That is why, now, I am supporting Barack Obama for president, not because I am a Democrat or liberal or any other such political animal. Not even because I've scrupulously studied his policies statements. I have come out of electoral isolation because Senator Obama is a true leader, at a time when we desperately need a true leader.
On my blog, as in everything I write and say elsewhere, I do not claim to be "fair." The Truth is not fair. The Truth is ruthlessly... the Truth. Our media has become so useless in pursuing the Truth these days greatly in part because it insists on giving equal weight to both "sides" of every argument and position, when, in fact, there aren't always two worthy sides. Everything is not relative or a matter of opinion. It's not biased to point out that someone is lying or cheating or stealing when they are. Likewise, it's not slanted to say that someone is open and honest if they are. We may be all equal under the law and under God, but we are not all equally living in Truth.
Here's something from another genuine leader, Abraham Lincoln:
"How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? Four; calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg."

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