So, today is the shortest day of the year, AND the darkest day in 500 years. Feels right doesn't it? But what does that mean? There is a saying: "It is darkest before the dawn." As it was heralded 50 years ago - "This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius." So, wake up, my friends, smell the coffee, be of good cheer. Starting tomorrow, the days begin having more and more daylight.
There it is. I said it. Unvarnished. Straight up. Unequivocal. And just to be clear, I didn't make this up, and I'm not the only one stating this axiom out loud these days.
Your finances, your love life, your health, yes, of course, most of you at least buy that you create those things if you're reading this blog. But those are the easy ones. The "one hundred percent" part - that's the challenge.
The subway running late, the guy sitting next to you sneezing on the subway, the weather when you get off the subway? Yep. All your creations.
The stranger you bump into at the coffee shop who just so happens to tell you about a dream job opportunity, the bank error that credits your account with exactly the amount of money you needed to make your rent, the long lost friend you were just thinking about who calls you up? Yep. All your creations.
Don't believe it? Doesn't matter. Doesn't change anything. It's just the way it is.
Oh, and why am I posting this today? Because in short order, you will come to know it for yourself. This is happening.
Listen to this channeled conversation on the subject. For a condensed version, start at around the 25-minute mark, and particularly focus in at the 30-minute mark:
Your finances, your love life, your health, yes, of course, most of you at least buy that you create those things if you're reading this blog. But those are the easy ones. The "one hundred percent" part - that's the challenge.
The subway running late, the guy sitting next to you sneezing on the subway, the weather when you get off the subway? Yep. All your creations.
The stranger you bump into at the coffee shop who just so happens to tell you about a dream job opportunity, the bank error that credits your account with exactly the amount of money you needed to make your rent, the long lost friend you were just thinking about who calls you up? Yep. All your creations.
Don't believe it? Doesn't matter. Doesn't change anything. It's just the way it is.
Oh, and why am I posting this today? Because in short order, you will come to know it for yourself. This is happening.
Listen to this channeled conversation on the subject. For a condensed version, start at around the 25-minute mark, and particularly focus in at the 30-minute mark:
This short passage is from ONENESS, by Rasha, the quintessential book on the run-up to 5D that we're all engaged in right now, consciously or not. It may take a couple of readings to understand what is being said here.
Check it out:
"The pathways of the emotions you have worked so hard to stabilize are those upon which your consciousness will travel in connecting you with heightened levels of awareness. For it is your emotional foundation that unites all aspects of the consciousness that make up your multidimensional identity. That foundation, once cleared of the ego-based need to respond to provocation, serves as the pathway upon which all aspects of your multidimensional self unite in Oneness, and recognize that common bond as one that is shared with All Creation."
Here's my understanding -
Human beings have emotions, and that isn't a mistake or a distortion. It is our nature in physical form here on Planet Earth. In fact, according to some sources, Earth is known in our galaxy as the "emotion planet," and it's why so many choose to incarnate here.
Yet, human beings experience many emotions as unpleasant, especially the three main "negative" emotions: fear, anger and sadness. So, when Oneness says it is our "emotional foundation" that unites all aspects of our identity, does that mean that emotional turmoil and pain are necessary to self-actualization?
No. Or at least not ultimately.
A significant point made in the above passage is that we become unified by doing the hard work of "stabilizing" our emotions through the clearing of "ego-based" provocations that stir up irrational fear, anger and sadness. You see, the three negative emotions, in their purest form, do have a place in our make-up. But the instances that call for them are rare.
Fear is meant to be reserved for situations of actual danger, like being shot at or chased by a wild animal, propelling us into instant fight-or-flight mode. An imagined future rejection from a prospective date or job opportunity doesn't meet the criteria of dangerous.
Anger is a powerful emotion reserved for situations in which you are actually being attacked physically, causing adrenaline to be secreted, which energizes and focuses you on stopping the attack through quick, forceful action. Anger is not meant for moments when your partner is hogging the remote or when you can't find a parking space.
Sadness, in its healthy form, is what we naturally feel during an actual loss due to some kind of major life change, like death or the end of a relationship, even a graduation. Tears and crying are the ways through which we then cleanse our bodies of the physical emotional residue. But sadness is not an appropriate reaction to gaining a few pounds of body fat or getting a stain on your favorite T-shirt.
So, back to Oneness, stabilizing your emotions through self-work means that you are learning not to be provoked into feeling things because your ego is telling you erroneously that you are in danger, or that you are being attacked, or that you're going through a major loss when you're not. Once you've accomplished that stability, which means you're mostly feeling joy, love and pleasure, and rarely feeling fear, anger and sadness, you will unify yourself as the "multidimensional" being that you truly are.
[For more on being chased by tigers, go HERE!]
"Any time you experience pain and discomfort, fatigue or depression, it is because you are perceiving something from the victim-perpetrator mentality."
(Wendy Kennedy, channeling the Pleiadians)
(Wendy Kennedy, channeling the Pleiadians)
"You should be prepared to experience unprecedented results, both in your own experience and in the experience of others for whom you may be facilitating. The dramatic remission of symptoms characteristic of this process is a phenomenon that will defy the scientific laws that govern your concept of what is and is not possible. The so-called “miracles” that may once have prompted reactions of awe and wonderment are occurrences to be expected by those who have journeyed to the outer reaches of the human condition in these times. Do not be tempted to limit what is possible, in terms of spontaneous recovery, on the basis of what you may have been taught. There are no such limits—not in the new world you are helping to birth, simply by being present."
("oneness," by Rasha)
("oneness," by Rasha)
"It's funny how one insect can damage so much grain." 
That is a line from Elton John's song of grief, "Empty Garden," written about the murder of Elton's friend, John Lennon, thirty-six years ago today, December 8.
Seven years ago, on 12/8/09, the pilot script of my TV series, "CITY ROCK," was performed live at the Cherry Lane Theatre, directed by Paul Michael Glaser. John Lennon's death plays prominently in the story of "Frank Cello" and his team of misfit warriors, named after the street teen who died on Frank's watch on the streets of Times Square in 1981. I hadn't consciously realized until the night of the performance last year that I had scheduled it to be on the anniversary of Lennon's death.
I had just finished reading a great new book today about that death and that day, entitled simply "December 8, 1980: The Day John Lennon Died," by Keith Elliot Greenberg. The book dramatically follows the utterly different paths of John Lennon and Mark David Chapman, John's assassin, paths that somehow brought them together on that fateful night 36 years ago to shock the entire world. It is quite gripping to experience the trajectories of these two souls as they arrive to an incredible endpoint in their starkly unique lives, in front of the Dakota that December night.
Just as I can still remember what I was doing, as a fourth grader, on the day John F. Kennedy was killed, and where I was and who I was with on the morning of September 11, 2001, I remember distinctly the details of the night of December 8, 1980.
I was riding a bus home from the evening shift at Covenant House, the then famous shelter for runaway teens in Times Square, when it was still a seedy Mecca for nefarious characters and lost souls from all over the country. I worked there per diem as a social worker, supplementing the income from my full-time day job at another social service agency. On Thanksgiving of that particular year, just 2 weeks before John's murder, I worked the evening shift at the shelter serving a sumptuous dinner to the kids that had been donated to Covenant House by John and Yoko. Each place setting had a card with artwork from John decorating it and a greeting from John, Yoko and Sean Lennon.
On that bus on December 8, around midnight, I was pretty much alone, lost in thought when the bus driver addressed me: "Did you hear what happened?" He asked. I just kind of mumbled, not really wanting to engage him. "They shot Lennon," he said. I thought to myself, "Oh boy, this guy's crazy," because I thought he was talking about Lenin, the communist leader who died almost sixty years earlier. The driver persisted, rocking my world. "Yep. They shot John Lennon."
I could feel the blood drain out of my face.
"They shot John Lennon?!"
What?! Who?! Why?!!?
Interesting, isn't it, that the bus driver used the pronoun "they?" It's not an uncommon usage, but who are "they?" Chapman clearly killed John and acted alone in doing so, but yet, when the driver said "They," it seemed somehow appropriate. On 9/11/01, the person who first told me about the attack also said "They flew planes into the World Trade Center," even though it was not yet known who actually did it.
Who are "they?"
Well, "they" are "us."
As John Lennon himself once wrote:
"I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together."
John at least came to understand something in his short time on Earth about the true oneness that exists in All That Is. Many of his lyrics, during and after the Beatle era, reflect some of that understanding, although his life - and death - was one of dualistic turmoil.
Reading Greenberg's book and other chronicles of John Lennon's life reveals a human being with a great deal of unresolved pain and anger and fear, a history of brilliance and incredible accomplishments combined with great sadness, violence, jealousy and substance abuse. By choosing a lifetime in which he would be so monumentally famous, and die so infamously, you might say that John "volunteered" to play out the dualistic drama for us in his physical and emotional life, even as he sang about the true nature of our oneness and the synchronicity of everything that occurs:
"Nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be."
Nothing truly, irrevocably tragic occurs, folks. We desire as souls to experience everything that we can conceive of, to know everything there is to know. In this "experiment" - three-dimensional physical reality in a linear time continuum - we are exploring how love, the essence of All That Is, can be expressed. It is intense. And perhaps, we are almost done with this particular experiment, which may be why so many feel ready to move on from the experience of separateness.
Maybe that's what John was asking us to imagine - no Heaven, no hell, no religion, no country, no possessions... in other words, a world without duality.
"All you need is love."

That is a line from Elton John's song of grief, "Empty Garden," written about the murder of Elton's friend, John Lennon, thirty-six years ago today, December 8.
Seven years ago, on 12/8/09, the pilot script of my TV series, "CITY ROCK," was performed live at the Cherry Lane Theatre, directed by Paul Michael Glaser. John Lennon's death plays prominently in the story of "Frank Cello" and his team of misfit warriors, named after the street teen who died on Frank's watch on the streets of Times Square in 1981. I hadn't consciously realized until the night of the performance last year that I had scheduled it to be on the anniversary of Lennon's death.
I had just finished reading a great new book today about that death and that day, entitled simply "December 8, 1980: The Day John Lennon Died," by Keith Elliot Greenberg. The book dramatically follows the utterly different paths of John Lennon and Mark David Chapman, John's assassin, paths that somehow brought them together on that fateful night 36 years ago to shock the entire world. It is quite gripping to experience the trajectories of these two souls as they arrive to an incredible endpoint in their starkly unique lives, in front of the Dakota that December night.
Just as I can still remember what I was doing, as a fourth grader, on the day John F. Kennedy was killed, and where I was and who I was with on the morning of September 11, 2001, I remember distinctly the details of the night of December 8, 1980.
I was riding a bus home from the evening shift at Covenant House, the then famous shelter for runaway teens in Times Square, when it was still a seedy Mecca for nefarious characters and lost souls from all over the country. I worked there per diem as a social worker, supplementing the income from my full-time day job at another social service agency. On Thanksgiving of that particular year, just 2 weeks before John's murder, I worked the evening shift at the shelter serving a sumptuous dinner to the kids that had been donated to Covenant House by John and Yoko. Each place setting had a card with artwork from John decorating it and a greeting from John, Yoko and Sean Lennon.
On that bus on December 8, around midnight, I was pretty much alone, lost in thought when the bus driver addressed me: "Did you hear what happened?" He asked. I just kind of mumbled, not really wanting to engage him. "They shot Lennon," he said. I thought to myself, "Oh boy, this guy's crazy," because I thought he was talking about Lenin, the communist leader who died almost sixty years earlier. The driver persisted, rocking my world. "Yep. They shot John Lennon."
I could feel the blood drain out of my face.
"They shot John Lennon?!"
What?! Who?! Why?!!?
Interesting, isn't it, that the bus driver used the pronoun "they?" It's not an uncommon usage, but who are "they?" Chapman clearly killed John and acted alone in doing so, but yet, when the driver said "They," it seemed somehow appropriate. On 9/11/01, the person who first told me about the attack also said "They flew planes into the World Trade Center," even though it was not yet known who actually did it.
Who are "they?"
Well, "they" are "us."
As John Lennon himself once wrote:
"I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together."
John at least came to understand something in his short time on Earth about the true oneness that exists in All That Is. Many of his lyrics, during and after the Beatle era, reflect some of that understanding, although his life - and death - was one of dualistic turmoil.
Reading Greenberg's book and other chronicles of John Lennon's life reveals a human being with a great deal of unresolved pain and anger and fear, a history of brilliance and incredible accomplishments combined with great sadness, violence, jealousy and substance abuse. By choosing a lifetime in which he would be so monumentally famous, and die so infamously, you might say that John "volunteered" to play out the dualistic drama for us in his physical and emotional life, even as he sang about the true nature of our oneness and the synchronicity of everything that occurs:
"Nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be."
Nothing truly, irrevocably tragic occurs, folks. We desire as souls to experience everything that we can conceive of, to know everything there is to know. In this "experiment" - three-dimensional physical reality in a linear time continuum - we are exploring how love, the essence of All That Is, can be expressed. It is intense. And perhaps, we are almost done with this particular experiment, which may be why so many feel ready to move on from the experience of separateness.
Maybe that's what John was asking us to imagine - no Heaven, no hell, no religion, no country, no possessions... in other words, a world without duality.
"All you need is love."

THIS is hot off the "interstellar press," Darryl Anka channeling Bashar on the U.S. presidential election of 2016. If you want to stay angry and depressed, don't listen. If you want to feel excited, positive and energized, listen up!
Thanksgiving gratitude coming hard to you this year?
Watch this:
And read this:
And this:
Watch this:
And read this:
And this:
To those of you who have done a significant amount of self-work and arrived to a place where you are conscious of your old beliefs, images and memories, where you are connected to your feelings and can express them, and where you no longer are overly focused on what others think about you, but yet you feel stuck in some area of your life, this is for you.
You are at the threshold of a major shift, THE shift, really, the big one, a dimension transition of unprecedented proportions to 5th Dimensional consciousness, a transition to life in the "Thousand Year Golden Age" that lies just ahead.
If you feel unable to cross the "finish line," however, unable to experience a truly different outer reality in which you are living your highest excitement, you most likely are grappling with resistance manifesting as a fear of the "Unknown" and a refusal to let go. This is different than resistance born out of unconscious, unresolved childhood wounds and the resultant character structures.
This resistance is will-driven, in the present moment, rooted in an unwillingness to let go of familiar (not familial) comforts and attachments, whether those attachments are to pleasure or suffering or an identity. To go forward smoothly, with grace and ease, now requires a letting go of all attachments, ALL attachments, and practicing acceptance and gratitude. Now, mind you, if you are meant to have something in your life for your greatest good and highest excitement, letting go of your attachment to that person, place or thing won't mean you "lose" it. It just means you won't be clinging to it out of fear.
So, okay, ready? Here's how you go forward - In each moment, from the menu of choices that are right in front of you, choose the option that represents your highest preference, without insistence that the outcome of that choice has to look a certain way.
That's it! One more time - In each moment, from the menu of choices that are right in front of you, choose the option that represents your highest preference, without insistence that the outcome of that choice has to look a certain way.
Got it? Good. See you on the other side!

You are at the threshold of a major shift, THE shift, really, the big one, a dimension transition of unprecedented proportions to 5th Dimensional consciousness, a transition to life in the "Thousand Year Golden Age" that lies just ahead.
If you feel unable to cross the "finish line," however, unable to experience a truly different outer reality in which you are living your highest excitement, you most likely are grappling with resistance manifesting as a fear of the "Unknown" and a refusal to let go. This is different than resistance born out of unconscious, unresolved childhood wounds and the resultant character structures.
This resistance is will-driven, in the present moment, rooted in an unwillingness to let go of familiar (not familial) comforts and attachments, whether those attachments are to pleasure or suffering or an identity. To go forward smoothly, with grace and ease, now requires a letting go of all attachments, ALL attachments, and practicing acceptance and gratitude. Now, mind you, if you are meant to have something in your life for your greatest good and highest excitement, letting go of your attachment to that person, place or thing won't mean you "lose" it. It just means you won't be clinging to it out of fear.
So, okay, ready? Here's how you go forward - In each moment, from the menu of choices that are right in front of you, choose the option that represents your highest preference, without insistence that the outcome of that choice has to look a certain way.
That's it! One more time - In each moment, from the menu of choices that are right in front of you, choose the option that represents your highest preference, without insistence that the outcome of that choice has to look a certain way.
Got it? Good. See you on the other side!

Read this! Take your time and read this! Really! More than once. It will help.
"Integrating fragmented aspects of consciousness. Attaining the perspective of one’s own expanded, multidimensional self. You have come to this place in time for a multiplicity of reasons. You have come for the opportunity to transcend the parameters that define your existence. And, in the same breath, you have come to deepen your connection with the interwoven aspects of your beingness that give your life definition in the truest sense. You have come to this experience you know as your life in order to be able to reject, completely, the consensus view of reality imprinted upon you since birth, and to replace that structure of understanding with a perspective that totally transcends it. This is the first time in your personal history as an incarnate individual that your conscious awareness has been augmented with levels of energy that enable you to transcend your physical senses. This is the first incarnation in which you have been able to reinforce intuitive knowingness with experiential knowingness. This is the moment you have been waiting for, for eons of existence. For, this is the lifetime that will catapult you beyond all you know to a depth of awareness and understanding you are as yet unable to fathom. Trust that this process, in which you are, by now, deeply invested, is unfolding as it is meant to. And that everything is, indeed, in “Divine order.” You are a spark of Divinity in the throes of activation. The programming for the process is deep-seated within you. And it will unfold at its own pace, regardless of steps you might be encouraged to take to accelerate that momentum. You may experience a sense of reassurance by participating in group activities targeted at expanding your consciousness. And you may, indeed, experience sensations indicative of amplified levels of energy during such activities. But know that the results of such exercises are, for the most part, short-lived. For, the foundation for sustaining that energy is built from within. And the momentum of your growth is rooted in stillness. There is a place within the depths of one’s being where opportunities that defy linear logic are able to unfold. The key to maximizing the pace of your process lies in the degree to which you are able to let go and cease directing the scenarios of your drama. Allow life to unfold for you. And recognize the potential in the synchronicity that presents itself. Note the perfection in the results. And consider the possibility that your best interests are best served by a level of awareness that transcends your conscious mind. Recognize your tendencies, rooted in fear of a less than optimum outcome of your efforts, to attempt to direct that outcome. Dispense with your prior understanding of how results are manifested. And allow the circumstances that present themselves to nudge you in the direction of your highest possible good. As you become more comfortable with the process, you will begin to notice how easily the opportunities flow and how effortlessly you are able to manifest results that serve you at the highest level. You stand at the threshold of a grand adventure. And the extent to which you are able to experience the fullness of that journey is determined by the extent to which you are able to let go of the scenarios that no longer serve you. You have noticed, with rare exception, that the circumstances of your life are unraveling at an unprecedented pace. You have begun to question what is happening, as the structure of life as you know it, begins to crumble. You look around you for explanations. And you probe your own circumstances for clues that would justify the destruction of the familiar. At first, you may resist the impetus to dematerialize what has been the foundation of your reality. In time, you will come to recognize the inevitability of the momentum that guides you."
("Oneness" by Rasha)
"Integrating fragmented aspects of consciousness. Attaining the perspective of one’s own expanded, multidimensional self. You have come to this place in time for a multiplicity of reasons. You have come for the opportunity to transcend the parameters that define your existence. And, in the same breath, you have come to deepen your connection with the interwoven aspects of your beingness that give your life definition in the truest sense. You have come to this experience you know as your life in order to be able to reject, completely, the consensus view of reality imprinted upon you since birth, and to replace that structure of understanding with a perspective that totally transcends it. This is the first time in your personal history as an incarnate individual that your conscious awareness has been augmented with levels of energy that enable you to transcend your physical senses. This is the first incarnation in which you have been able to reinforce intuitive knowingness with experiential knowingness. This is the moment you have been waiting for, for eons of existence. For, this is the lifetime that will catapult you beyond all you know to a depth of awareness and understanding you are as yet unable to fathom. Trust that this process, in which you are, by now, deeply invested, is unfolding as it is meant to. And that everything is, indeed, in “Divine order.” You are a spark of Divinity in the throes of activation. The programming for the process is deep-seated within you. And it will unfold at its own pace, regardless of steps you might be encouraged to take to accelerate that momentum. You may experience a sense of reassurance by participating in group activities targeted at expanding your consciousness. And you may, indeed, experience sensations indicative of amplified levels of energy during such activities. But know that the results of such exercises are, for the most part, short-lived. For, the foundation for sustaining that energy is built from within. And the momentum of your growth is rooted in stillness. There is a place within the depths of one’s being where opportunities that defy linear logic are able to unfold. The key to maximizing the pace of your process lies in the degree to which you are able to let go and cease directing the scenarios of your drama. Allow life to unfold for you. And recognize the potential in the synchronicity that presents itself. Note the perfection in the results. And consider the possibility that your best interests are best served by a level of awareness that transcends your conscious mind. Recognize your tendencies, rooted in fear of a less than optimum outcome of your efforts, to attempt to direct that outcome. Dispense with your prior understanding of how results are manifested. And allow the circumstances that present themselves to nudge you in the direction of your highest possible good. As you become more comfortable with the process, you will begin to notice how easily the opportunities flow and how effortlessly you are able to manifest results that serve you at the highest level. You stand at the threshold of a grand adventure. And the extent to which you are able to experience the fullness of that journey is determined by the extent to which you are able to let go of the scenarios that no longer serve you. You have noticed, with rare exception, that the circumstances of your life are unraveling at an unprecedented pace. You have begun to question what is happening, as the structure of life as you know it, begins to crumble. You look around you for explanations. And you probe your own circumstances for clues that would justify the destruction of the familiar. At first, you may resist the impetus to dematerialize what has been the foundation of your reality. In time, you will come to recognize the inevitability of the momentum that guides you."
("Oneness" by Rasha)
"When you experience a particularly poignant response to a given situation—one that you may judge to be extreme—consider, before judging yourself too harshly, that what you may be feeling is depth of emotion you share mutually with an aspect of self that has been denied and was left behind along the way. By repressing the expression of the depths of your feeling, you only serve to prolong the separation between you and that aspect of self, and to invite repeat performances of scenarios which are calculated to produce the same emotional response. It is imperative that you open your heart to the very real sensations of hurt, sorrow, or outrage summoned to you by circumstances in the dramas in which you play a part. In so doing, you pave the way for the reintegration of a missing piece of your own being whose life theme may be the embodiment of those very responses, and who strives from his depths to transcend them.
The need to be 'right' in all instances, and to defend that perspective at all costs, suddenly gives way to the need for harmony and for a spontaneous perception of the perspective of the adversary. The need to triumph over another, regardless of the circumstance, is based upon the needs of ego. And this ego-centered state of separation is the one overriding factor that seeks to undermine the impetus toward unification in Oneness, toward which all energy throughout Creation is focused. The process of relinquishing one’s conditioned attachment to learned responses fostered by ego, has been a gradual one. Now, the momentum of accelerated vibration results in dramatic shifts in consciousness in all who are attuned to these changes. Interactions are more intense, and the emotions evoked are calculated to take the underlying point of the exercise to the extreme, such that interactions appear to be caricatures of behaviors that might be expected, ordinarily. When the heat of the moment passes, one is left to wonder 'what on earth that was all about.”
The need to be 'right' in all instances, and to defend that perspective at all costs, suddenly gives way to the need for harmony and for a spontaneous perception of the perspective of the adversary. The need to triumph over another, regardless of the circumstance, is based upon the needs of ego. And this ego-centered state of separation is the one overriding factor that seeks to undermine the impetus toward unification in Oneness, toward which all energy throughout Creation is focused. The process of relinquishing one’s conditioned attachment to learned responses fostered by ego, has been a gradual one. Now, the momentum of accelerated vibration results in dramatic shifts in consciousness in all who are attuned to these changes. Interactions are more intense, and the emotions evoked are calculated to take the underlying point of the exercise to the extreme, such that interactions appear to be caricatures of behaviors that might be expected, ordinarily. When the heat of the moment passes, one is left to wonder 'what on earth that was all about.”
"In this moment, you are all you are yet to become. For “time,” as you know it to be, is not a factor in what is transpiring in what you consider to be “the Now.” All that is to happen has happened, energetically. What is left to achieve is the physical manifestation of that expression of energy. This would explain why, at times, you are seemingly drawn to a particular set of circumstances. This would explain why you experience what you would consider to be “synchronicity.” And this would explain why you experience a sense of disharmony when you resist suggestions that nudge you to act upon certain opportunities."
("ONENESS" by Rasha)
Recently watched Ron Howard’s
documentary: “The
Beatles: Eight Days a Week - The Touring Years.”
almost everything that could be documented about the Beatles world-changing,
meteoric rise to prominence and dominance in pop music and our social consciousness
has been written about, recorded or filmed, it still is exciting when a new
telling of the tale comes out. Ron Howard focuses on the brief period of time
that the band played concerts live, roughly 5 years if you count the small
clubs in England and Germany, and makes clear why The Beatles couldn’t possibly
continue touring. Besides the “mania” that kept them running from cars, trains
and planes onto stages and into hotels through back entrances, the screaming
frenzy when they played live overshadowed the sounds of the extraordinary
musical innovations they were making on an almost daily basis.
of the Fab Four were virtuosos on their instruments, like Eric Clapton or Billy
Preston, who recorded some memorable riffs on Beatle albums, nor were they
master vocalists like contemporaries Stevie Wonder or Aretha Franklin. Even
their lyrical poetry wasn’t the equivalent of Bob Dylan or Paul Simon at the
time. What made The Beatles so outstanding was the way they put it all
I listened to some of those DNA-engrained songs recently, I had this
realization - many good songs, even some great ones, are written around the
virtuosity of the musicians. In other words, the song serves as
showcase/vehicle for the talented musicianship of the artist. Those are the
songs I always listened to on the radio in the 60’s and 70’s, appreciating the
gifted playing and singing. But it was only the recordings of The Beatles that
I saved up my allowance to actually buy and treasure. Their instrumentalism and
vocalizations wrapped around and served the songs, you see, and so the songs
freely came from... well, they seemed to be channeled from their souls. And
indeed, well before “Father Joe” and “Doctor Joe,” The Beatles were my first
you can be that isn’t where you’re meant to be.” (“All You Need Is Love)
really doesn’t matter if I’m wrong, I’m right where I belong.” (“Fixing A Hole”)
it be.” (“Let It Be”)
in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.” (“The End”)
last lyric was the very last line on the very last song on the very last album
that The Beatles recorded together. Their final message.
This is from a very important Pathwork Guide Lecture, "THE SPIRITUAL MEANING OF CRISIS!"
"Crisis is an attempt of nature to effect change through the cosmic lawfulness of the universe. If change is obstructed by the ego, the part of the consciousness that directs the will, crisis will occur to make structural change possible. Without such structural change in the entity, no balance can be attained. Every crisis ultimately means such a readjustment, whether it appears in the form of pain, difficulties, upheaval, uncertainty, or merely the insecurity that comes from starting out on unaccustomed ways of living after giving up a familiar one. Crisis in any form attempts to break down old structures based on false conclusions and therefore on negativity. Crisis shakes loose ingrained, frozen habits so that new growth becomes possible. It tears down and breaks up, which is momentarily painful, but transformation is unthinkable without it."
Ten years ago this past Sunday, humanity experienced a collective crisis when the Twin Towers were slammed into by a crazed group of suicidal fanatics. As the Guide says above, we invite crises when we resist ("obstruct") change. The stronger the resistance to change, the greater the crisis we will call in.
Obviously, on September 11, 2001, each of individually experienced a crisis at different levels, depending on how much personally we were resisting change in our own individual lives.
Here's the Guide:
"Change is an integral characteristic of life; where there is life there is unending change. Only those who still live in fear and negativity, who resist change, perceive change as something that ought to be resisted. They resist life itself, and suffering closes in on them more tightly. This happens in people's overall development as well as in specific instances."
To change, of course, is inevitable. Only in our childish imagination do we actually think it's possible to stay the same, even for a moment. So, since change is a given, how do we overcome the futile attempts to resist change and avoid living from crisis to crisis, as so many of us do, whether it's in the form of a terrorist attack, a hurricane or a conflictual relationship break-up or other kinds of traumatic losses?
Well it isn't easy.
Here's the Guide again:
"Crisis can be avoided by looking at the inner truth when the first inklings of disturbance and negativity manifest on the surface. But a tremendous amount of honesty is required to challenge one's tightly cherished convictions. Such challenge cuts out the negative self-perpetuation, the motor force that compounds the destructive, erroneous psychic matter until it finds a breaking point. It avoids the many vicious circles within the human psyche and in relationships that are painful and problematic."
Self-honesty, which includes self-revelation - to ourselves and significant others - is the way to embrace change and live without debilitating crises.
Yes. The Truth will set you free.
So, on this 15th anniversary of that infamous crisis that shook the world, don't waste time indulging in platitudes and pseudo-patriotic vitriol against imagined enemies. Pundits and blow-hards in the media love to talk about how we "changed" after 9/11, but in fact, such people actually only became more entrenched versions of who they already were. Racists and xenophobes only became more racist and xenophobic. Those who indulged in militaristic fantasies of power and domination before 9/11 became more boldly belligerent afterwards. I suppose you could call that "change," but to me, it was more accurately just more of the same.
The reality is, folks, everyone is an actor in the play each of us is writing. Even our villains are teachers, trying to get us to look at ourselves. So, do yourself a favor and take a look before you invite the next crisis into your life.
"Crisis is an attempt of nature to effect change through the cosmic lawfulness of the universe. If change is obstructed by the ego, the part of the consciousness that directs the will, crisis will occur to make structural change possible. Without such structural change in the entity, no balance can be attained. Every crisis ultimately means such a readjustment, whether it appears in the form of pain, difficulties, upheaval, uncertainty, or merely the insecurity that comes from starting out on unaccustomed ways of living after giving up a familiar one. Crisis in any form attempts to break down old structures based on false conclusions and therefore on negativity. Crisis shakes loose ingrained, frozen habits so that new growth becomes possible. It tears down and breaks up, which is momentarily painful, but transformation is unthinkable without it."
Ten years ago this past Sunday, humanity experienced a collective crisis when the Twin Towers were slammed into by a crazed group of suicidal fanatics. As the Guide says above, we invite crises when we resist ("obstruct") change. The stronger the resistance to change, the greater the crisis we will call in.
Obviously, on September 11, 2001, each of individually experienced a crisis at different levels, depending on how much personally we were resisting change in our own individual lives.
Here's the Guide:
"Change is an integral characteristic of life; where there is life there is unending change. Only those who still live in fear and negativity, who resist change, perceive change as something that ought to be resisted. They resist life itself, and suffering closes in on them more tightly. This happens in people's overall development as well as in specific instances."
To change, of course, is inevitable. Only in our childish imagination do we actually think it's possible to stay the same, even for a moment. So, since change is a given, how do we overcome the futile attempts to resist change and avoid living from crisis to crisis, as so many of us do, whether it's in the form of a terrorist attack, a hurricane or a conflictual relationship break-up or other kinds of traumatic losses?
Well it isn't easy.
Here's the Guide again:
"Crisis can be avoided by looking at the inner truth when the first inklings of disturbance and negativity manifest on the surface. But a tremendous amount of honesty is required to challenge one's tightly cherished convictions. Such challenge cuts out the negative self-perpetuation, the motor force that compounds the destructive, erroneous psychic matter until it finds a breaking point. It avoids the many vicious circles within the human psyche and in relationships that are painful and problematic."
Self-honesty, which includes self-revelation - to ourselves and significant others - is the way to embrace change and live without debilitating crises.
Yes. The Truth will set you free.
So, on this 15th anniversary of that infamous crisis that shook the world, don't waste time indulging in platitudes and pseudo-patriotic vitriol against imagined enemies. Pundits and blow-hards in the media love to talk about how we "changed" after 9/11, but in fact, such people actually only became more entrenched versions of who they already were. Racists and xenophobes only became more racist and xenophobic. Those who indulged in militaristic fantasies of power and domination before 9/11 became more boldly belligerent afterwards. I suppose you could call that "change," but to me, it was more accurately just more of the same.
The reality is, folks, everyone is an actor in the play each of us is writing. Even our villains are teachers, trying to get us to look at ourselves. So, do yourself a favor and take a look before you invite the next crisis into your life.
"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."
Albert Einstein said that. Of course.
I would add that to expect a 3-year old to drive herself to pre-school or a 1-year old to cook the family dinner or a 5-year old to manage the household finances are likewise unreasonable expectations that would be not only a burden to the child in question, but quite frustrating for the persons with the expectations, as well.
Where am I heading with this? Simply to make the point that I made in my "TRUTH ABOUT EVERYTHING, PART 6: WE ARE NOT ALL THE SAME!," which is that in a world with individuals of not just different chronological ages, but also of different soul ages, we would become a lot less burdensome and a a lot less frustrated if we were able to see people in the light of their soul age.
Here are two excerpts from #6:
So, just as there are physical babies, there arebaby souls. Just as there are physical adults, there are adult souls. Etc. Etc. And just as it would be irrational to expect a physical baby to be able to feed and shelter itself, or to drive a car or have sex, it is equally irrational to expect a baby soul, even in an adult physical body, to attain higher states of consciousness much beyond the accomplishments of reflex and survival. Baby souls, in other words, generally live simple lives, with simplistic beliefs, focused on getting their basic needs met, very often by seeking others to manage the provision of those needs.
After you read the soul age material, look around you, at everyone, and consider what soul age you are dealing with in each relationship. You will find your perspective and your levels of frustration shifting when you do. And remember, don't give the car keys to a 3-year old!

Albert Einstein said that. Of course.
I would add that to expect a 3-year old to drive herself to pre-school or a 1-year old to cook the family dinner or a 5-year old to manage the household finances are likewise unreasonable expectations that would be not only a burden to the child in question, but quite frustrating for the persons with the expectations, as well.
Where am I heading with this? Simply to make the point that I made in my "TRUTH ABOUT EVERYTHING, PART 6: WE ARE NOT ALL THE SAME!," which is that in a world with individuals of not just different chronological ages, but also of different soul ages, we would become a lot less burdensome and a a lot less frustrated if we were able to see people in the light of their soul age.
Here are two excerpts from #6:
So, just as there are physical babies, there arebaby souls. Just as there are physical adults, there are adult souls. Etc. Etc. And just as it would be irrational to expect a physical baby to be able to feed and shelter itself, or to drive a car or have sex, it is equally irrational to expect a baby soul, even in an adult physical body, to attain higher states of consciousness much beyond the accomplishments of reflex and survival. Baby souls, in other words, generally live simple lives, with simplistic beliefs, focused on getting their basic needs met, very often by seeking others to manage the provision of those needs.
After you read the soul age material, look around you, at everyone, and consider what soul age you are dealing with in each relationship. You will find your perspective and your levels of frustration shifting when you do. And remember, don't give the car keys to a 3-year old!

Many FPL readers are on a path towards "enlightenment/self-actualization/ascension," however it is referred to by various individuals, a path that has become accelerated in recent times. Changes are rapidly occurring in every area of life - health, financial resources, relationships, creative expression.
In many cases, the changes are positive, advancing the seekers to a more expansive place in the above areas, and more significantly, enhancing the feelings of joy, pleasure and harmony on the way. But in some people, the acceleration they're experiencing seems to be towards the negative, a spiral into crises in the same areas, increasing feelings of despair, deprivation and frustration. I say "seems to be" because as others and I have written before, everyone is ultimately going to a place of higher consciousness and vibration, but some are choosing to swim against the current, while others are going with the flow.
One thing, however, that slows everyone down is the grip we have on expectations. Even those who are genuinely dedicated to their own enlightenment/self-actualization/ascension hold onto pictures of what it will look like when they "arrive." I've had some recent conversations with people about this, and shared some spontaneous insights that have come to me this summer.
I started to write a book while on vacation in the first half of July, an attempt to bring together all that I've learned, taught and written about since the run-up to 5D began 4 or 5 years ago. I'd been thinking for a while that my next phase of self-actualization was going to include being a writer for a living. I had the picture painted in HD in my mind. But here's what I came upon in the process of writing said book - everything is changing so fast, the paradigms shifting so thoroughly, the new tools becoming available so often that what I was putting down on the page was becoming obsolete as I was writing it!
So, with tongue in cheek, I quipped that I decided to plant a vegetable garden and focus on that instead!
In many cases, the changes are positive, advancing the seekers to a more expansive place in the above areas, and more significantly, enhancing the feelings of joy, pleasure and harmony on the way. But in some people, the acceleration they're experiencing seems to be towards the negative, a spiral into crises in the same areas, increasing feelings of despair, deprivation and frustration. I say "seems to be" because as others and I have written before, everyone is ultimately going to a place of higher consciousness and vibration, but some are choosing to swim against the current, while others are going with the flow.
One thing, however, that slows everyone down is the grip we have on expectations. Even those who are genuinely dedicated to their own enlightenment/self-actualization/ascension hold onto pictures of what it will look like when they "arrive." I've had some recent conversations with people about this, and shared some spontaneous insights that have come to me this summer.
I started to write a book while on vacation in the first half of July, an attempt to bring together all that I've learned, taught and written about since the run-up to 5D began 4 or 5 years ago. I'd been thinking for a while that my next phase of self-actualization was going to include being a writer for a living. I had the picture painted in HD in my mind. But here's what I came upon in the process of writing said book - everything is changing so fast, the paradigms shifting so thoroughly, the new tools becoming available so often that what I was putting down on the page was becoming obsolete as I was writing it!
So, with tongue in cheek, I quipped that I decided to plant a vegetable garden and focus on that instead!
Turns out not to have been a joke. What I've discovered is that the road to enlightenment isn't a path toward achieving grand outer goals, like great financial wealth or big "success" in a particular career or anything else "huge" that my ego-mind or intellect could conjure up. Mind you, those great things can happen on the self-actualized path, but they arrive as synchronistic "by-products," as it were, if they are aligned with a particular agreement you've made, or a destiny you have in your soul plan.
What I've discovered/am discovering is that the true direction of the journey is toward inner harmony and serenity, compassion and love (of self and others), laughter and finding joy in even the most mundane aspects of being a soul in physical form, like walking in the park, swimming in the sea, holding someone's hand... or watching a tomato turn red or a pepper yellow under a loving watch.
Here are the latest pics, verifying that I made the aligned decision! (And a song about getting "back to the garden!"
Watch THIS... and read THIS - "Man Who Wasn't Expected To Walk Is Now An Accomplished Athlete," - then read or reread the FPL post below.
Key line from the above story: "His doctors did not see a good future for him."
Way to go, Doc!
Read on -
Many people have heard of the "placebo effect," and even mainstream medical professionals and scientists have long known of the reality that patients given an ineffective treatment often improve anyway, simply because they expected to get better. About half of American doctors in a new survey say they regularly give unwitting patients placebo treatments - substance-free pills and fake pseudo-surgery procedures - that shouldn't technically help their condition, but in fact do help.
Okay, stop, breathe and listen to it again: patients given a fake or ineffective treatment often improve anyway, simply because they expect to get better.
Key line from the above story: "His doctors did not see a good future for him."
Way to go, Doc!
Read on -
Many people have heard of the "placebo effect," and even mainstream medical professionals and scientists have long known of the reality that patients given an ineffective treatment often improve anyway, simply because they expected to get better. About half of American doctors in a new survey say they regularly give unwitting patients placebo treatments - substance-free pills and fake pseudo-surgery procedures - that shouldn't technically help their condition, but in fact do help.
Okay, stop, breathe and listen to it again: patients given a fake or ineffective treatment often improve anyway, simply because they expect to get better.
This is one of the truths about everything that changes everything. Right? I mean, it's really the most simple deductive reasoning. If a person's belief in something - a water pill, fake surgery, praying, whatever, or simply believing in a particular doctor's ability to heal you - can actually cause cells and molecules to rearrange themselves, then we have hard evidence that we create our reality from our beliefs.
Okay... so we must be rapidly switching over from the mechanistic slash, burn and drug approach that health professionals have been using for centuries to a system in which doctors and nurses are trained to work with their patients' beliefs instead, yes?
No. Or at least, not yet. Why not?
Well, partly because the scam of drugs, surgery and radiation is big business and people in those businesses make big bucks off of the many young and baby souls who want to be taken care of by an all-powerful father figure, no matter how abusive or exploitive in reality said big daddy's are.
Secondly, the name of the 3D game we've been playing for millennia here on Earth is: "Shit Happens!" And it's actually quite a "fun" game. You see, in the Shit Happens Game, we never know what's going to occur because we're unconscious of the fact that we're creating our experiences in every moment. On top of which, we have amnesia about our own eternal nature. So, everything we experience is a big and, very often, scary surprise.
"Oh, what do you know? I just inherited a million dollars!" Or... "Wow, the person I have a crush on has a crush on me, too!" Or... "I can't believe my husband cheated on me!" "Oh shit! I just got fired from my job!" "What? I have cancer? How could that be?!"
And so on. One slammin' surprise after another, sometimes happy ones, sometimes not so much, but what a ride! Yeah, life in 3D beats Space Mountain at Disneyworld hands down. Of course, Space Mountain is a perfect representation of 3rd dimensional consciousness - who knows if that roller coaster is going to go off the rails this time or not?! Woohoo!!
So, yes, the placebo effect is real. We create our health or dis-ease from our beliefs. And yes, you could become a conscious creator of the events in your life, knowingly deciding and manifesting what you would like to experience each moment of each day. But, you say, what would be the excitement or the challenge in that? Conflict, obstacles, adversaries... overcoming these on a constant basis is what gets us going, right?
Well, I don't know about you, but I'm ready to experience the challenge of deciding in each moment of health and vitality what I would like to create, what I would like to enjoy, what new pleasure I would like to be stimulated by, what new information I'd like to download from the galactic consciousness. I'd like to keep pushing the boundaries of beauty, music, sexuality, abundance and wisdom.
I've been to Space Mountain, folks. Helluva ride, but you know... been there done that. Threw up. Now, I'm taking the 5D challenge, and instead of seeing how many drops and curves I can handle, I'm checking out how much bliss, joy and pleasure I can tolerate.
Read more about the placebo effect HERE.
Read more about the placebo effect HERE.
"When a father gives to his son, both laugh; when a son gives to his father, both cry."
This is an update on a piece from a couple of years ago, before Muhammad Ali, Prince, David Bowie, and many others well-known figures crossed over.
Here's the original piece -
That's right.
I've written and talked a lot about the "Whatever happened to..." phenomenon in 5D in which people whose vibration is significantly lower than yours, and who have no conscious intention of changing, will disappear from your life, either through death, moving away, getting too busy, etc.
I wrote about a statistical report that there were more deaths recorded on Planet Earth in 2012 than in any previous year. A piece in the Huffington Post business section this week reports: "U.S. Population Grows At Slowest Rate Since The Great Depression"
While the business minded might want to see this as an economic cause and effect, and part of some kind of historical cycle, the truth is that in the 5D era, there will organically be less people on Earth, at least on the 5D version of the planet. As some people I work with have experienced this reality in their lives, they are at first a bit disconcerted and fearful:
"Who am I going to talk to?"
"Everyone seems asleep or crazy."
"I'm going to end up being alone."
Not at all. When you clean out a closet of old belongings that no longer suit or fit you, you don't imagine that you will never own anything to go in that closet again, do you? Likewise, while many people you have known and interacted with in 3D may be disappearing, new people that you have "spiritual contracts" with will be appearing. In fact, as you awaken and lift the veil of 3D un-consciousness, you will be amazed at how not alone you are.
Indeed, as the physical population on Earth declines, your awareness of beings not entirely physical or even human will be increasing.
Ready or not (and if you're reading this, you're ready), here we go!
Here's the original piece -
That's right.
I've written and talked a lot about the "Whatever happened to..." phenomenon in 5D in which people whose vibration is significantly lower than yours, and who have no conscious intention of changing, will disappear from your life, either through death, moving away, getting too busy, etc.
I wrote about a statistical report that there were more deaths recorded on Planet Earth in 2012 than in any previous year. A piece in the Huffington Post business section this week reports: "U.S. Population Grows At Slowest Rate Since The Great Depression"
While the business minded might want to see this as an economic cause and effect, and part of some kind of historical cycle, the truth is that in the 5D era, there will organically be less people on Earth, at least on the 5D version of the planet. As some people I work with have experienced this reality in their lives, they are at first a bit disconcerted and fearful:
"Who am I going to talk to?"
"Everyone seems asleep or crazy."
"I'm going to end up being alone."
Not at all. When you clean out a closet of old belongings that no longer suit or fit you, you don't imagine that you will never own anything to go in that closet again, do you? Likewise, while many people you have known and interacted with in 3D may be disappearing, new people that you have "spiritual contracts" with will be appearing. In fact, as you awaken and lift the veil of 3D un-consciousness, you will be amazed at how not alone you are.
Indeed, as the physical population on Earth declines, your awareness of beings not entirely physical or even human will be increasing.
Ready or not (and if you're reading this, you're ready), here we go!
For those of you born 50 years ago or more ("First Wavers"), this will be poignant. Your journey is and has been unique in a way that only other First Wavers will understand. You've been through a lot! As Oneness puts it, you are the "midwives who are assisting with the birthing of a new reality."
For those of you born three or four decades ago ("Second Wavers"), yours has been an observational tour of a changing landscape. You are the curious chroniclers.
For you most recently arrived to Planet Earth ("Third Wavers"), the world to come is yours!
To all of you, enjoy the ride!

This is one of my favorite passages from "Oneness," by Rasha. It speaks to the extraordinary times we are living in, that of humanity making a dimensional shift in consciousness that affects all aspects of life, now and to come.
Here's Oneness:
"Generations to come may speculate on what it was like to be alive in these times. For, your history will allude to conditions that they will not be able to comprehend. The world as you know it will undergo radical transformations in the times to come. And the foundation upon which you have built your understandings of the nature of your reality will have changed so dramatically that one would be apt to question whether it was the same world at all.
Indeed, that is the very nature of the process. For the world as you know it to be is, in fact, dematerializing in the wake of the momentum that is driving all Creation. The changes are taking form in subtle increments. And often one does not even notice that a significant shift has occurred. But, from the perspective of a broader vision, one will be able to look back upon these times with wonderment. And those of you who will have retained your physical form will have fascinating stories to tell as to how these changes came to be.
Younger beings, who will only be able to imagine life under such conditions, will marvel at how such memories are even possible. You, whose very presence will attest to the extent of the journey in consciousness humankind has undertaken, see these days of transformation from a markedly different perspective. For, collectively, you are the midwives who are assisting with the birthing of a new reality. Your willingness to be in physical form during these changes is an act of courage. For, it would have been far easier to wait until the dust had settled and simply manifest into more favorable circumstances.
You, who read these words, are among those who chose to experience the transformational journey in physical form and to have the experience of physical ascension. Future generations will have made preparations for incarnation into a dramatically different world. Their natural inclination to be less reactive reflects the fact that many of these younger beings have a dramatically different vibrational constitution than you do. Their energy fields are not cluttered with unresolved emotional blockages, and life for the young, in general, flows more smoothly than it did for you at their stage of development.
The beings now incarnating into your reality are, themselves, representations of an interim stage in the evolution of the being who will, ultimately, populate your world. Their perceptions seem clearer, at times, than your conditioning permits yours to be. And they are puzzled as to why the older generations seem to struggle with their lives, when they do not appear to manifest so much conflict in theirs.
These beings have incarnated at vibrational levels that are in harmony with the conditions now prevalent in your world, whereas, you incarnated at vibrational levels from which your reality has ascended. In keeping up with the pace of those changes, you have systematically shed the layers of density that were designed to keep you grounded at levels you have transcended. And for you, the process will be ongoing, as long as you retain your present physical form.
In the process, you are able to confront and release the karmic constraints that contribute to that vibrational density. And your conscious awareness of that process was the opportunity for which you chose this physical incarnation. The beings who will be incarnating in human form in the times soon to come will have a natural affinity for the world of nature. They will be able to communicate easily with the other life forms that populate your reality, and their easy interaction with these other forms of intelligence will set the stage for the air of peace and harmony that will prevail. That harmonization is characteristic of an orientation based on a sense of Oneness, not only with one’s fellow human beings, but with all life. The beings now in their physical infancy will exhibit abilities that would have been considered most unusual, not long ago. These beings are incarnating fully equipped to cope in a world that neither you nor they have seen, as yet."
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