many product companies have been demonizing the sun. They've told us to avoid it because without sunscreen, exposure to the sun's rays will damage skin and cause cancer. But this oversimplification distorts the facts. In the past few years, numerous studies have shown that optimizing your vitamin D levels may actually help prevent as many as 16 different types of cancer including pancreatic, lung, breast, ovarian, prostate and colon cancers. And the best way to optimize Vitamin D levels is through safe, smart and limited sunscreen-free exposure to the sun."

Read the rest of the piece HERE.

Okay, time for me to get to the beach!


When her father, Adam, became pinned under a Jeep Liberty SUV, Rachael Simmons, 22, somehow mustered the strength to lift the car off him, CBS Boston reported. Said jeep weighed-in at around 5,000 pounds.

Take a breath. You've all heard of stories like this. In a moment of non-thinking impulse, very often when a loved one is in harm's way, physical limitations are transcended and super-human feats are possible. These events have confounded those who trade strictly in linear, dualistic, 3D consciousness. They try to pass it off as "adrenaline" rushes or with some other pseudo-biological explanation. 

Right. 5,000 pounds. Adrenaline. Yeah, that's the ticket!

When I was a kid, we used to practice "levitation." We would lift up the largest member of our group of friends, using only 2 fingers. All we had to do, including the big guy, was focus on believing that he was "light as a feather," and up he went, over our heads with only 2 fingers each under him.

What makes such "impossible" feats possible? The suspension of our personal and collective beliefs in physical limitation, a suspension made easier by the power of protective love or the innocence of youth, but deep meditation can also accomplish such transcendence, allowing yogic masters to levitate themselves, walk on hot coals without getting burned, lie down on a bed of nails without being penetrated, etc. Like the placebo effect, which I have written about HERE, if we understand what these events tell us, it should change everything, because it points to this simple yet profound truth: 

We create our reality from our beliefs.

That's the message we are reminding ourselves of whenever we transcend physical limitations in such striking ways. The boundaries we have all believed in for so long, by collective agreement, are nothing more than the rules of the game we have been playing - 3rd dimensional physical life

Linear time, limited space, gravity, separateness from each other and All That Is... all no more "real" than we've agreed that they are. And of course, to keep the beliefs in these limitations in place effectively, so we could thoroughly experience the 3D game, we have had to suppress out of awareness the fact that the rules are indeed just beliefs.

The recent shift to 5th dimensional consciousness has begun the awakening process and signaled the end of the game. We have played it out, and quite frankly become tired of limitation. Though we still remain physical, and still experience time as linear, space as limited, and gravity and separateness as real, the rigidity of those parameters and boundaries are noticeably loosening up. We can now more readily play with time and space as only the yogis have been able to do in the past, and we are becoming more and more aware of our oneness with others and the universe at large.

This should be fun, folks! 

Oh, and just a word of caution: work on making your beliefs conscious before you try this at home...


This is a post from the FPL archives that was originally inspired over 4 years ago by the breaking stories about one Bernie Madoff, con artist supreme who bilked billions out of his investment clients.


Here's a beauty! A breaking news story tells the tale of a "Wall Street Wizard," one Bernard L. Madoff, who has bilked investors out of $50 billion over the last decade employing the old "Ponzi scheme" of using one person's money to pay off another person until you take the money and run, leaving the last ones in screwed.

So what? Just another story of corruption and deceit by another rich Wall Street psychopath? Right. The rich get rich and then get richer because they are scoundrels, crooks, liars, thieves, etc., right? Well, actually, no. The rich get rich and then richer because they don't fear being rich. Now, it is true that if they acquire their wealth through psychopathic manipulation, sooner or later their Higher Self will trip them up in a self-corrective collapse and exposure.

But my question to you this morning is this: Why aren't you rich?

Wouldn't it be a great message for the world if there were more heart-centered, honest, self-aware, emotionally and spiritually connected people who were wealthy? People who acquired their wealth by doing what they love to do with love, creating something of beauty or practical value with joy and brilliance? Wouldn't that feel like a Universe more in balance, more the way it should be?

Well, get on it, folks! Your resistance to abundance is exactly that. Money is not the root of all evil. Money is just a means of exchange, neutral in and of itself, so why are you allowing only the crooks and liars to have it? What are your fears of abundance or your fears that prevent abundance from coming to you?


"As long as you have fear, it is sometimes inevitable that you experience what you fear in order to lose the fear. If you desire health in a spirit of fearing sickness, you prevent health. If you fear the aging process, you prevent eternal youth. If you fear loneliness, you prevent real companionship. If you fear companionship, you prevent self-containment. So it goes on and on. If you fear poverty, you prevent abundance."

Read the rest of the lecture HERE.



...versus Rich!


Here's an excerpt from a piece entitled: "Vitamin D Health: Why You Shouldn't Shun the Sun!":

"For the last 30 years or so, doctors (dermatologists in particular), health officials, beauty experts and many product companies have been demonizing the sun. They've told us to avoid it because without sunscreen, exposure to the sun's rays will damage skin and cause cancer. But this oversimplification distorts the facts. In the past few years, numerous studies have shown thatoptimizing your vitamin D levels may actually help prevent as many as 16 different types of cancer including pancreatic, lung, breast, ovarian, prostate and colon cancers. And the best way to optimize Vitamin D levels is through safe, smart and limited sunscreen-free exposure to the sun."

Read the rest of the above piece HERE.

And while you're at it...

Here's an article that was in the New York Times a couple of years ago that described something I have experienced as real for many years - that bright sunlight is good for your eyes. The piece is entitled: "THE SUN IS THE BEST OPTOMETRIST," and it makes the claim that "the rapid increase in nearsightedness appears to be due to a characteristic of modern life: more and more time spent indoors under artificial lights."

The entire short article is definitely worth reading.

Believe your eyes, folks, not the medical-pharmaceutical complex! Do you think the Universe would play such a sadistic trick as making that which gives life to everything on this planet deadly to us?


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