Okay. Here are Whoppers 7 & 8 of the "Top eight whoppers we’ve made up about God," from the book, "E-SQUARED," by Pam Grout:

Whopper #7: "God is just so vague." 

"Au contraire. Once you get rid of the black cloud of rumors and half truths that hide your awareness, you’ll find the unseen force communicates just as clearly as Dr. Phil. Once you rid yourself of the blocks, you’ll be shown exactly what to do and how to do it. Again, we need to condition ourselves to think of God more like we think of electricity. Electricity doesn’t care who plugs in a curling iron. Electricity doesn’t need proof we’re good enough to make toast."

Whopper #8: "God only answers when he’s good and ready." 

"There is never a time when God or 'the Force' isn’t guiding you. And you do not have to wait for any green lights or 'get out of jail free' cards. The big guy is available 24/7 once you’re ready to focus your full attention on it. The Field of Infinite Potentials' guidance happens (as they say about … well, something else)—through a song lyric on the radio, by a phone call from a long-lost friend. The trick is to pay attention, trust, and as I will continue to repeat, focus your full attention on it. 

"And while we’re on the topic of God’s will, let’s get this out on the table. There is no place in our updated picture of God for a Hell of everlasting torment or for a sadist who would or could attempt to put you there. Nor is there any room for the idea that sickness or deformity or death or poverty or limitation of any kind is the will of God. The will of God, for those who insist on using that term, is the ceaseless longing of the spirit in you to become all you’re capable of being. Amen."


"Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end."

Live long and prosper in the higher dimensions, old friend!


Okay. Here are Whoppers 5 & 6 of the "Top eight whoppers we’ve made up about God," from the book, "E-SQUARED," by Pam Grout:

Whopper #5: "God is just so demanding." 

"The FP (Field of Infinite Potentials) doesn’t judge. It doesn’t punish. It doesn’t think, 'Well, Sammy C. was a good boy yesterday, helping that little old lady cross the street. I think I’ll answer his prayer about winning the lottery.' Those are thoughts Clarence Thomas might think. 

"The FP doesn’t need anything. It requires nothing of us. It makes no demands. It doesn’t like Mother Teresa more than Celine Dion. Only misinformed humans, scrambling desperately to make sense of their world, came up with a God who plays eenie-meenie-minie-mo with our lives, a God who likes and dislikes the same people we do. Our fear has trapped us into a box that plays out our very limited perception."

Whopper #6: "You don’t want to ask too much from God; you certainly wouldn’t want to bug him." 

"As I’ve already pointed out, the FP is not a person; therefore you cannot bug him. The FP is a power, an unseen energetic force. It isn’t finite or limited, so you certainly couldn’t ask too much of it. As the old saying goes, you can take an eyedropper or a bucket to the ocean. The ocean doesn’t care. If anything, we don’t use the FP power nearly enough. This is an all-powerful force we’re talking about here, not some last-minute relief team that comes in to pay the mortgage. The FP is not an adversary that has to be coaxed to the bargaining table."


This is the first of the "top eight whoppers we’ve made up about God," from the book, "E-SQUARED," by Pam Grout:

"Whopper #1: God is a him. Even though the progressive churches sometimes refer to God as she, the Field of Infinite Potentialities (FP) doesn’t really have a gender. We certainly don’t talk about Mrs. Electricity or Mr. Gravity. The more appropriate pronoun would be 'It.' The FP is a force field that runs the universe, the same energy source that grows flowers, forms scabs over skinned knees, and constantly pushes for wholeness. God is more like the Force in Star Wars, a presence that dwells within us, a principle by which we live. That’s why Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader have become such a phenomenon. Star Wars is a myth that speaks to us at a deep, gut level. Some part of us knows that 'the Force' is with us and that we, through our words, thoughts, and deeds, create the world."

GOD WHOPPERS 2, 3 & 4!

Okay. Here are Whoppers 2, 3 & 4 of the "Top eight whoppers we’ve made up about God," from the book, "E-SQUARED," by Pam Grout:

Whopper #2: "God looks like ZZ Top, makes black check marks after your name, and is basically too busy working on world hunger to care about you." 

"God, if you believe the accepted box, is a little like Boo Radley in To Kill a Mockingbird: this mysterious neighbor constantly peering out the window of his penthouse suite, waiting to catch us doing something 'naughty, naughty.' We can’t really see him, but we’ve been properly warned that he’s there. Watching. Judging. Monitoring our every move. If you don’t follow this commandment or if you break that rule, God just might send his angel Secret Service after you to bop you on the head like Little Bunny Foo-Foo." 

Whopper #3: "God plays favorites." 

"The Field of Infinite Potentials is a force field that’s equally available to everyone. It’s a natural capacity in all of us, not an exclusive gift bestowed upon a few. In fact, that is the primary lesson Jesus taught. God is within. You are part of God. You can perform miracles. To worship Jesus the way we do is a little like worshipping Benjamin Franklin because he first discovered electricity. 

"Ben Franklin sent that kite up in an electric storm so we could use the principle he demonstrated. He didn’t do it so we’d build temples to him, paint pictures of him, and wear little commemorative keys around our necks. He wanted us to take the principle of electricity and use it—which we do to run radios and computers and air conditioners. Had we stopped with Ben’s discovery the way we did with Jesus’s discovery, we’d all be sitting in the dark. Benjamin Franklin didn’t invent electricity any more than Jesus invented spiritual principles. Lightning and the resulting electricity have always been available. We just didn’t realize it or know how to access it. Galileo didn’t invent gravity when he dropped the wooden ball off the leaning tower of Pisa. He just demonstrated it. Likewise, Jesus demonstrated spiritual principles that he wants us to use and develop. 

"We’ve wasted 2,000 years worshipping this idol of him instead of using the principles he taught us. Look through the Bible and nowhere does Jesus say, 'Worship me.' His call to us was 'follow me.' There’s a big difference. By making Jesus out to be a hero, we miss the whole point. Jesus wasn’t saying, 'I’m cool. Make statues of me; turn my birthday into a huge commercial holiday.' He was saying, 'Here, look what is possible. Look what we humans are capable of.' Jesus is our brother, our legacy, the guy we’re supposed to emulate. What Jesus was trying to tell us is that the churches, the religious leaders, and all their blaring rhetoric has drowned out God’s truth. They’ve pulled the wool over our eyes by failing to mention the fact that the FP is not an object of worship, but a very real presence and a principle by which we should live."

Whopper #4: "God rewards our suffering and gives brownie points for our sacrifice (better known as 'Life sucks and then you die')." 

"Many of us think life is some sort of boot camp for heaven. We believe this short life span is “only a test” for the paradise we’re eventually going to earn. If we hang on and bear it, we’ll someday walk through those pearly gates and be happy. These errors in thinking have been condensed into living facts. Nothing is plainer than the inevitability of sorrows and trials. But what if it isn’t necessary? What if there is no reason to be poor? Or get sick? Or do anything but live an abundant, exciting life? What if these tragic, difficult lives are another rumor made up by the churches and cemented into our consciousness by years and years of conditioning? 

"What I’d like to suggest is that this heaven you’re waiting for is available now. And that you’ve been sold a bill of goods about who you are and what is possible."


"It is true that you were not prepared for these times—not in the way you expected to be. You were not taught to expect that suddenly, in mid-stream, your life would veer “off-course” and there you would be without a compass, or a map, or any of the other externalized crutches that you have taught yourself to rely upon. All that remains, are the clues that begin to emerge from within. And in shifting the weight of responsibility for navigating your way through these uncharted seas from what has been learned—to what has never been forgotten—you are, once again, on your way."


"As parents, spouses and loved ones, seek not to make of your love a glue that binds, but rather a magnet that first attracts, then turns around and repels, lest those who are attracted begin to believe they must stick to you to survive. Let your love propel your beloveds into the world - and into the full experience of who they are. In this will you have truly loved."
(Neile Donald Walsch)


...listen to THIS!


Last January, I wrote a post entitled "IT'S 2013. WHICH EARTH ARE YOU ON?!"  in which I outlined the new rules for 5D.

The first rule was: "Murphy's Law is reversed."

So, how's it going?

Are you aware that Murphy's Law has been reversed? Have you fallen in love? Arrived to the next level in your career? Gotten in better shape physically or healed a part of your body? Have you started therapy, or had a breakthrough in your self-work? Maybe you've noticed that just a bunch of smaller things seem to be working out or falling into place? Food tastes better, colors brighter, orgasms stronger?

Yes? Well... congratulations! Keep going. Things are just warming up. The Higher Powers That Be are calling this time we're entering a "Golden Age," unlike any other that has occurred on Earth. We are rapidly accelerating to a time and place of "instant manifestation!" You can search the web for any number of articles, channeled and otherwise, or read Oneness, by Rasha, or Breaking The Habit Of Being Yourself, by Dr. Joe Dispenza, for detailed information about this phenomenon, but the bottom line is - it's here. We're there!

(HERE is a good channeled lecture on the subject.)

Instant manifestation: "I desire..." DING! It appears. "I would like to..." BOOM! You got it! "How about...?" NO PROBLEM! You're there.

What, you ask? You still feel stuck? In crisis? Things in general still seem to just suck? Well, you see, instant manifestation includes your habitual addictions to negative emotions and your lower self desires for pain and suffering, too.

Instant manifestation: "I can't catch a break." DONE! Parking ticket. "I don't have enough money." BINGO! You're over your credit limit! "I hate my body!" OUCH! Illness, disease, accidents...

Look, folks, Murphy's Law being reversed (i.e. - "Everything that can go right will go right, if you let it.") is the way it is in 5D. Not just for some, but for everyone who's made it here... and intends to stay here.

Sorry, no exceptions!

So, then, how to explain your particular misery?

You're holding onto the beliefs, attitudes, fears and maneuvers of your old 3D, dualistic, linear time-based ego.

And that's not allowed in 5D!

I mean, you create your own reality, of course, so you can technically hold onto your ego's erroneous ideas, etc., but if you insist on doing so, you're going to rather instantly manifest yourself as a "Whatever Happened To...?" person to those of us staying on for the 5D ride.

Listen. You're here. You made it. Two years ago, between the Solstice of 2012 and the end of that year, was your moment to get on the train to 5D. Or not. If you're reading this, you got on the train.

This is it. You've arrived. From now on, everything that can go right will go right, if you let it. In fact, everything that can go right will go right... even if you try not to let it.


Yes. I am seeing things falling into place in many people's lives, as described above - making more money, being in better health, creative opportunities manifesting, help and guidance coming from all directions - and yet, some of said people are still refusing to experience joy about it, still attached to feelings of resentment, frustration, anger, and still desperately searching for something to complain about as if complaining were the most delicious item on the menu. An incredible dessert cart has arrived and you're asking for canned spam??

If you are one of those people who've been insisting on one last serving of suffering, read Eckhart Tolle's "The New Earth," or the FPL post "Hey! Get the Ego Out of Your 'I," or anything from this page to help you get a handle on why your ego is obsolete.

And in terms of how to hold your vibration at a level that is aligned with the vibration of 5D, aligned with your highest excitement and greatest good, I have three words for you: Practice. Practice. PRACTICE!

Yes. This is a time for focusing, meditating and creating consciously. (HERE is another good channeled lecture on that subject. And read or reread the FPL post: "THE POWER OF DOING NOTHING...POWERFULLY!")

And while you're practicing, have a little creme brulee... or chocolate mousse... or... mmmm... choices, choices, choices.


"It would have been easy for you to arrange to birth yourself into circumstances where today’s newfound understandings were already at hand. And you might have spared yourself much anguish, and effort, and time, had you chosen to write your life script in that way. Yet, had you done so, you would have denied yourself the firsthand experience of the dramatic contrasts that are now so vivid for you. To have lived through the poignancy of your key episodes has served to underscore for you the revelations of this experience of spiritual breakthrough.

"Had you not had the taste of the bitter as well as the sweet, you would have emerged with a theoretical understanding, supported only by your observations of the trials and tribulations in the lives of others. And while you ultimately come to bask in the exultation of your Divine connectedness when that state is at hand, the profound intensity of that experience is that much more vivid by virtue of the contrast your life dramas have provided.

"It is far easier to understand the nature of another person’s pain, having lived it yourself. Now, as you begin to emerge from the illusion of the adversity of separation, and the circumstances of your life reflect that vibrational shift, you are able to empathize with others who remain in the throes of that kind of experience. Having crawled out of the dark night of your own soul’s journey, it is easier for you to recognize the truth underlying the nightmares of another. Having watched your own dreams thwarted and your sand castles leveled by the unrelenting seas of your own life script, you can feel vicariously the levels of disappointment and despair that others around you are living as they bear the waves that crash upon their shores. You have built for yourself the foundation for the experience of compassion, by having watched illustration after illustration of your worst fears come to life. For you would not have had the basis for reaching out to another being living at the depths of his drama, had you not been given the chance to experience those levels yourself."


If you're not enjoying the now moment, it's because you're not in it.


"Comparison is the thief of joy."


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