I've been a regular advocate of journal writing for many years. I included a section about it in my FPL book (Chapter 10, Part IV: "The Pen (Keyboard) is Mightier than the Sword (Pathology)."
From FPL:
Going all the way back to what we think of as prehistoric times, human beings have found meaning in drawing and writing, along with other forms of expressive art, such as painting, sculpting and creating music through crafted instruments and, of course, the human voice. These modes of self-expression, however, are much more than just recreational, not that recreating through creating (or creating through recreating) isn’t a worthy endeavor.
As an adjunctive practice to other bottom up processes in the tool box, I’ll often prescribe journal writing to those I see for therapy. Sometimes, this prescription is in the free-form style of the “morning pages” regimen, made famous by Julia Cameron, author of “The Writer’s Way;” I will also suggest journaling in a way that serves as a kind of follow-up to therapy sessions, particularly the chronicling of surfacing memories, dreams, thoughts and feelings stimulated by the sessions, and occasionally, I’ll propose take-home exercises

This is from an article in today's Daily Beast: How the Ancient Romans Dealt with Anxiety


Okay, here we are, the beginning of a new year. Heart-attack season is finally over - yes, I actually heard yet another story of someone having a surprise heart attack on Christmas Eve - and so, some of us will get back to the business of hunkering back down into the distractions of our lives, not looking behind or ahead for wisdom or guidance, just being glad or sad or both that "THE HOLIDAYS" are over. Some of us will attempt to review and gain wisdom from the events of the past year, and set new intentions for the coming year. That's a viable approach, as well.

But I must admit, I love the fact that so many people have heart attacks on Christmas Eve. It's so specific and unambiguous in its message. It shows us that energy matters, that love is a real force, and if your emotional heart isn't open to that energy, when a surge of it arrives, as it often does at this time of year, your physical heart can break as well, along with your emotional heart.

The heart attacks also show that we're not alone. The Universe/our own Higher Selves/All That Is - however you identify that force - let's us know through our crises that we are being guided, that we are on a path. When we veer off that path, or resist moving forward on it, we get slammed. Sometimes hard. It can seem almost that the Universe is ruthless, or that the "wrath of God" is, in fact, wrath. But while that's a judgment of pain and suffering that may be common, it actually isn't natural. Animals in nature, without any egos in the way, accept pain and suffering as guidance, and alter their behavior accordingly. Only humans tend to see a crisis as "punishment" or "bad luck," or something to wring our hands about, but not necessarily use for change.

The fact that we are guided, though, doesn't mean that our lives are being manipulated or that our fate is predetermined in some rigid way. That's the age old "mystery" some religions talk about - how God's will is always being done, yet we simultaneously have free will to do anything we choose. It seems like a paradox or a Zen riddle.

Well, here's how I picture it for myself: if the force of life, my soul force, the Will of All That Is, is a powerful river that I'm in, I, the swimmer, can choose to swim against the current or with the current at any given moment, exerting my free will. But an observer on the bank of the river will plainly see that regardless of my efforts, the current is carrying me downstream. If I insist on resisting the flow, and keep swimming against the current, I will certainly become exhausted, and maybe even die like many spawning salmon do. On the other hand, if I join with the current, surrender to the flow, I will move much more easily and faster on my path.

Surrendering is an act of free will, too. It is active, not passive. It is not submitting, nor a weakness to give up the stubborn clinging to habitual ways of behaving and thinking. It is an ego-less way of moving through life.

Here is an exercise, what I call a "Five Senses Meditation," to try this year: the next time your leave your house, instead of staying in your ego-mind and mapping out your moves and calculating in advance your arrival to your destination in your head, simply start walking, and only pay attention to your five senses - to what you see, hear, taste, smell and touch. You'll be amazed, I promise you, because while you're discovering a wonderful world of sights and sounds and sensory experiences, you will still get to where you're going, you will arrive at your destination, but filled up with the gift that is life when we don't try and control it.

I'm sure there is an evolutionary purpose to the salmon swimming upstream, so it must work for them. But perhaps, as we begin anew this January 1st, you might consider whether or not you want to be a salmon this year. Happy New Year!


Jacob Marley to Mitch McConnell on his deathbed?

Marley: "I wear the chain I forged in life! I made it link by link and yard by yard! I girded it of my own free will and by my own free will, I wore it! In life, my spirit never rose beyond the limits of my money-grabbing decisions like your Citizens United ruling! Now I am doomed to wander without rest or peace, incessant torture and remorse!

McConnell: But it was only that you were a good man of business, Jacob!

Marley: BUSINESS?! Mankind was my business! The common welfare was my business; charity, mercy, forbearance, benevolence, were all my business. The dealings of my legal trade were but a drop of water in the comprehensive ocean of my business!

McConnell: Why do you lament?

Marley: Because I seek to intervene for good in human matters, and have lost my power forever.

McConnell: Huh.

Marley: Ahh, you have no idea the length and breadth of the ponderous chain you yourself bear.

McConnell: Oh. Shit!


This beautiful passage is from an interview in the latest issue of Spirituality & Health Magazine (Said issue is also currently hosting a review of my book, Full Permission Living here: https://spiritualityhealth.com/gift…/2018-holiday-gift-guide


Here's Marianne Williamson:

"The spiritual renaissance can never be monopolized by any particular corner of the world, or any group or any religion, because it emerges from deep within the human heart. It’s the evolutionary impulse of our age. It’s a global and universal phenomenon. This Renaissance is real and it has not stopped; it’s just that it’s growth and, like all growth, it’s messy. I think it’s actually a sign of how successful and powerful it is that the forces of separateness and fear are putting up such resistance.
"Love brings up everything unlike itself, not only in our individual lives, but in the collective.
"We are living through what appears to be the death throes of an old paradigm. One world is passing away, and it’s completely up to us what world will be born now. The contest has begun, struggle has ensued, and the choice is ours: Which direction will humanity take from here?"

Here's the review of Full Permission Living:

Peter Loffredo’s book Full Permission Living is an interesting account of the journey from 3rd to 5th dimensional consciousness. From the preface: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that linear time, impenetrable matter, separation, limitation, aging, illness, and death are all illusions, that there are no coincidences, only synchronicities, that you create your own reality from your beliefs, that you exist, you always have and you always will, we are all one…” He goes on to say that love is the basis of “All That Is” and every line of reality you can imagine exists.

This play on the Declaration of Independence summarizes the book’s sentiment throughout. FPL is a guide book for self-improvement great for anybody in a therapist role working with clients, but it is also great for those individuals who are seekers. If you want to change towards happiness, this book will help you do so. But you have to work at it.

Written from the perspective of a psychotherapist, this book delves into aspects of psychology that might appeal to the individual learner. He discusses five character structures: schizoid, oral, masochistic, psychopathic, and rigid, and their psychological functions and therapeutic approaches along with more interesting information. If you like learning about psychology, and definitely different perspectives on it, give this book a read.

Among the different topics of the book is a part of the book called “The Run Up to 5D.” Loffredo gives us an analogy of a plane taking off to describe the third, fourth, and fifth dimensions. The plane sitting there before it takes off is the third dimension, but when the plane starts moving really fast just before take-off, that is the run-up to 5D or the fourth dimension. The fifth dimension is the plane flying in the air, where we will reach full consciousness.

Loffredo on 5D: “Spontaneous remission of illness? Miraculous healing of a disease overnight? Regrowth of tissue and limbs? No longer even experiencing illness or disease or dismemberment in the first place?...” He goes on: “This is not fantasy, folks. This is the way that many, many entities, races and species, humanoid and not, in physical form and not, already live throughout our galaxy and the universe.”

With topics such as character structures, gut feelings, and the placebo effect, this will appeal to the learner. With topics devoted to consciousness and the fifth dimension, the spiritual seeker will definitely also learn from this book. In addition, the psychotherapist can learn about Loffredo’s approach to breaking character structures and finding happiness and consciousness.

Here's the link to buy the book: https://www.amazon.com/Full-Permission-Living-Dimensional-Consciousness/dp/1721563326/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1531048863&sr=1-1&keywords=full+permission+living


Someone referred me to an article, "Why Generation Y Yuppies Are Unhappy," on a blog whose name I love: "wait but why." The piece mainly describes what the author (whose name I couldn't find) feels is the root of the problem: unrealistic expectations on the part of GenY-ers (Those born between the late 70's and mid-90's).

The theory presented basically purports that the latter day post-hippie then prosperous Baby Boom generation spawned a generation of entitled narcissists - their kids - who expect everything in their fantasy life to come true, but don't want to work for it. - at all. This is a current and very popular idea, and sociologically, holds some merit. But it is also superficial and a generalization, of course, as all 3D theories must be.

I'm sure the FPL reader who sent me the link did so because she knows that a focus of the work that I do with people includes guidance to rid oneself of not just unrealistic expectations, but of all expectations.

Here's Eckhart Tolle:

"Today I’m going to suggest a small change in mindset that could change your life. I won’t keep you in suspense. Here it is: think of nothing that happens as either good or bad. Stop judging, and stop expecting. It’s a tiny change — all you have to do is say, ‘That wasn’t good or bad, it just happened, it just is.’ It’s tiny, but it takes practice, and amazingly, it can knock you on your ass. Why? Because with this little change, you will no longer be swayed up and down depending on whether good things or bad things happen to you, whether people (and their actions) are good or bad. You will learn to accept things as they are, and move within that landscape mindfully. You will no longer expect good things to happen (or bad things), but will just take things as they come, and be content with whatever comes. This means you’ll no longer be disappointed, or unhappy. The second half of this change is just as small, but just as important: dropping expectations. Not lowering expectations, but eliminating them."

Really? No expectations, Eckhart? Wouldn't that lead to complacency? Lethargy? Boredom? If we didn't have high hopes for things, didn't have goals, a focus on outcomes, what would motivate us to do anything?

I'm glad I asked.

As a screenwriter by avocation (at least so far), I've have heard from many fellow writers, producers, actors, etc., that every good screenplay has conflict in it. In fact, I have been told, that every scene in every good screenplay must have conflict in it. There must always be "tension," the conventional wisdom goes, something for the hero to overcome, face, defeat or defy, in order for a story to be interesting. Many people feel that this is also the key to an interesting, exciting life, as well, and so, they are always creating barriers, crises and limitations to break through in their daily lives. What fun!

Nonetheless, I have wondered, what might be interesting about a story or a life that didn't have conflict as its motivating force? If there weren't obstacles to overcome, if there were no victories to be won by defeating someone or something outside or even inside of ourselves, if there were no resistance, what would make life exciting?



That's right. Creating.

The main thing we do from the highest levels of our being is create... and then, experience what we create... and then, create some more. Endless creation. That is essentially the main activity of All That Is. Seems pretty exciting to me.

So, back to the question of where would motivation come from?

Motivation would come from desire and inspiration. Desire and inspiration come directly from our Higher Selves. They are the initial stirrings of creation in a physical body in a linear time continuum. (In non-physical form, desire, inspiration and creation, as well as experiencing, would occur simultaneously.) And make no mistake, our desires and inspirations are not random or whimsical, but rather, they are messages about what our Higher Self would like to create through us. And folks, yes, our desires are meant to be fulfilled. Really.

The process looks like this: desire and inspiration come from our Higher Self. This stirs the imagination. Our task at that point is to play with images and visions of the fulfillment of the desires through creative expression. Then, through this playing process, we will attract opportunities and find paths for action in the physical world to actualize our desire.

So, where do expectations fit in.. or not fit in?

First of all, you can only have expectations if you are not focused in the moment. Expectations are always about a future outcome that the lower self mind and ego believes is best, and said pictured outcome is often rooted in the idea of undoing or overcoming a less-than-satisfying past. This is a constipated creative process at best.

Secondly, expectations, as a function of the lower self mind and ego, are inherently limited to what the lower self mind and ego can conceive of. And that mean no "miracles," no serendipity, no quantum leaps, just the... expected.

So, folks, whatever generation you're from, let go of your judgments and expectations, tune into your desires, use your imagination and create. No need for conflict or obstacles or antagonists in your story. Unless of course that's what you desire.

Comment Lao Tzu?

“When people see some things as beautiful, other things become ugly.
When people see some things as good, other things become bad.”

Thanks, LT.

The Physics Behind Creating Your Own Reality - by Dr. Joe Dispenza

“All potentials that exist in the quantum field exist in the present moment, and all exist as potentials electromagnetically. Our job is to change our energy to match those potentials that already exist in the quantum field.

"There’s a potential for you to be healthy; there’s a potential for you to be wealthy; there’s a potential for you have a mystical experience. Thoughts are the language of the brain and feelings are the language of the body, and how you think and how you feel create a state of being. We also know that when you change how you think and how you feel, you broadcast a whole new electromagnetic signature into the field.

"So if you can come out of some of those limited emotions that have to do with stress, anger, aggression, sadness, or pain, unworthiness, insecurity or shame, or fear and anxiety, changing your emotional state means you’re changing your energy. Therefore, if the state of being called abundance as a potential in the quantum field is already there, you have to begin to change your state of being to match what abundance feels like. You can combine a clear intention with an elevated emotion and you’ll be moving into a new state of being.”


Over recent years, I've posted information that linked to studies and articles indicating that ample exposure to the sun, taking frequent naps, eating beans and bacon regularly, drinking alcohol and coffee moderately, and having plenty of orgasmic sex were all good for your health and longevity.

Much of this information runs counter to "conventional wisdom" (an oxymoron, in and of itself), but that's not exactly my point here. My point, posed as a question is - what do bacon and sunshine, beans and sex, drinking and napping have in common that make then beneficial to our well-being?

The answer is... nothing. That's right. Nothing. Sort of.

Okay, so let me explain.

Consciousness creates everything, and everything is made from the same particles and waves of energy. Quantum physicists have known this for decades. Mystics have known it for millennia. So, essentially, the bacon and beans you're eating, or the couch you're sitting on, or the Uber car you're riding in, or the hair on your head are all made of the same stuff, and that stuff is given form and "meaning" according to the dictates of your consciousness. At the physical level, that means your thoughts and beliefs, and the emotions they stimulate you to feel, create your reality. (As Dr. Joe Dispenza puts it: "Thoughts are electric and emotions are magnetic," and together, they form physical matter.)

Therefore, what you eat, what you have, what you do affects you positively or negatively only in accordance with your beliefs and feelings about what you eat, what you have, and what you do. It's another variation on the "placebo effect," which I've written about extensively on this blog, or what "Bashar" refers to as "permission slips."

In other words, if you believe that something is good for you, (truly believe, by the way, not ambivalently believe) then it will be good for you. So, the "magic" is not in the bacon or naps, but in you, in your thoughts.

Get it?

Okay, well, there's one caveat - some things are created from negative intentions and/or fear. Processed foods, most drugs, inhumanely raised animals for consumption, weapons, etc., are all created for the purposes of greed and wanton material gain, without empathy or conscience, often laced with paranoia. Therefore, since we're all part of a collective consciousness, you will be effected negatively by these things if you blindly consume or use them without first transforming their negatively charged particles with healing thoughts and a focus which, frankly, takes a lot of energy. That is why most conscious people in these days of ascension prefer to eat organic, fresh and humanely raised food, prefer not to have assault rifles in their homes, or take the prescription drugs offered by doctors and drug companies. It takes too much work to reverse their low-vibrating energy fields. Better, and easier, to buy, own, and consume things made consciously with love and light.

So, be it bacon or beans, coffee or bourbon, naps or sex, everything is what you say it is, folks. Everything.

So, off I go to have another espresso.

Have a great day!  


From "Desiderata": "If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself."


Saw "Jurassic World" yesterday, an irresistible adrenaline rush, for sure (and btw, I'm definitely a fan of Jeff Goldblum's arrogant schizoid ramblings), but what struck me about the movie, and all of the Jurassic series, and in fact like this article illuminates, many movies recently that pit humans against non-humans, is that the humans are the bad guys!

What's going on?

Well, as part of the run-up to 5D (i.e. - 4D), we are exposing and confronting our lower selves, not out of a masochistic impulse toward self-flagellation, punishment or penance, but for the purpose of clearing and cleansing ourselves, be it from specie-ism, racism or sexism, or from infantile (Baby Soul) wishes that there would be parental gods (otherwise known as politicians, priests, doctors, CEOs) that will help us magically overcome our feelings of inferiority with delusions of grandiosity.
Fear not. Our evolution in consciousness is well underway and inevitably proceeding at warp speed toward 5D consciousness.

This won't all end in mass extinction, but my hunch is that those old dinosaur souls won't be coming back to Planet Earth anytime soon.


In a somewhat satirical piece entitled, "THE SUBTLE ART OF NOT GIVING A FUCK," one Mark Manson is actually serious in his intent, and onto something of importance. In fact, several months ago, I was advising people to use as a mantra the phrase, "I don't give a fuck!" in the face of anything that presented itself as an obstacle or irritation in their life. Not with anger or emotional charge, mind you, but rather with as much detachment as possible.

Now, obviously, like Mark, I'm employing some colorful language for effect, but the principle underlying the device is key in the self-actualization process. In fact, whenever anyone asks me what the main goals of my therapy practice are, I often answer this way:

"Three main goals: 1. surface your unconscious beliefs, thoughts and impulses; 2. connect to your feelings and emotions in your body; and 3. arrive to a place where you don't care what anyone thinks about you."

Ironically, as much work as 1. and 2. require, it's number 3. that most people find the most challenging.


Well, in the 3D games of limitation, linear time, duality and separation, everyone is seen as starkly "other" than oneself. There isn't any conscious sense of the true oneness that connects all beings. So, love, support, validation, attention, etc., are all things that must be gotten from another. At least that's how it seems. And so, individuals attempt to alter and contort themselves to please, manipulate or control others with a masked version of themselves. This is the source of much dysfunction, which was rampant in 3D.

So, the arrival to the place of not "giving a fuck" is actually the place of knowing that you are one with everyone, and there is, therefore, never a requirement to be other than oneself in order to attain fulfillment. No need to try to get anything through manipulation of the self or others.

Here are Mark's "Three Subtleties" of not giving a fuck:

"Subtlety #1: Not giving a fuck does not mean being indifferent; it means being comfortable with being different;"

"Subtlety #2: To not give a fuck about adversity, you must first give a fuck about something more important than adversity;"

"Subtlety #3: We all have a limited number of fucks to give; pay attention to where and who you give them to."

You can read the rest of Mark's piece HERE.

Reality Doesn’t Exist If You Are Not Looking at It!

Mind-blowing Experiment Confirms That Reality Doesn’t Exist If You Are Not Looking at It


This is science, folks! 

In my upcoming book, "FULL PERMISSION LIVING: THE JOURNEY FROM 3RD TO 5TH DIMENSIONAL REALITY," this science is covered as part of the "Run-up to 5D," which is where we're at right now (also known as "4D"). Consciousness has always directed matter and created what we experience as reality, but now, we are waking up to that truth. What a time to be on Planet Earth, huh?!


"Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them,
but seek not to make them like you.
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.
You are the bows from which your children
as living arrows are sent forth.
The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite,
and He bends you with His might
that His arrows may go swift and far.
Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness;
For even as He loves the arrow that flies,
so He loves also the bow that is stable."

Kahlil Gibran


"Generativity is primarily the interest in establishing and guiding the next generation, although there are people who, because of special gifts in other directions, do not apply this drive to having offspring, but to engaging in other forms of altruistic concern and creativity which may absorb their kind of "parental" responsibility. This is a stage of growth of the healthy adult personality, and where such enrichment fails, regression from generativity to an obsessive need for pseudo intimacy takes place, often with a pervading sense of stagnation and interpersonal impoverishment. The mere fact of having, or even wanting children does not itself attest to generativity."
Erik Erikson

I have often reposted that Erikson quote, written in the last century, because it is so relevant to our time in the 21st Century and to the vibrational rise up to 5D that's been occurring since the end of 2012. 

More than ever, First and Second Wave people are choosing not to have biological children, and even those who do choose to have offspring are having fewer of them, and at a later age. In fact, so-called "Millennials" are having fewer children than any other generation... ever! And while 3D-minded social scientists and statisticians scramble to explain the historic decline in the birth rate through the lens of old school theories, the truth is... this is great and timely news!

What Mother Earth does not need during this time is more physical bodies, but rather, she needs for those already here to become more enlightened, self-actualized and engaged in generativity fully. 

As someone who has been privileged to participate in the process of hundreds of people awakening and journeying toward higher consciousness, I have witnessed more and more people coming to work on themselves with an intensity and focus that could not be maintained easily while engaged in the 20-year full-time job of parenting a child. So, most have chosen to forego the role, which for centuries was a societal requirement for a woman. I salute you and wish you a Happy Mothers Day! I also salute those rare individuals who are giving it a go, having physical children while pursuing their self-actualization in earnest. 

On this Mothers Day, 2018, I honor all of you, all the mothers giving back to life, even the ones dressed in the illusion of male bodies!

Happy Mother's Day!


I'm back! 

From a sojourn in solitude, a journey into my self - emotionally, spiritually and creatively. I spent the month of February in The Bahamas, Freeport specifically, basking in the warm sun, bathing in the clear, aqua sea, and writing a book. I was alone for the first three weeks, and it was a revelation in that I revealed myself to myself without the comforts of sharing space and interacting directly with loved ones.

I walked and meditated on the beach first thing in the morning, swam several times a day, and talked to myself out loud in my journal using voice dictation (My MacBook Air became for me what "Wilson," the soccer ball, was for Tom Hanks in "Castaway!"). I got close to the sound of my own breathing. I also laughed out loud, especially when I found myself saying: "I'm tan, in a bathing suit and tank top, walking on the beach in water so clear I can see my feet many yards out... and it's February!" When I returned home to Brooklyn, and several snowstorms that apparently had been waiting for me, I laughed again. "Ha! You think I care about snow? I'M TAN!!"

Below is a piece I wrote year or two ago (See the above title), and here is a link to another one, entitled, "WANT A BETTER RELATIONSHIP? ENJOY SOME SOLITUDE!" In that post, I talked about the importance, not only for creative purposes, but for the betterment of one's relationships, and life in general, of spending "quality time" alone. 

Well, in this run-up to 5D, making the choice to have a good amount of solitude in your life has risen to the level of an imperative. As one's vibrational frequency rises, which is occurring in general to everyone, but at an accelerated rate for those who've awakened and are actively pursuing their path through the ascension process, it becomes increasingly necessary to protect one's personal energy field from vibrations of a lower frequency. In other words, you can't hang out with friends, family members, colleagues, etc., whose vibration is lower than yours, without feeling some negative effects. And right now, those effects are manifesting at a faster and faster rate.

I am hearing more and more from the awakened people I work with and who read this blog that they are finding more and more people, places and situations intolerable.

Here's a passage from an amazing book, ONENESS, by Rasha:

"The tendency to distance oneself helps to create a vibrational buffer and is a self-protective mechanism that one adopts instinctively. For, until you become adept at stabilizing the accelerating levels of vibration, you are susceptible to the variations in vibrational frequency with which you are surrounded and the extremes of experience that can result. One becomes acutely aware of the effects of certain environments and certain individuals upon one’s manifestation of life experience. And one begins to make choices that others may consider radical. One often becomes ruthless in the curtailing of associations and activities that no longer serve one’s highest interests.The tendency becomes increasingly that of choosing aloneness over the companionship of others that had always been taken for granted as a way of life. One comes to regard one’s own company as profoundly gratifying, and the time one chooses to spend interacting with others begins to diminish. One becomes attuned to one’s own inner world and is drawn to withdrawing to that space at every opportunity.”
Whoa, PL! Are you saying that I shouldn't go to my family's for Thanksgiving next year? That I should quit my job? Ditch my old college friends? Not ride the subways?!

Well... yes. And no. 

The yes is this - 

If you attempt to lower your own vibration in order to maintain a relationship or spend significant amounts of time in an environment that's not up to where you're at consciousness-wise, you're going to feel out of balance and toxic. At a certain point, you will have no choice but to distance yourself from that person, place or thing, or invite a crisis. Thus, the growing phenomenon this past November to celebrate "Friendsgiving" -  Thanksgiving with friends instead of family.

The no is implied in this sentence from Oneness above -

"For, until you become adept at stabilizing the accelerating levels of vibration, you are susceptible to the variations in vibrational frequency with which you are surrounded and the extremes of experience that can result."

In other words, the need to be "ruthless" in distancing yourself from others with low vibrations is temporary. Once you become stabilized in your ascension process, and are no longer relating to others as other than reflections of you, you will be able to go anywhere and be with anyone without your level of vibration or consciousness being affected. Most likely, however, you will only choose to do so as a teacher or guide.

For now, though, most of you who are in a transitional phase of your process, will have to take measures to protect your energy field. So, besides staying home alone or living in the woods, what does that look like? 

It looks like this -  whenever you choose to mingle with a variety of vibrations, you take a few minutes through breath and meditation (in advance is best) to first clear your own field of any low vibrations, and fill it up with the highest frequency of love and light possible. Then, you do the same thing for the vortex and field of energy you're entering, clearing out the negative, low vibes and filling up the room and the energy fields of the people around you with higher vibes. [NOTE: If you're able to at least consider that everyone is a reflection of a part of you, it will help with the process.]

You can do this, folks. And the results will be nearly instantaneous if you're sincere. 

Of course, the results will also be nearly instantaneous if you don't do this.

Here's an example - 

Earlier this year, I was heading to a gathering in my car, to a situation that I knew was going to be filled with low vibrations. I neglected to take those few minutes to clear and protect my field, etc., and - no joke - I pull into the driveway at the home of said gathering... and my car catches on fire! I instantaneously realized what I'd forgotten to do.  

Turns out it was just a hot bulb that had come loose and fell on some plastic, creating a lot of smoke, but I gratefully accepted the reminder and did my inner work before I went into the house. And I've never forgotten since. Whew!


Character structures are sets of defenses that we create in early childhood that affect us deeply for much of our lives. Every aspect of a person's physical/personality self is affected by character structure - mind, body and emotions. We create them to survive the slings and arrows of our imperfect childhoods with imperfect parents, but like the cocoon of a caterpillar, when we are ready to become self-actualized adults, we must shed them, "break through" our character structures. Not easy. It requires help. But there's no end run around it. The good news is that underneath it all is a Higher Self with great capacities and gifts to give to life.

This new delineation of what I'm calling the "primal sexual imperatives" of the character structures is meant to serve as an addendum to the full descriptions of the character structures found HERE on the Full Permission Living blog, taken from the 5 classes I teach on the subject.

Each character structure has a set of embedded directives meant to divert, distort or inhibit our powerful natural urges for self-expression, in order to keep the ego in control of our thoughts, feelings and actions. What follows, then, are what the ego, unable to eliminate sexual urges and desires altogether, though it would if it could, seeks to manipulate and use sex for.

Schizoid Character Structure: Sex for Control

To the schizoid ego, the free flow of energy through the body, is a major perceived threat, an existential threat. "Life is hazardous to my life" is a core negative belief held by the person with this structure. Literally fearing disintegration and annihilation of the self if the life force isn't controlled and/or cut-off, this person co-opts sexual energy and uses any participation in sexual acts for the purpose of controlling that energy and ultimately the body itself.

Oral Character Structure: Sex for Nurturance

Although the person with this character structure isn't terrified of or cut-off from the life force and sexual energy within them, they are undercharged energetically as a result of living through an early history of deprivation or enmeshment with the primary caretaker of early childhood, and so, they live in an inner world of lack, deprivation and need. "There isn't enough" is the core negative belief adhered to here, and the sex act is seen as a possible way to get "filled up," nurtured, unconditionally loved. Orgasms are not highly charged, and secondary to the wish to be taken care of, which is the main purpose of sex for the oral character.

Masochistic Character Structure: Sex for Release

Charged with plenty of energy, including sexually, but judging and suppressing it and "packing it in" the muscles of the body, this CS desperately seeks release through sex, often compulsively so. "If I let my feelings out, I'll will create a big mess, but if I don't, I'll explode!" Says the masochistic ego, supporting the claim with another 
core negative primal belief in one's own "badness." Battling with the need for release versus the efforts to suppress it, orgasms, just like bowel movements, are pushed out with force against the clenched muscles.

Psychopathic Character Structure: Sex for Power

While the schizoid CS seeks control of its own body and energy, the psychopathic CS seeks to exert power over others. Lacking the capacity for basic trust and true empathy, the person with this CS believes others are always seeking the upper hand through lies and manipulation, so one can truly be trusted. Thus, the core negative primal belief goes something like this: "I must always be right, must never submit or surrender to the will of others, must dominate and seduce others to control them, by any means necessary." A true chameleon, a psychopathic character will appear to be whoever and whatever you wish, including a 
sexually skilled, tireless, attentive lover. In fact, this CS allows for very little genuine physical pleasure, due to the defense mechanism of numbing, so in spite of dramatic displays to the contrary, sex is a bleak experience to the person with this CS.

Rigid Character Structure: Sex for Validation

Considered the only "genital" character of the five major character structures, this person is bioenergetically fully functioning sexually. Orgasm and sexual pleasure are fully charged and accessible in the body, flowing freely, but... there is a caveat - the pleasurable experience is laced with an ego need for validation. The need to be seen as beautiful, talented, smart, fit, young, etc., the list goes on, along with the defining of every situation as a performance, all of that is funneled into sexual interactions with others who must also serve to validate the rigid CS by their high levels of performance and admired attributes. The the core negative primal belief: "I must always look good, appear together and be highly valued and praised for my accomplishments by significant others, who must also look good, appear together and be highly valued and praised for their accomplishments."


Many FPL readers are versed in the five basic Character Structures, those sets of defense mechanisms, beliefs, body distortions, attitudes and inhibitions that form the cocoon within which we strive to survive the slings and arrows of childhood, while living under the influence of un-self-actualized parents, living in an un-actualized culture.

Dismantling one's character structure aspects is an essential part of a self-work process that seeks to free the "caterpillar" that grows up to become the "butterfly" from the cocoon of one's character structure.

But exactly who and what is the butterfly that we can become in adulthood?

It is essentially the Adult Self expressing in human form what is called the Higher Self, or the True Self. It is the essential energy and essence from which each character structure is formed. It is the you that was always there, no matter how hidden from view by your personality distortions. It is the you that you are becoming aligned with. And every Higher Self is exactly that - the highest vibration of you as an incarnate being that you can be.

So... below, extracted from the Character Structure charts, are the Higher Self aspects of each character structure for your perusal.

Enjoy seeing yourself as you really are!


Strong connection to and awareness of the profoundly spiritual nature of life;

Access to vast universal wisdom and the capacity to teach others how to make the connection to that wisdom;

Great courage and fearlessness to connect with feelings;

Great capacity to create and appreciate beauty, including through artistic abilities.


Great capacity to give to others in a deeply nurturing, truly healing way;

An appreciation for the vastly abundant nature of existence and the joy of sharing;

Genuine independence, autonomy and self-confidence with full capacity to surrender to the oneness with another;

Powerful intuitive abilities and the capacity to follow insights through to fruition by sustained, patient effort.


Great capacities for pleasure, humor, optimism, playfulness and joy;

Genuine supportiveness, strength and desire to be of service to others;

An expansive, open heart with deep compassion, true kindness and understanding;

Positive assertiveness and healthy aggression with substantial amounts of energy;

Ability to be spontaneously creative in the moment, surrender ego control and trust the natural order in all things;


Great leadership and executive qualities and capacities to bring people with differences together in a harmonious effort;

Strong abilities to guide and inspire others to accomplish their chosen tasks in life and see their own specialness without competitiveness or separation;

True innovators and adventurers able to travel “the road not taken”, or “to boldly go where no one has gone before”, without recklessness or excess;

A genuine seeker of truth, with genuine humility, honesty, loyalty and unwavering integrity;

A truly big heart full of love and fearlessness to surrender to the flow of feelings, life and the Higher Self.


Tremendous passion and connection to the sensuality of human relationships, with a true appreciation for and capacity to express the wonder of coming together physically in love with another;

Great capacity to let go and surrender to the flow of love, to fall in love with life and with others;

Genuine capacities to make and sustain commitments;

Strong organizational skills combined with flexibility, patience and acceptance of new approaches to situations;

A deep appreciation for the beauty of physical life, and sensibilities to integrate the elements of form to create beauty.


Are you still having money problems? Relationship difficulties? Conflicts in your work-life? Blocks in your creative expression? Health issues? Anger? Depression? Anxiety? Or do you know people - friends, family members, colleagues - who are still in the grip of chronic suffering?

If you've been following the FPL posts on 5D,  you may be wondering why it seems that Murphy's Law ("Everything that can go wrong, will go wrong.") seems to still be in effect in your life, or in the lives of your significant others, when, in fact, as I have written, Murphy's Law has been reversed ("Everything that can go right, will go right, if you let it.").

Well, here's an explanation.

What has been referred to here on FPL, and in many other metaphysical, spiritual and conscious teachings, as "5D" (5th Dimensional Consciousness or Vibration) is not simply an idea or a perspective. For all intents and purposes, 5D is more like a placeSpecifically, 5D is a dimension, which, like all dimensions, has its own set of rules and operating systems. 

At the beginning of 2013, I outlined what those rules were in my post: "IT'S 2013! WHICH EARTH ARE YOU ON?!" 

The rules are: 

1. Murphy's Law is officially reversed. 
2. Creating your reality from your emotions and your ego is obsolete. 
3. Time isn't really real. 
4. The past is no longer prologue.  

For more detail about these new rules, go HERE.

In addition, in a related recent post, "THE POWER OF DOING NOTHING...POWERFULLY!", I outlined the new steps for creating your preferred reality:

Clear - Intend - Let go - Follow-up.

Clear your consciousness of the remnants of 3D, egoic thinking and beliefs and suppressed feelings in the body;
Intend for yourself in your meditations whatever it is you truly desire, and imagine it happening;
Let go by employing the energy of allowing and receiving, without expectations or fear;
Follow-up with action when your Higher Self and the Universe give you signs and create opportunities for you.

Read more on this process HERE.

So, why are you still struggling? 

Because you may still be trying to follow the old, 3D rules - dualism, linear time and limitation - in a dimension where those rules don't apply. And furthermore, those old rules were within the purview of the ego, but in the run-up to 5D, the ego holds no authority.

The ego, using the intellect, seeks to control our experience of reality by manipulating our emotions and focusing our thoughts on the past and future, causing regret and resentment, worry and anxiety. Thus, the ego creates a reality for us that seems to be full of obstacles, conflicts, judgments, limitations and adversaries. What fun! Well, actually, it was... for a while... because that was the old 3D game. To seek victory in the face of defeat, to fight against the odds, which were, of course, stacked against us, to earn our worth through actions, deeds, sacrifices, etc., fearing all along that we could fail and become unworthy once again. 


Yes, in 3D, where strict limitations were in full force and time was rigidly linear, the ego's game was fully supported and could be played fully. But we are not in 3D anymore. You are not in 3D anymore.

In 4D, now, which is where you are if you're reading this, heading to 5D, the game goes more like this: anything's possible and the sky's the limit. 

To repeat: Anything's possible and the sky's the limit.

So, instead of win or lose, succeed or fail, etc., etc., it's just... create, create, create! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! Be, be, be! And everything is what you say it is all the time.

Folks, if you are still battling with yourself or others... stop! The war is over. The old game is over. You are fully supported in your desire to have love, health, prosperity and fun. I promise you, it will be exciting. You won't miss the fight.

And your ego will ultimately be glad to be out of its old, exhausting job, and into retirement. Really. I promise.  

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